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发布时间:2024-09-01 20:46:40

[不定项选择题]共用题干 Clinical Trials

1 Many clinical trials are done to see if a new drug or device is safe and effective for people
to use .Sometimes clinical trials are used to study different ways to use the standard
treatments so they will be more effective,easier to use,and/or decrease side effects.
Sometimes,studies are done to learn how to best use the treatment in a different group,
such as children,in whom the treatment was not previously tested.
2 It is important to test drugs and medical products in the people they are meant to help,It
is also important to conduct research in a variety of people because different people may
respond differently to treatments.Some people participate in clinical trials because they
have exhausted standard treatment options.Other people participate in trials because they
want to contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge.
3 The FDA(食品及药物管理局)works to protect participants in clinical trials and to
ensure that people have reliable information as they decide whether to join a clinical trial.
Although efforts are made to control the risks to clinical trial participants,some risks may be
unavoidable because of the uncertainty inherent(内在的)in medical research studies
involving new medical treatments.
4 People should learn as much as possible about the clinical trials that interest them.They
should also feel comfortable discussing their questions and concerns with members of the
health care team. Prospective(预期的)participants should understand what happens
during the trial,the type of health care they will receive,and any costs to them.Anyone
considering a clinical trial should also know that there are benefits and risks associated with
participating. Reliable information should be available to_________.
A.for some patients
B.before participation
C.in humans
D.medical knowledge
E.during the trial
F.candidates for clinical trials

更多"[不定项选择题]共用题干 Clinical Trials1 Many"的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 Clinical Trials

1 Many clinical trials are done to see if a new drug or device is safe and effective for people
to use .Sometimes clinical trials are used to study different ways to use the standard
treatments so they will be more effective,easier to use,and/or decrease side effects.
Sometimes,studies are done to learn how to best use the treatment in a different group,
such as children,in whom the treatment was not previously tested.
2 It is important to test drugs and medical products in the people they are meant to help,It
is also important to conduct research in a variety of people because different people may
respond differently to treatments.Some people participate in clinical trials because they
have exhausted standard treatment options.Other people participate in trials because they
want to contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge.
3 The FDA(食品及药物管理局)works to protect participants in clinical trials and to
ensure that people have reliable information as they decide whether to join a clinical trial.
Although efforts are made to control the risks to clinical trial participants,some risks may be
unavoidable because of the uncertainty inherent(内在的)in medical research studies
involving new medical treatments.
4 People should learn as much as possible about the clinical trials that interest them.They
should also feel comfortable discussing their questions and concerns with members of the
health care team. Prospective(预期的)participants should understand what happens
during the trial,the type of health care they will receive,and any costs to them.Anyone
considering a clinical trial should also know that there are benefits and risks associated with
participating. Learn as much as you can about a clinical trial_________.
A.for some patients
B.before participation
C.in humans
D.medical knowledge
E.during the trial
F.candidates for clinical trials
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Clinical Trials
1. Many clinical trials are done to see if a new drug or device is safe and effective for people to use.Sometimes clinical trials are used to study different ways to use the standard treatments so they will be more effective,easier to use,and/or decrease side effects.Sometimes,studies are done to learn how to best use the treatment in a different population,such as children,in whom the treatment was not previously tested.
2. It is important to test drugs and medical products in the people they are meant to help.It is also important to conduct research in a variety of people because different people may respond differently to treatments.Some people participate in clinical trials because they have exhausted standard treatment options .Other people participate in trials because they want to contribute to the ad-vancement of medical knowledge.
3. The FDA(食品及药物管理局)works to protect participants in clinical trials and to ensure that people have reliable information as they decide whether to join a clinical trial.Although efforts are made to control the risks to clinical trial participants,some risks may be unavoidable because of the uncertainty inherent(内在的)in medical research studies involving new medical treatments.
4. People should learn as much as possible about the clinical trials that interest them.They should also feel comfortable discussing their questions and concerns with members of the health care team. Prospective(预期的)participants should understand what happens during the trial ,the type of health care they will receive,and any costs to them.Anyone considering a clinical trial should also know that there are benefits and risks associated with participating. Learn as much as you can about a clinical trial______.
A.candidates for clinical trials
B.during the trial
C.medical knowledge
D.in humans
E.before participation
F.for some patients
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Survey Found Many Women Misinformed About Cancer Sixty-three percent of American women think that if there's no family history of cancer,they're not likely to develop the disease,a new survey found. In fact,most people who develop cancer have no family history of cancer,according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists ( ACO G)(美国妇产科医师学会),which sponsored the survey.
"Too many women are dying from cancer,"Dr.Douglas W.Laube,ACOG's immediate past president, said during a Friday teleconference."An estimated 200,070 women will die in the U.S.this year,and over 600 , 078 women will be diagnosed with cancer.The results of this survey found a worrisome(令人担忧的) gap in women's knowledge about cancer."
Based on the findings,ACOG is increasing its efforts to educate women about cancer and the need for regular screening tests.
Although the survey found many misconceptions(错误观念)about cancer , 76 percent of women surveyed did say they feel knowledgeable about how they can reduce their risk of the disease. However,only 52 percent said they were doing enough to reduce that risk.And 10 percent said they hadn't done anything in the past years to lower their risk.17 percent said they wouldn't change their lifestyles, even if changes would lower their cancer risk. Many women said they were afraid to undergo screening out of fear of finding cancer.
Twenty percent said they didn't want to know if they had cancer. In response to these findings,ACOG will launch on Oct.29 a new website-Protect & Detect:What Women Should Know about Cancer.The guide is designed to help women to take charge of their health and improve their understanding of their risk of cancer-and the lifestyle steps they can take to cut that risk. Some American women are too afraid of finding cancer to undergo screening.
C.Not mentioned


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