Want a glimpse of the future of health
care Take a look at the way the various networks of people involved in patient
care are being connected to one another, and how this new connectivity is being
exploited to deliver medicine to the patient -- no matter where he or she may
be. Online doctors offering advice based on standardized symptoms are the most obvious example. Increasingly, however, remote diagnosis (telemedicine) will be based on real physiological data from the actual patient. A group from the University of Kentucky has shown that by using an off-the-shelf (现成的) PDA (personal data assistance) such as a Palm Pilot plus a mobile phone, it is perfectly feasible to transmit a patient’s vital signs over the telephone. With this kind of equipment in a first-aid kit, the cry asking whether there was a doctor in the A. It means patients often cried and asked if there was a doctor in the house. B. It means now people will receive help even though there is no doctors on the spot. C. It means patients are now still asking if there is a doctor in the house. D. It means in the past people can often find a doctor near their house. [单选题]煤矿企业、矿井应当建立( )加强与周边相邻矿井的信息沟通,发现矿井水害可能影响相邻矿井时,立即向周边相邻矿井进行预警。
A.灾害防治 B.信息沟通 C.灾害性天气预警和预防机制 [判断题]动车组以外图定回送客车底列车须使用客车列尾装置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 某产妇产后第4天会阴侧切缝线拆除,伤口感染裂开,用高锰酸钾溶液坐浴的最佳时机是(0分)
A.产后第14天开始 B.产后2-4天开始 C.产后第1天开始 D.产后7-10天开始 E.产后第28天开始 [单选题]重大物件不得直接用肩扛运,雨、雪后抬运物件时应有( )。
A.A-防范措施 B.B-防滑措施 C.C-安全措施 D.D-防冻措施 [单选题]对胰岛功能完全丧失者,降血糖药中无效的是 ( )
A.阿卡波糖 B.甲福明 C.优降糖 D.正规胰岛素 [单选题]21.根据意识障碍的程度分类下列哪项不是
A..休克 B..嗜睡 C..昏睡 D..昏迷 E..意识模糊 [判断题]事故责任分为全部责任、主要责任和次要责任。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交