Companies have embarked on what looks
like the beginnings of a re-run of the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) wave
that defined the second bubbly half of the 1990s. That period, readers might
recall, was characterized by a collective splurge that saw the creation of some
of the most indebted companies in history, many of which later went bankrupt or
were themselves broken up. Wild bidding for teleeoms, internet and media
as- sets, not to mention the madness that was Daimler’ s $ 40 billion motoring
takeover in 1998—1999 of Chrysler or the Time-Warner/AOL megs-merger in 2000,
helped to give mergers a thoroughly bad name. A consensus emerged that M&A
was a great way for in- vestment banks to reap rich fees, and a sure way for
ambitious managers to betray investors by trashing the value of their
shares. Now M&A is back. Its return is a gl A. the striking necessity of European caveat B. the complicated documents combined markets C. the global phenomenon of the craze of wild bidding for media assets D. the seeming rationality of the latest cycle of European mergers [单选题]测量车钩高度,重车时转8A转向架标记载重下,车钩最高()mm
A.A845 B.B855 C.C860 D.D870 [单选题]若一张工作票下设多个小组工作,()应指定每个小组的小组负责人(监护人),并使用工作任务单(见附录G)。
A.工作票签发人$ B.$工作许可人$ C.$工作负责人$ D.$专责监护人 [判断题]县公司所辖变电站防误装置及电气设备出现异常要求解锁操作,其分管领导应及时报告市公司分管领导。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]CC009 氮气施工时不准在( )排放氮气,避免氮气浓度过高造成窒息。
A.易燃区域 B.施工井场 C.野外 D.室内 [填空题]C++中只有两个逻辑常量:true和______。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]各单位发生危险废物污染事故的,必须立即采取措施,()对环境污染的危害,通报可能受到污染危害的单位和居民。
A.控制 B.制止 C.减轻 D.消除 [判断题]2.165公安机关交通管理部门应当实行机动车检验合格标志电子化,在核发
检验合格标志的同时,发放检验合格标志电子凭证。检验合格标志电 子凭证与纸质检验合格标志具有同等效力。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]KSP1000型水泵中压工况时,扬程()MPa。
A. 1.0 B. 1.5 C. 2.0 D. 3.0 [多选题]122抽油机井()故障,会造成防喷盒处漏油。
A.(A)光杆腐蚀 B.(B)防喷盒螺纹损坏 C.(C)填料层间开口未错开 D.(D)双阀漏失 [判断题]按《塔里木油田钻井井控实施细则》规定:远程控制台与司钻控制台连接的管缆不用保温。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]有下列哪些情形的,法院可以裁定驳回起诉
A. 起诉人无法提供能够证明具体行政行为存在的行政决定书等法律文书 B. 法院认为应当追加被告,但原告不同意追加的 C. 法律规定必须由法定或指定代理人代为诉讼行为,未有法定或指定代理人代为诉讼行为的 D. 原告起诉的被告不适格,法院告诉其变更被告后,原告不同意变更的 [判断题]在安全色标中用绿色表示安全、通过、允许、工作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]160 km/h≥线路允许速度vmax>120 km/h正线纵向高低的作业验收标准是 ( )。
A.2mm B.3mm C.4mm D.5 mm 我来回答: 提交