Eating Potatoes Gives Your Immune System a
Boost{{/B}} Eating potatoes is not only good for bowel health, but also for the whole immune system, especially when they come in the form of a potato salad or eaten cold. In a study on an animal model, researchers in Spain found that pigs fed large quantities of raw potato starch (RPS) not only had a healthier bowel, but also decreased levels of white blood cells, such as leucocytes and lymphocytes in their blood. White blood cells are produced as a result of inflammation or disease, generally when the body is challenged. The general down-regulation of leucocytes observed by the Spanish researchers suggests an overall beneficial effect, a generally more healthy body. The reduction in leucocyte levels was about 15 percent. Lower lymphocyte levels are also in A. They wanted to observe how the leucocyte levels reduced in the experimental pigs. B. They wanted to simulate the effects of a diet high in resistant starch. C. They wanted to see how much potato an experimental pig ate every day. D. They wanted to see how much body weight each experimental pig gained in the end. [单项选择]以下引起急性胰腺炎的原因中,最常见是()
A. 胆、胰管开口梗阻,胆汁逆流 B. 饮酒 C. 流行性腮腺炎 D. 穿透性消化溃疡 E. 胰腺外伤 [单项选择]Banking is about money; and no other familiar services or commodities arouse such excesses of passion and dislike. Nor is there any other about which more nonsense is talked. The type of thing that comes to mind is not what normally called economics, which is inexact rather than nonsensical, and only in the same way as all scientists are at the point where they try to predict people’s behavior and its consequences. Indeed most social sciences and, for example, medicine could probably be described in the same way.
However, it is common to hear assertions of the kind "if you were marooned (孤立无援) on a desert island a few seed potatoes would be more useful to you than a million pounds" as though this proved something important about money except the undeniable fact that it would not be much used to anyone in a situation where very few of us are at all likely to find ourselves. Money in fact is a token, or symbolic object, exchangeable on demand by its holders for goods and services. I A. They remain their usual attitude to the comparison. B. They are not satisfied with the result of comparison. C. The contrast will definitely lead to strikes among workers. D. The contrast makes up the main issue in western politics. [填空题]关键职位人员的确定要由所在部门根据其 、 确定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以( )为主线,按企业信息化的先进思想整合工程咨询业流程。
A. 工程咨询业务员 B. 工程咨询业主 C. 工程咨询项目 D. 工程咨询公司 [填空题]发生火灾时,首先要拨打( )火警电话,及时准确报警。
A.反射数字 B.消除视角误差 C.提高压力表精度 [判断题]测量电源电流时是将电流表并联在电路中
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高压设备发生接地时,室内不得接近故障点多少米以内?
A.A.2m B.B.4m C.C.6m D.D.8m [单选题]在何种情况下,透析结束时应立即进行机器消毒,消毒后的机器方可使用( )
A.发生破膜、传感器渗漏 B.机器报警 C.静脉压升高 D.电导度报警 [多项选择]肝癌患者的放射治疗条件
A. 癌局限,无远处转移 B. 有黄疸,腹腔积液 C. 肝功能尚好,但又不适于切除 D. 病人情况尚好 E. 伴有食管静脉曲张和脾功能亢进 [单选题]依据《仓库防火安全管理规则》,进入库区的所有机动车辆,必须安装( )。
A.刮雨器 B.防护栏板 C.防火罩 D.无 [多项选择]单位存款按存款账户性质的不同可分为()。
A. 基本存款账户存款 B. 一般存款账户存款 C. 临时存款账户存款 D. 专用存款账户存款 E. 验资账户存款 [多选题]杨某带电修理照明插座时,电工改锥前端造成短路,眼前亮光一闪,改锥掉落地上。杨某手部和面部有灼热感,流泪不止。他遭到的电气伤害有( )
A.直接接触电击 B.间接接触电击 C.电弧烧伤 D.灼伤 [单项选择]对某公司进行调查分析,确定是否值得开发一个新系统的工作是进行( )。
A. 系统设计 B. 系统分析 C. 系统详细调查 D. 系统初步调查 [单项选择]在环境学的研究中,人类现在居住、生活的环境被称为()。
A. 原生环境 B. 次生环境 C. 复合环境 D. 人造环境 [判断题]我国现行税法规定,纳税人以划拨方式取得土地使用权,经批准转让房地产时,由房地产转让者补交契税。 ( )
[多选题]安全技术交底应由 ( ) 进行签字确认
A.项目负责人 B.企业负责人 C.被交底人 D.专项安全员 E.交底人 [单项选择]旋转阳极X线管的代表容量是指三相六脉冲整流中,多少曝光时间所能承受的最大负荷( )
A. 0.05s B. 0.1s C. 0.5s D. 0.8s E. 1.0s [判断题]在网络中信息安全十分重要,与Web服务器安全有关的措施有使用高档服务器。
A. 非标准条包装卷烟应当折算成标准条包装卷烟的数量,依其实际销售收入计算确定其折算成标准条包装后的实际销售价格,并确定适用的比例税率 B. 对酒类产品生产企业销售酒类产品(黄酒、啤酒除外)而收取的包装物押金,无论押金是否返还与会计上如何核算,均需并入酒类产品销售额中,依酒类产品的适用税率征收消费税 C. 纳税人将自产的应税消费品与外购或自产的非应税消费品组成套装销售的,以套装产品的销售额(不含增值税)为计税依据 D. 用于抵债的应税消费品应做销售处理,发出货物的一方按应税消费品的最高售价计征增值税、消费税 [判断题]工作接地就是为保护人身安全,将电气装置中平时不带电,但可能因绝缘损坏而带上危险的对地电压的外露导电部分与大地作电气连接。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]问题同上
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