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发布时间:2023-11-23 05:39:48

[单选题]In normal operation, cabin pressurization is:
A. Full-automatic control
B. Only landing elevation should be inputted
C. Air outlet valve must be opened manually after landing

更多"[单选题]In normal operation, cabin pre"的相关试题:

[单选题]The maximum normal cabin altitude:
[单选题]When will cabin pre-pressurization start?
A. When engine starts
B. application of TO power
C. liftoff
[单选题]The normal operation of FMGC is:
A. only one FMGC works at one time
B. FMGC1 has priority while FMGC2 is a backup
C. FMGC works by following master/slave principle
[单选题]In normal operation, which display units does DMC1 provide data to?
A. captain’s PFD and ND, upper ECAM
B. F/O’s PFD and ND, lower ECAM
C. captain’s PFD, F/O’s ND, both upper and lower ECAM
[单选题]During normal operation, fuel X FEED valve
A. opens when takeoff
B. closes when takeoff
C. Automatic opens by MODE SEL pushbutton
[单选题]When the cargo door is in normal operation,
A. The yellow hydraulic system is pressured (YELLOW ELEC PUMP energized). Operation of the flight controls and PTU is inhibited.
B. The yellow hydraulic system is pressured (YELLOW ELEC PUMP energized). Operation of the flight controls is not inhibited. Operation of PTU is inhibited.
C. The yellow hydraulic system is pressured (YELLOW ELEC PUMP energized). Operation of the flight controls is inhibited. Operation of PTU is not inhibited.
[单选题]When Automatic Pressurization lose outer procedure signal:
A. Pressurization system must be manually operated.
B. No any action
C. Landing elevation should be selected.
[单选题]Air outlet valve of pressurization system:
A. It’s controlled by a set of system at a time, and it can’t be converted.
B. It can be converted through the option pushbuttons 1 or 2 on pressurization panel.
C. It can be converted by selecting manual position at least 10 seconds through pressurization panel, and then convert to automatic position.
[单选题]After landing, will pressurization system automatically transfer?
A. No, another system must be chosen
B. Yes, it will immediately transfer at touchdown
C. Yes, after touching ground 70 seconds
[单选题]CABIN PRESS FAULT light of Aircraft Pressurization System goes on, which indicates:
A.Automatic system 1 failure
B.Two automatic systems fail
C.Manual system fails
[单选题]Outflow valve indicator on ECAM cabin pressure page turns to amber on the following condition:
A. completely closed
B. completely open in flight
C. Completely open on ground
[单选题]Actual Temperature Sensor of cabin locates in :
A. FWD/MIDDLE/AFT overhead
B. bleed line of lavatory and vent system of kitchen
[单选题]On what cabin altitude will digital presentation pulses?
A. Above or equal to 9550 feet.
B. Above or equal to 8600 feet.
C. Above or equal to 8800 feet.
[单选题]When an emergency call is made from the cabin to the cockpit:
A. The ON light flashes in white and the CALL light flashes in amber; the ATT amber lights will flash on Audio Control Panels
B. Three buzzers will sound consecutively in the cockpit
C. Both A and B are correct
[单选题]At touchdown, at what level will cabin vertical speed be controlled to release surplus cabin pressure?
A. +500feet/minute
B. +400feet/minute
C. +300feet/minute
[单选题] 飞机增压系统的CABIN PRESS FAULT灯亮表示:
A. 自动系统1失效
B. 两个自动系统都失效
C. 人工系统失效
[单选题]L/G and cabin door is supplied by ( ) Hydraulic system
A. Green
B. Blue
C. Yellow
[填空题]Capital Operation


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