I found, while thinking about the far-reaching world
of the creative black woman, that often the truest answer to a question that
really matters can be found very close. In the late 1920s, my mother ran away
from home to (51) my father. Marriage, if not running away,
was (52) of seventeen-year-old girls. By the time she was
twenty, she had two children and was pregnant (53) a third.
Five children later, I was born. And this is how I (54) to
know my mother: she (55) a large, soft, loving-eyed woman
who was (56) impatient in our home. Her quick, violent
temper was A. waiting B. stayed C. impossible D. expected [判断题]同步齿轮磨损会造成螺杆泵压力下降。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]变速器档位越多对发动机工作越有利,同时汽车的( )、燃油的经济性越好。
[单项选择]监理文件,是监理单位在( )形成的文件。
A. 工程监理过程中 B. 竣工后资料备案前 C. 综合了施工单位的施工单位后 D. 验收过程中 [多项选择]《汉江临泛》的艺术特色是()。
A. 画面开展壮阔 B. 写景空灵不拘、流动不滞 C. 画面温婉柔和 D. 写景真实 [多选题]下列关于公安机关办理治安案件的期限表述正确的有( )。
A.公安机关办理治安案件的期限,自受理之日起不得超过30日 B.案情重大、复杂的,经上一级公安机关批准,可以延长30日 C.为了查明案情进行鉴定的期间,计入办理治安案件的期限 D.案情重大、复杂的,经县级以上公安机关负责人批准,可以延长30日 [判断题]绞磨应放置平稳,锚固应可靠,受力后方不得有人,锚固绳应有防滑动措施,并可靠接地。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]阻燃、交联聚乙烯绝缘、铜芯、聚氯乙烯内护套、钢带铠装、聚氯乙烯外护套电力电缆的型号用( )表示。
A.ZR-VV22 B.ZR-YJV22 C.ZR-YJV23 D.ZR-YJV33 我来回答: 提交