Managers spend a great deal of their
time in meetings. According to Henry Mintzberg, in his book, The Nature of
Managerial Work, managers in large organizations spend only 22 per cent of their
time on meetings. So what are the managers doing in those meetings There have conventionally been two answers. The first is the academic version: Managers are co-ordinating and controlling, making decisions, solving problems and planning. This interpretation has been largely discredited because it ignores the social and political forces at work in meetings. The second version claims that meetings provide little more than strategic sites for corporate gladiators to perform before the organizational emperors. This perspective is far more attractive, and has given rise to a large, and often humorous, body of literature on gamesmansh A. They can show off their talent. B. They make them feel they belong to a team. C. They are a welcome break from daily routine. D. They are a useful alibi for inaction. [判断题]旅客在到站前要求越站继续乘车时,在有运输能力的情况下列车应予以办理,并核收越站区间的票价和手续费。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]升降机的防坠安全器,只能在有效的标定期限内使用,有效标定期限不应超过( )年。使用中不得任意拆检调整。
A.一年 B.二 C.三 D.0.5 [简答题]《解读贷款新规》中,如果银行与借款人之间形成的借贷法律关系无效或可撤销,会产生怎样的后果?
A. 储存 B. 包装 C. 装卸 D. 运输 [判断题]各级培训机构要按照国家、行业和公司有关安全管理规定,配齐、配全各类安全设备设施和工器具,严格执行设备采购、验收、检验等制度,保证安全设备设施和工器具质量。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]滴丸的水溶性基质是
A. 硬脂酸 B. 虫蜡 C. 甘油明胶 D. PEG6000 E. 石油醚 [单项选择]你在工作上投入很多,没有人表扬你做得用心,后来休发现,实际上即使少投入一些,工作也能够完成,同时,也没有人批评你做得不好。对此,你会()
A. 只要完成任务就可,不必投入那么多了 B. 会投入,但不会像以前那样多了 C. 少投入一点,以节省时间多学习一些新的知识技能 D. 只要没有人指出自己所做的工作存在不妥就可以 [单项选择]孙校长切实抓好了地震消防应急预案工作,地震发生时,全校师生顺利转移到安全地带,这说明孙校长注重()。
A. 保护学生安全 B. 校园文化建设 C. 促进教师发展 D. 校园硬件建设 [简答题]__________________(在地震中遭到破坏), all the tall buildings in the city had to be rebuilt.
A. CT表现为边缘不清的不规则肿块 B. 纵隔受侵犯的主要征象是结构间脂肪层消失 C. 可沿胸膜种植到同侧后纵隔、心包、后肋膈角区 D. 可通过主动脉裂孔和食管裂孔进入腹腔 E. 易发生肺内多发性转移 [判断题]作业现场风险等级等条件发生变化,应完善措施,重新办理施工作业票。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列损失项目中,不应计入营业外支出的是( )。
A. 工程物资在建设期间发生的报废净损失 B. 非正常原因造成的在建工程项目毁损净损失 C. 经批准结转的固定资产盘亏净损失 D. 经营期内对外出售不需用固定资产发生的净损失 [多项选择]党委领导下的专门机关与广大群众相结合,是我国所有公安业务工作都必须遵循的共同指导原则。这一原则完整地表述了公安工作中哪三者的关系( )
A. 党的领导 B. 公安机关 C. 人民群众 D. 政策法规 [判断题]新股采取网上定价发行的,投资者申购后第一天,按照委托买入股票的方式,以发行价格,填写委托单申报认购。
[单选题]人类历史上最重要、规模最大、持续时间最长的人力资源流动是在( )之间进行的。 B.产业 C.地区 D.国家 [判断题]检修工打开直流电源箱电源开关,检查风扇转动,扇叶转动均匀,无擦片声响。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]以扳手、按钮和指示灯为例,说明如何在机械制造装备设计中满足人机工程学的要求。
[判断题]凡是重大突发事件,都必须第一时间向社会公开报道。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]钻模板上的两个钻套孔的中心距公差要按工件的孔距公差缩小,一般取()。
A. 相应尺寸公差的65% B. 相应尺寸公差的1/8~1/3 C. 相应尺寸公差的1/5~1/2 D. 相应尺寸公差的85% [单选题]( )作业人员穿越未停电接地或未采取隔离措施的绝缘导线进行工作。
A.不准 B.允许 C.禁止 D.准许 [多选题]我国的民族自治地方分为( )。
A.自治州 B.自治乡 C.自治县 D.自治区 [判断题]无缝线路必须有足够的强度和稳定性。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]当环境温度低于<--NRC-->时进行电茶炉排水
[单项选择] While traveling abroad, Mr. Jackson Frank ran’’ short of money. So he wrote to his brother, asking for $ 500. "Send the money by telegram, "he wrote, "to the Fisher Bank in P..."
After a week he began calling at the Fisher Bank. He showed his passport. "Nothing has come for you, "he was told. This went on for two weeks and Mr. Frank got very worried. He sent a telegram to his brother, asking where the money was. There was no reply, and no money arrived for him.
In the fourth week Mr. Frank was .arrested for failing to pay his hotel hill. His passport was taken from him. He tried to explain the problem, but no one believed him. He was sent to prison for six days.
When he came out, he went immediately to the Fisher bank. The clerk he spoke to was a nevi man. "Have you received $ 500 for me "he ask, "My name is Jackson Frank."
The clerk checked his books. "Yes, Jackson, it’’s here. It came by telegram. --let me see--oh, more than two months ago. We wondered where you w
A. his brother hadn’’t sent him any money and he couldn’’t pay his hotel bill B. he had spent almost all his money and couldn’’t pay his hotel bill C. he had lost all his money and couldn’’t pay his hotel bill D. his brother hadn’’t sent hint as much money as he asked for and he couldn’’t pay his hotel bill [单项选择]
A. 负面印象加重倾向 B. 缺乏职位的相关知识 C. 应聘者顺序错误 D. 对比效应 [简答题]某托运人准备从上海运往巴黎10枚金币。该托运人欲请货运代理人代为向航空公司交运。作为代理人请回答:在货运单栏“Nature and quantity of Goods”,应该注明什么字样?
[多选题]绝缘手套作业法更换直线绝缘子须对作业范围内的( )进行有效遮蔽。
A.绝缘子 B.带电导线 C.开关 D.横担 [判断题]充分发挥“五老”人员在乡村振兴中的优势作用,“五老”人员是指老干部、老战士、老专家、老教师、老劳模。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交