This is a true story. Rex White knows too many seamen’s stories to want to add to them. It happened on land. It happened in Lytham, a town on the River Ribble, near to the place where the river into the Irish Sea. The shape of the trees along the Lytham beach road is proof of the great strength of the wind which comes in off the sea. It blows hard across the grass, the car-parks and the open road beside the river, and there is nothing to stop it. Rex White was a ship’s pilot. It was his job to guide ships up the river, between banks of sand, into the port of Presto. Mr. White lived in a village some kilometers from the coast, so he had to drive to Lytham and leave his car in one of the car-parks beside the river. Then he used to row out to the pilot boat, and await the particular ship that it was his duty to guide.
Early one morning, Mr. White returned to Lytham from a night on duty, to find that he could not start his car. He had driven from his village the e
A. the way the river flows into the Irish Sea
B. the fact that the open road is beside the river
C. looking at the shape of the trees
D. remembering that this is a true story
The simplest way to{{U}} (21) {{/U}}a
foreign market is through exporting. The company may passively export its
surpluses from time to time, or it may actively make a commitment to{{U}}
(22) {{/U}}exports to a particular market. In either case, the company
produces all its goods in the home country. It may or may not modify them for
the export market. Exporting{{U}} (23) {{/U}}the least change in the
company’s product lines, organization, investments, and mission. A company can export its product in two ways. It can hire independent international{{U}} (24) {{/U}}middlemen (indirect exporting) or handle its own exporting (direct exporting). Indirect exporting A. B.marketed D.marketen [单项选择]石油沥青的塑性用()表示。
A. 针人度 B. 延度 C. 闪点 D. 软化点 [单选题]足月新生儿臀位产,生后1天突然惊厥,烦躁不安.体格检查:体温正常,前囟饱满,肌张力高,双眼凝视,唇微绀,心率132次/min,肺部未闻及啰音,有关治疗及护理下列哪项不恰当( )
A.保持安静,避免搬动 B.烦躁不安,惊厥时可用镇静剂 C.可使用维生素K,控制继续出血 D.呼吸循环衰竭时,可连续使用中枢兴奋药 E.吸氧、保暖、保持呼吸道通畅 [多选题]本行主要通过问卷形式对基金投资人进行风险承受能力的评估调查,通过调查了解到的基金投资人的()等情况进行综合评价。
A.投资经历 B.投资期限 C.财务状况 D.风险承受心理 [判断题]党组织在纪律审查中发现党员严重违纪涉嫌违法犯罪的,原则上先作出党纪处分决定,并按照规定给予政务处分后,再移送有关国家机关依法处理。( )(第二十九条)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]104:(单选题)李某又聋又哑,一次在盗窃时被公安机关抓获,对李某( )处罚。
A.应当从轻 B.应当减轻 C.可以从轻、减轻或者不予 D.应当从轻或者减轻 [单选题] 妊娠禁用药应除外:
A.牵牛 B.桃仁 C.巴豆 D.莪术 E.水蛭 我来回答: 提交