诗名 | 朝代 | 作者 |
敕勒歌 | 北朝 | |
木兰诗 | 北朝 | |
山塞 | 唐
A. 风寒束表 B. 风热在表 C. 里阳虚 D. 表阳虚 E. 汗多肌腠空疏 [单项选择]患者,男,21岁,农民,近一月来上腹隐痛不适,解黑粪三天,多次手上,足趾皮疹。查中度贫血。首选的治疗药物是()
A. 硫氯酚 B. 乙胺嗪 C. 吡喹酮 D. 甲苯达唑 E. 槟榔 [单项选择]某男,60岁。有慢性支气管炎及肺心病病史。近1周感冒后出现咳嗽、吐黄痰、心悸气短加重,神志清,血气分析在正常范围。下列哪种药物治疗是错误的
A. 抗生素 B. 止咳药 C. 祛痰药 D. 呼吸兴奋剂 E. 氨茶碱 [单选题]软母线档距测量过程中,下列不正确的是()。
A.母线档距测量,应选择无风或微风的天气进行 B.测量人员在横梁上测量时,除系好安全带外还应系水平安全绳,拉尺人员用力不要过猛 C.档距测量宜采用全站仪 D.扩建工程可以根据现场情况采用金属尺子进行档距测量 [单项选择]Predictions of many robots in industry have yet come true. For ten years or more, manufacturers of big robots have explained how their machines can make industry more competitive and productive. The maker for (21) robots is over-supplied now, and the driving force of the robotics revolution is (22) to be with makers of machines that handle a few kilos at most.
"Heavy-robot manufacturers are in some difficulty (23) finding customers. They are offering big (24) just to get in the door. There has been a (25) growth everywhere in the numbers of robots, so we admit we are either deceiving (26) or that the market is slowly growing," said John Reekie, chairman of Colen Robotics. "The following things must happen (27) the robotics revolution to occur. We must achieve widespread robot literacy, (28) there has been a computer (29) program. There must be a robot policy. Finally, some kind of (30) < A. ourselves B. customers C. companies D. us [判断题]漏电保护器的电源进线类别(相线或零线)必须与其进线端标记一一对应,不允许交叉混接, 更不允许将 PE 线当作 N 线接入漏电保护器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]生理异常乳包括()
A.初乳 B.酒精阳性乳 C.抗生素乳 D.病理异常乳 [填空题] 灭火救援现场清理应注意观察建筑物上方( )和( )。
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