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发布时间:2023-12-10 05:20:11

[单选题]( )S1:Are all the crew onboard? S2:They are all onboard except two: the electrician and the purser. The electrician has been sent to hospital because of high fever, and the purser has gone shopping. Q: Where is the electrician?
A.On board
B.In hospital
C.At the store
D.In the supermarket

更多"[单选题]( )S1:Are all the crew on"的相关试题:

[单选题]( )S1:Are all the crew onboard? S2:They are all onboard except two: the electrician and the purser. The electrician has been sent to hospital because of high fever, and the purser has gone shopping. Q: Where is the electrician?
A.On board
B.In hospital
C.At the store
D.In the supermarket
[单选题]S1:Captain, you needn’t muster your crew for inspection, but you need to give a crew list. S2:Sure. Here you are. S1:I’ d like to see everyone passport, please. S2:0K. r ve got themcollected here. S1:Everything seems to be in order. From the crew list I can see that you are carrying a passenger. May I see him now? S2:Certainly. Purser, please call in Mr. Smith. S1: Here I am, sir. S2:Mr. Smith, This is the immigration officer. He would like to ask you a few questions. S1:May I see your passport?S2:Of course. Here itis. S1:I see you have the necessary visa. I’m sure you plan to go shore?S2:Yes, sir. Is there any problem? S1:No problem. T 11issue you a landing card. Remember, you should take this card with you if you go ashore. S2:I will. Thanks, a lot. 1:What did the immigration officer want to see?( )
A. The crew list and the shore passes
B. The crew list and the crew's passports.
C. The crew’s passports and the shore passes.
D. The crew's passports and the mariner’s Handbook.
[单选题]( )S1:Shall I call the crew up on deck? S2: No, you needn’t muster your crew, but you need to get all the Seaman? s Books collected for inspection. Q:What does the first speaker need to do?
A.He needs to muster his crew
B.He needs to sign all the Seaman’s Books
C.He needs to collect all the Seaman’s Books
D.He needs to fill in the form for the Seaman’s Books
[单选题]( )S1:Open it, please. S2:All right. Do I have more than the duty-free allowances? Q: Who is the first speaker most probably?
A.A traveler
B.An immigration officer
C.A customs officer
D.A Captain
[单选题]( )S1:All vessels,all vessels, all vessels. This is Southend Station. MV Blue Sky has lost a person overboard in position 45°15'S, 012°22'E. S2:Southend Station, this is MV Blue Whale. I am proceeding for assistance. ETA at 1230 hours UTC Q:What has happened to MV Blue Sky?
A.She will proceed for assistance
B.She has struck a rock
C.She has a person overboard
D.She has met with heavy weather
[单选题] 两台符合并列条件的变压器T1、T2,其容量分别为S1、S2。已知S1>S2,并列后,当负载逐渐上升时,( )。
A. T1先满载
B. T2先满载
C. T1、T1都满载
D. 无法判断
[单选题]( )S1:Attention, all vessels. Keep clear of the sea area No. 2 buoy, search and rescue in progress. S2: Understood! Q: What is happening in the sea area No. 2 buoy?
A.Salvage operations are going on
B.Fishing vessels are trawling
C.A disabled vessel is entering the fairway
D.A large vessel is getting under way


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