Scholars often seem to operate on the
assumption that any analysis with a rosy outlook simply does not adequately
understand the matter at hand. Ecotourism researchers have not been derelict in
this regard, as the literature review earlier showed. All the researchers who
have looked at Capirona’s project, however, have been impressed by its
grassroots nature and are optimistic about its potential as eco-development
(Colvin 1994; Wesche 1993; Silver 1992). All of these researchers, however, visited the community in its early years of operation. As mentioned previously, recent, non-scholarly reports are less positive. Thus there remains some doubt as to the long-term viability of even such a model of indigenous ecotourism development as Capirona. This study originally proposed to study Capimna’s project, but that community was w A. economic self-reliance. B. income for the local people that is independent of ecotourism. C. ameliorating accessibility. D. all of the above. [判断题]( )运营中的行洪桥涵孔径应能正常通过2/100频率的检定洪水。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某大面积烧伤病人基础代谢量约1500kcal,其伤后每日能量需要量约为()
A. 2000kcal B. 2500kcal C. 3000kcal D. 3500kcal E. 4000kcal [判断题]4.154. 第154题
脉冲电流法测量得到的视在放电量就是真实放电量。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]检验检测结果不合格时,客户要求检验检测机构在报告中增加“意见和解释”的附加服务,“意见和解释”可包括( )。
A.A:履行合同的情况 B.B:样品状态表述 C.C:测量不确定度 D.D:判定结论及改进的建议 [单项选择]内氨基酸代谢的最终产物是()
A. H2O、C2O、NH3 B. H2O、CO、NH3 C. H2O、C2O、NH3、Mg D. H2O、C2O、NH3、Fe E. H2O、C2O、NH3、Cu [多选题]消防应急照明和疏散指示系统检测时发现,应急照明集中电源输出回路故障,可能的原因是( )。
A.输出回路断路、短路 B.输出回路过载保护 C.充电回路断路或短路 D.蓄电池(组)損坏 [判断题]调色时颜色由鲜艳向浑浊调整相对比较容易。P22
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]什么是施工作业?
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