It was not until modern scholarship
uncovered the secret of reading Middle English that we could understand that
Chaucer, far from being a rude versifier, was a perfectly accomplished
technician, and that his verse is rich in music and elegant to the highest
degree. Chaucer’s own urbane personality is a delight to encounter in his books,
He is avowedly a bookworm, yet few poets observe nature with more freshness and
delight. He is a master of genial satire but can sympathize with true piety and
goodness with as much pleasure as he attacks the hypocritical. It is not an uncommon estimate of Chaucer that he must be counted among the few greatest of English poets. In range of interest he is surpassed only by Shakespeare. He was recognized already in the Renaissance, when it came to England, as the Father of English Poetry. He was a man of wide learning and A. Chaucer--Father of Poetry B. Chaucer--Shakespeare’s Peer C. The Crudities of Chaucer’s Poetry D. One of the Great English Poets [多选题]煤和矸石的性质是( )
A. 煤是疏水性的 B. 矸石是疏水性的 C. 矸石是亲水性的 [单项选择]吸收性明胶海绵颗粒在髂内动脉栓塞后多少周可以被吸收()
A. 3~4周 B. 2~3周 C. 1~2周 D. 4~5周 E. 3~6周 [判断题]党章指出,党员干部要正确行使人民赋予的权利,自觉接受党和群众的批评和监督,做到自重、自省、自警、自励。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]期货公司取得金融期货结算业务资格之日起()个月内,未取得期货交易所结算会员资格的,金融期货结算业务资格自动失效。
A. 1 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6 [单项选择]大黄牡丹汤的组成药物除大黄、牡丹皮外,其余的是()
A. 连翘 贝母 炙甘草 B. 桃仁 芒硝 冬瓜子 C. 桃仁 红花 赤芍药 D. 赤芍 连翘 金银花 E. 连翘 甘草 金银花 [单项选择]中国农业银行第二代支付系统通过()与中国人民银行支付系统连接进行资金清算。
A. 总行 B. 一级分行 C. 二级分行 D. 支行 [简答题]除去主要的脱硫方法外的其他物理性方法包括哪些方法?
[单选题]1.59 . 第59题
电缆附件终端外绝缘应符合( )等级要求。 A.防外力 B.污秽 C.绝缘 D.防腐 [单选题]对无独立司机室外门的重联动车组,到达始发站后司机未得到开门通知但需换端作业时,通知随车机械师后,操作释放站台侧车门,通过开、关终到(始发)端司机室后( )车门出入司机室。
A.A、最后一位 B.B、第一位 [单项选择]下列对于矩阵法的优缺点的有关表述,不正确的有( )。
A. 不可直观的表示交叉或因果关系 B. 对影响产生的机理解释不足,不能预测影响作用的发生和维持时间 C. 可表示和处理那些由模型、图形叠置和主观评估方法取得的量化结果 D. 难以处理间接影响,也难以反映规划在复杂时空关系上的不同层次的影响 [单项选择]常见的孔版有誊写版、镂孔版、喷花版和()等。
A. 平版 B. 平凹版 C. 丝网印刷版 D. PS版 [单项选择]