Dollars and cents are the basic units of American
money.The back of all dollar bills are green(hence"greenbacks").The commonly
used coins are: one cent(penny), five cents(nickel), 10 cents(dime), and 25
cents(quarter).50 pieces(half dollar)and silver dollars(not really silver
anymore)are gaining in usage, while there has been talk of phasing out the
penny—that’s inflation for you."Mways carry plenty of quarters when
travelling.Very useful for phones, soda machines,laundry machines,
etc." There is generally no problem in using us dollars in Canada, but this is never possible in reverse. It’s always useful to carry small change for things like exact fare buses, but do not carry large sums of cash.Instead keep the bulk of your money in travellers’ cheques which can be purchased both in the us and abroad and should be in dolla A. a tourist guide B. a bank brochure C. a booklet about car rental D. a handbook on [判断题]ECLIPS5700成像测井系统是由美国Schlumberger公司研发的新一代成像测井系统。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1.208. 第208题“( )”是要求抄表人员在记录(输入)电能计量装置读数时,速度要快,特别是对计度器采用轮显模式的电能表,在记录数据时必须要快。
A.手快 B.眼明 C.心细 D.谨慎 [多选题]电力电缆主要结构作用说法正确的是( )。
A.填料层:保护内衬层的作用 B.保护层:可分为内护套和外护层两部分内护套是用来密封保护绝缘层的,外护层是用来保护内护套的,具有一定的抗压或抗拉强度使电缆不受外力的损伤和腐蚀 C.绝缘层:隔绝导线上的高压电场对外界的作用 D.内衬层:屏蔽金属护套的作用 E.线芯导体:是传导电流的通路 [判断题]异步电机的转子由转子铁芯,转子绕组和转轴等组成。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]固定式照明灯具使用的电压不得超过(),手灯或移动式照明灯具的电压应小于(),在金属容器内作业用的照明灯具的电压不得超过24V。
A. 660V B. 220V C. 127V D. 36V [单项选择]Teachers need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience. And they also need to give serious (1) to how they can be best (2) such changes. Growing bodies need movement and (3) , but not just in ways that emphasize competition. (4) they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the (5) that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are (6) by others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filed with so much competition that it would be (7) to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers, (8) , publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews, (9) student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs. A variety of small clubs can provide (10) opportunities for leadership, as
A. similar B. long C. different D. short [多项选择]《耕地占补平衡考核办法》规定,补充耕地的土地开发整理项目,应当符合土地利用总体规划和土地开发整理专项规划,实现( )相统一。
A. 数量 B. 质量 C. 生态僻护 D. 资金 E. 管理 [单项选择]痰浊蒙蔽心窍的神志改变的特点是()。
A. 狂言、谵语 B. 神昏、痴呆 C. 悲伤欲哭 D. 烦躁不安 E. 疑虑不定 [简答题]计算题:水在某容器内沸腾,如压力保持1MPa,对应饱和温度t0=180℃,加热面温度保持t1=205℃,沸腾放热系数为85700W/(m2℃),求单位加热面上的换热量。
A.肺动脉 B.脑动脉 C.肝动脉 D.心冠状动脉 E.以上均不是 [多选题]下面属于车辆中心有限空间作业类型的是()。
A.固定式架车机地坑 B.废水池 C.转向架提升台地坑 D.喷漆室 E.蓄水池 [判断题]根据《变电安规》,动火作业中,有条件拆下的构件,如油管、阀门等应拆下移至安全场所。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]中国革命道路理论提出的意义是( )。
A.为我国社会主义革命和建设提供了理论依据 B.对于推进马克思主义中国化具有重要的方法论意义 C.反映了中国半殖民地半封建社会民主革命发展的客观规律 D.从中国实际出发,独创性地发展了马克思列宁主义关于革命的理论 [单选题]开关柜母线及其分支母线导体表面进行(____)处理,分支母排热缩管(绝缘涂层)应深入到触头盒内二分之一位置。
A.倒角 B.途凡士林 C.绝缘包封 D.塑封 [单选题]患者,男,78岁,夜间不慎跌倒错误的是()
A.立即将患者移至抢救室 B.立即奔赴现场 C.同时通知医生 D.初步了解受伤情况 E.向上级领导汇报 [单选题] 关于稀浆封层功能的说法,错误的是( ) 。
A. 封水 B. 防滑 C. 耐磨 D. 改善路表外观 [判断题] 对市发生一起抢劫案,为抓捕驾车逃跑的抢劫嫌疑人,该市公安机关及时启动“关城门”预案,对市公安机关交通管理部门对市内主干道采取限制交通的措施,防止犯罪嫌疑人外逃
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交