More and more students want to study in "hot" majors. (31) a result, many students want to (32) their interests and study in these (33) such as foreign languages, international business and law, etc.
Fewer and fewer students choose scientific majors, (34) math, physics and biology, and art majors, (35) history, Chinese and philosophy. (36) students can study in these "hot" majors, because the number of these "hot" majors (37) limited.
If one (38) interest in his work or study, (39) can he do well I (40) this from one of my classmates. He is (41) the countryside. His parents are farmers. Though he (42) biology, he chose "international business". He (43) to live a life which is different (44) of his parents.
In the end, he found he (45) in doing business. He found all the subjects to be
A. for example
B. such as
C. and so on
D. as a result
Before the 1850’s the United States had
a number of small colleges, most of them dating from colonial days. They were
small, church-connected institutions whose primary concern was to shape the
moral character of their students. Throughout Europe, institutions of higher learning had developed, bearing the ancient name of university. In Germany a different kind of university had developed. The German university was concerned primarily with creating and spreadi [单项选择]
Recently, I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting. As we were about to arrive, the pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight (16) before setting down. High desert winds had (17) the airport to close all but one runway. He said that we would be (18) the city for a few minutes waiting to (19) . We were also told to remain in our seats meanwhile with our seat belts fastened (20) there might be a few bumps(颠簸). Well, that few minutes turned into about four-five minutes, including a ride that would make a roller coaster(过山车) (21) by comparison. The movement was so fierce that several passengers felt (22) and had to use airsickness bags. As you might guess, that’ s not a good thing to have happen in a(n) (23) space because it only (24) to increase the discomfort of the situation. [单选题]()依据《内燃、电力机车检修工作要求及检查办法》进行对规检查的主要目的是()。
A.规范检修管理工作 B.提高机车检修质量 C.强化检修基础 D.降低检修费用 [单项选择]局部缺血缺氧导致骨细胞死亡的时间为
A. 6~12小时 B. 12~48小时 C. 72小时 D. 3~5天 E. 7~10天 [多项选择]在FIDIC分包合同工程的支付管理中,以下说法正确的是( )。
A. 分包商在合同约定的日期向工程师报送该阶段施工的支付报表 B. 承包商逾期支付分包工程款要计算拖期利息 C. 分包报表应列入主合同的支付报表内一并提交工程师批准 D. 分包商的支付报表应由工程师审核其合理性和正确性 E. 承包商应在合同约定的时间内支付分包工程款 [单选题]非法印制烟草制品商标标识由( )管辖。
A.市监部门 B.公安机关 C.烟草部门 D.工商部门 [多项选择]水运是以水代替物料的试运,装置水运是在装置安装验收合格后,并在()合格后进行。
A. 机械设备单机试运 B. 吹扫 C. 试压 D. 试漏 [单项选择]This is our classroom. It is a nice big room, The windows are big and the walls are white. There is a blackboard on the front wall. On the back wall there is a map, It’s a map of China.
There is a big desk. It is for the teacher. There are forty small desks and chairs in the room. They are for our students. The big desk is for the teacher. [A] True [B] False [单项选择]现场测试粗粒土或细粒土的密度,最准确的方法为()。
A. 灌水法 B. 灌砂法 C. 蜡封法 D. 环刀法 [单项选择]引起失血性休克的急性失血量,最低为全血量的()。
A. 20% B. 25% C. 30% D. 35% E. 40% [多选题]铝管多用于耐腐蚀性介质管道、食品卫生管道及有特殊要求的管道,其可以输送的介质有( )。
A.浓硝酸 B.醋酸 C.食盐水 D.硫化氢 [简答题]在地球上的什么地方能在子夜看到金星?
[多选题]Lc3A4400.陀螺经纬仪按照灵敏部的结构方式可以分为( )。
A. 悬挂式 B. 旋转式 C. 接触式 D. 液体漂浮式 E. 混合式 [判断题]绝缘工具的机械强度试验一般在电气强度试验合格后进行。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]法律、法规授权或者受国家机关依法委托管理公共事务的组织中从事公务的人员,以及公办的教育、科研、文化、医疗卫生、体育等单位中从事管理的人员,在政务处分期内,不得晋升。( )
A.职务 B.岗位 C.职员等级 D.职称 [多项选择]偿债备付率的计算值与( )有关。
A. 息税折旧摊销前利润 B. 所得税 C. 应还本付息额 D. 流动资金比率 E. 固定资产比率 [单项选择]背侧丘脑的腹后外侧核()
A. 传导味觉冲动 B. 位于外髓板内 C. 发纤维投射到大脑中央前回 D. 接受内侧丘系和脊髓丘系的纤维 E. 是头面部浅感觉传导路的中继核 [判断题]A380飞机MINI-FAP不能调节客舱灯光和温度
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]多辆叉车同时往一辆卡车装卸货物时,两叉车横向间距不小于()m。
A.0.5 B.0.7 C.0.9 D.1.0 [单项选择]烟囱、水塔等圆形或方形建筑物施工的脚手架高达10m,应选用()作揽风绳。
A. 麻绳 B. 棕绳 C. 钢丝绳 D. 钢筋 [单项选择]正常产程进展的标志是
A. 规律宫缩强度 B. 规律宫缩频度 C. 宫口扩张及胎头下降程度 D. 胎心率变化 E. 产妇一般状况 [单选题]《国家电网公司输变电工程施工现场关键点作业安全管控措施》重点针对责任不落实、制度不落实、方案不落实、措施不落实问题,总结提炼出能够有效防止()的关键措施。
A.电网及设备事故 B.人身事故 C.施工机械事故 D.安全稳定事件 [判断题]高速公路最高时速为120公里/小时。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]His attitude is the same as ever.此句话中的“the same as ever”的汉语翻译是:依然如故。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]胃溃疡穿孔()
A. 右上腹绞痛,伴压痛、黄疸,Murphy征阳性 B. 脐周围阵痛,伴有压痛、肠鸣音亢进,有肠型 C. 上腹压痛,板样强直,肝浊音界消失 D. 上腹部胀痛,伴有胃型及拍水声 E. 胸骨下持续性钝痛,腹部体征正常 我来回答: 提交