David Moore taught physics at the City
School. He needed some expensive books, and so he bought them. He left them in
his car in a quiet street. Then he bought other things at other shops. At six
o’clock he came back to the car. One window was open—and the books were not
there! David drove home to Fry Road. That night he wrote a letter to a newspaper. The next day he went to the police. On Friday people read this in the newspaper: BOOK: Have you any old books I buy old and modern books. Open all day on Saturdays. David Moore, 26 Fry Road. David stayed at home on Saturday. His first visitor came at eight o’clock. David took him to the kitchen. At half past nine another man arrived. He had a bag under his arm. "Mr. Moore " the man asked. "That’s right. "David s A. He bought them from David. B. He bought them from a bookshop. C. He took them from a car. D. The policeman gave him. [简答题]简述人的行为的特点。
A. 合同基本数据查询 B. 编制资源需求量计划 C. 进度计划执行情况的比较分析 D. 根据工程的进展进行工程进度预测 [多项选择]
A. 审核报告 B. 向导名单 C. 检查表 D. 记录信息的表格 [判断题]如果存放旅客的手提行李的空间不足,在机长的允许下,可以将机组的行李放在驾驶舱内
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]提问在沟通中用得非常多,它能帮助我们去控制(____)的方向、控制(____)的方向。
A.沟通 B.谈话 C.话题 D.协调 [单选题]有一栋128米高的综合楼,共32层,每层的建筑面积为8000平,按国家标准设置了防排烟设施,则至少需要设置( )台机械加压送风机。
A.20 B.24 C.18 D.22 [多选题]核定用人数量时,比例定员法适用于( )的定员。
A.食堂工作人员 B.卫生保健人员 C.工程技术人员 D.托幼工作人员 E.政治思想工作人员 [简答题]知识点512
[多选题]离心泵长时间小流量运行时会发生( )。
A.喘振 B.振动 C.噪音 D.汽蚀 我来回答: 提交