There has been much speculation about the origin of baseball. In 1907 a special commission decided that the modern game was invented by Abner Doubleday in 1839. One hundred years later the National Baseball Museum was opened to honor Doubleday. Historians, however, disagree about the origin of baseball. Some say that baseball comes from bat-and-ball games of ancient times. It is a matter of record that in the 1700s English boys played a game they called "baseball". Americans have played a kind of baseball since about 1800. At first the American game had different rules and different names in various parts of the country — "town ball", "rounders", or "one old cat". Youngsters today still play some of these simplified forms of the game. Baseball did not receive a standard set of rules until 1845, when Alexander Cartwright organized the Knickerbocker Baseball Club of New York City. The rules Cartwright set up for his nine-player team wer
A. persuasive
B. informative
C. biased
D. argumentative
How can we get rid of garbage Do we
have enough energy sources to meet our future energy needs These are two important questions that many people are asking today. Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time. They suggest using garbage as an energy source, and at the some time it can save the land to hold garbage. For a long time, people buried garbage or dumped(倾倒) it on empty land.Now, empty land is scarce. But more and more garbage is produced each year. However, garbage can be a good fu el to use. The things in garbage do not look like coal, petroleum, or natural gas; but they are chemically similar to these fossil(化石) fuels. As we use up our fossil fuel supplies, we might be able to use garbage as an energy source. Burning garbage is not a new idea.Some cities in A. Garbage and the Earth B. Fossil Fuel and Carnage C. Land and Garbage D. Garbage—Energy Source [单选题]党在任何时候都把()放在第一位,同群众同甘共苦,保持最密切的联系,坚持权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋,不允许任何党员脱离群众,凌驾于群众之上。
A.重视学习 B.群众利益 C.党员权利和义务 [填空题]楼层内积水过多必要时在确保建筑结构安全的情况下开凿孔洞进行排水,防止楼板承载过重造成( )。
A. 不用下套管 B. 间隔地钻完不稳定的煤岩层 C. 连续不停地钻完不稳定的煤岩层 [判断题]企业文化是所有团队成员共享并传承给新成员的一套价值观、共同愿景、使命、思维方式和行为准则。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高层医院病房疏散楼梯的最小净宽不应小于( )m。
A. 1.3 B. 1.1 C. 1.2 D. 1.4 [简答题]简述在广告策划过程中由科学实证向艺术表现转换的过程。
[多选题]牙轮钻头的组成包括( )。
A.顶颈 B.密封 C.主轴承 D.滚柱 [单项选择]肛门病常用的检查和治疗体位是()
A. 膝胸位 B. 截石位 C. 侧卧位 D. 倒置位 E. 蹲位 [简答题]列举五种上手发球常见错误。
[单选题] 第一次续订劳动合同原则上应当采取( )劳动合同,劳动合同期限不超过( )年。
A.固定期限 3 B.固定期限 4 C.无固定期限 3 D.无固定期限 4 [单项选择]血海主治不包括().
A. 月经不调 B. 水肿 C. 瘾疹 D. 湿疹 E. 丹毒 [多选题]“四全”安全管理中的“四全”指的是( )、( )、( )、( )。
A.全员 B.全面 C.全过程 D.全天候 [单选题]电梯的日常使用中,应当对电梯的安全性能负责的单位是( )。
A.电梯制造单位 B.电梯使用单位 C.电梯维护保养单位 D.特种设备安全监督部门 [判断题]在普通MTC出口车道,收费员输入的车型、车牌与鲁通卡内记录车型和车牌不符时,系统将提示收费员车卡不符,可以使用该鲁通卡,经核实鲁通卡内信息与车辆实际信息不符的按鲁通卡内信息刷卡扣费。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]防火卷帘按材质可分为以下两类:钢质防火卷帘、特级防火卷帘。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]变配电的主接线电器设备中表示“隔离开关”的文字符号是:QF。
A. 肠液分泌增多 B. 消化液分泌增多 C. 肠腔水分吸收减少 D. 胆汁分泌减少 E. 肠腔炎症渗出物增加 [判断题]2.24 除法律、法规和国家强制性标准另有规定的外,改变已登记的机动车外形和有关技术数据的,不予办理变更登记。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]大跨度钢架结构厂房、库房着火,需要深入内部设置水枪(炮)阵地时,必须充分冷却承重构件,确认无倒塌风险。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交