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发布时间:2023-12-05 04:19:03

[单选题] The crude oil washing installation and associated equipment and arrangements shall ______ with the requirements established by the Administration.

更多"[单选题] The crude oil washing install"的相关试题:

[单选题] Where should you record the crude oil washing after completion?
A. Oil Record Book
B. Cow manual
C. Pumping Log
D. Inter plant manual
[单选题] Every new crude oil tanker of 20000 tons deadweight and above and every new product carrier of 30000 tons deadweight and above shall be provided with ______.
A.segregated ballast tanks
B.moulded draught measurement system
C.additional ballast water system
D.dedicated clean ballast tanks system
[单选题]Every new crude oil tanker of 20000 tons deadweight and above shall be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system using ______.
A. hot water
B. cold water
C. chemicals
D. crude oil washing
[单选题] You have completed a crude oil wash.What action should be taken with the oil in the lines running to the washing machines ________.
A.Open a COW nozzle forward and one aft and drain the line into the after tank by gravity
B.Blow the line out using compressed air
C.Pull a suction using the supply line pump
D.Close off all valves in the system and leave the oil in the line primed for the next crude oil wash
[单选题] Existing crude oil tankers may, ______ being provided with segregated ballast tanks or operating with a cargo tank cleaning procedure using crude oil washing, operate with dedicated clean ballast in accordance with the specified provision of the regulation.
A. as per
B. in the consequence of
C. in accordance with
D. in lieu of
[单选题] When discharging oil from an oil tanker the instantaneous rate ______ 60 liters per nautical mile.
A.Should not exceed
B.Must be up to
C.Should exceed
D.Should be about
[单选题]The fuel oil supply system usesto draw oil from the double bottom tanks to a settling tank.
A.a supply pump
B.a centrifugal pump
C.a transfer pump
D.a reciprocating pump
[单选题] Oil slick caused by spillage of oil from tanker ship is ______.
A.A drop of oil
B.The emulsion of oil at sea surface
C.The weathered oil
D.The oil floating on the surface of the sea water
[单选题]RA收发组安装位置 RA TR installation position
A. 前电子架 forward avionics frame
B. 后货舱 aft cargo
C.前货舱 forward cargo
[单选题]The oil pressure isthe motor.
A.too low to turn
B.much low to turn
C.very low to turn
D.for low to turn
[单选题]If lubricating oil encounters high temperature it can burn,leaving as it does so
A.carbon deposit
B.rust deposit
C.acidic deposit
D.ash deposit
[单选题]The function of the lube oil is
A.to take away the heat
B.to reduce friction
C.to remove the detritus
D.all of the above
[单选题]We have finished the oil samples.
A.to analyze
D.to be analyzed
[单选题] Every oil tanker operating with dedicated clean ballast tanks shall be ______ with a Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank Operation Manual detailing the system and specifying operational procedures.
A. complied
B. replied
C. divided
D. provided
[单选题] An oil tanker operating with dedicated clean ballast tanks shall be equipped with ______, approved by the administration on the basis of specification recommended by the organization, to enable supervision of the oil content in ballast water being discharged.
A. an oil content meter
B. an oil checker
C. an analyzer of oil content
D. a mixer of oily water
[单选题] The regulations regarding Oil Record Books do not apply to ship's that ______.
A.Are on an international voyage
B.Are on a voyage of more than 24 hours
C.Have a valid International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
D.Have a valid National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit
[单选题]Lube oil is drawn fromwhich is usually located in the bed-plate of the engine
A.a double bottom tank
B.a sump
C.a bilge tank
D.a settling tank
[单选题]The lubricating oil pipes and ducts should be with compressed air.
A.sucked in
D.blown out
[单选题]of the fuel oil is 180 cSt.
A.Specific gravity
B.Flash point
C.Acid value


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