Blake had been in very low water for
months--almost under water part of the time--due to circumstances he was fond of
saying were no fault of his own; and as he sat writing in his room on "third
floor back" of a New York boarding-house, part of his mind was busily occupied
in wondering when his luck was going to mm again, ① It was his room only in the sense that he paid the rent. Two friends, one a little Frenchman and the other a big Dane, shared it with him, both hoping eventually to contribute something towards expenses, but so far not having accomplished this result. ② They had two beds only, the third being a mattress they slept upon ih turns, a week at a time. Occasionally, when dinner failed them altogether, they swallowed a little raw rice and drank hot water from the bathroom on the top of it, a A. he was famous for his report on sensational events B. he frequently helped to wok in the police courts C. the sketches he wrote were better than the stories D. the stories he wrote were seldom published [单选题]当一条直线垂直于投影面时,在该投影面上反映( )
A.实形性 B.类似性 C.积聚性 D.以上均对 [单选题]客户可以基于物联网设备独特的()和特定商业模式来自动管理SIM卡的部署。
A.eSIM平台 B.设备管理平台 C.连接管理平台 D.生命周期 [单选题]以下哪一项不属于心理危机的表现( )
A.直接表露自己处于痛苦、抑郁、无望或无价值中 B.注意力集中、成绩提高 C.易激怒,过分依赖,持续不断的悲伤或焦虑,常常流泪 D.行为紊乱或古怪 [单项选择]早在1990年第一辆电动汽车就已经上路。尽管近些年一些知名汽车厂商先后推出了各自的纯电动概念车,但这并未拉近电动汽车与现实生活之间的距离。究其原因,电动汽车的研发并非只是将传统发动机更换为电动机这般简单,而是一个庞大的研究课题,仅车用电池就存在电池容量、存储能力、稳定性等诸多问题。此外,用电动机代替传统发动机后,车身设计、传动系统、电器系统都会产生颠覆性的变化。解决这一系列问题,需要汽车厂家具备雄厚的研发能力。这段文字意在说明( )。
A. 电动汽车研发的瓶颈是蓄电池的问题 B. 电动汽车广泛应用于实际生活尚需时日 C. 电动汽车已成为汽车工业研究发展的新方向 D. 电动汽车的研发进程取决于厂家的研发实力 [判断题]爆破片和爆破帽完成降压作用后,元件可以继续使用,装置也可以继续运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]常见的表面热处理方法有( )两种。
A.化学热处理 B.正火 C.调质 D.表面淬火 [多选题]关于带电作业工具的使用,下列说法正确的有()。
A.带电作业工具使用前应根据工作负荷校核满足规定安全系数 B.发现绝缘工具受潮或表面损伤.脏污时,应及时处理并经试验或检测合格后方可使用 C.进入作业现场,应将带电作业工具放置在防潮的帆布或防潮垫上,防止绝缘工具脏污和受潮 D.带电作业工具使用前,仔细检查确认没有损坏.受潮.变形.失灵,否则禁止使用 我来回答: 提交