Service production{{/B}} Services are not purchased from a supplier and stored on a shelf until ordered by the customer. Instead, they are manufactured or produced after they axe requested by the customer. This in itself sets service retailing apart from goods retailing and places the retailer in the channel as the manufacturer as well as the retailer of the service being sold. The placement of the retailer as the product of the service carries with it all the problems associated with the manufacture of goods -- research and development, s A. the retailer has to bear the blame by himself. B. the manufacturer should compensate for the flawed product. C. the retailer has different responsibilities than the manufacturer of goods. D. store liability covers the service involving the individual. [单项选择]建设项目的利益相关者包括一般利益相关者和( )。
A. 关键利益相关者 B. 特殊利益相关者 C. 非一般利益相关者 D. 间接利益相关者 [单项选择]某项诊断试验方法在综合性大医院中使用,试验阳性者绝大多数被确诊为患者;同一组检验人员,用该方法在人群中作普查时,却发现试验阳性者被确诊的比例明显下降,导致该结果的主要原因是()
A. 普查人群与到大医院就诊的人群患病率不同 B. 该方法灵敏度上升了 C. 现场工作中容易发生测量偏倚 D. 普查中存在无应答偏性 E. 该方法特异度下降了 [单项选择]内镜用2%戊二醛浸泡消毒,下述哪项正确( )。
A. 浸泡前用清水冲洗 B. 打开轴节全部浸于液面下 C. 加入5%亚硝酸钠防锈 D. 浸泡时间需15分钟 E. 浸泡取出后即可使用 [单项选择]下列关于水喷雾灭火系统阀门及其附件的检查内容及方法的说法,错误的是()。
A. 报警阀和控制阀的阀瓣及操作机构应动作灵活、无卡涩现象,阀体内应清洁、无异物堵塞 B. 水力警铃的铃锤应转动灵活、无阻滞现象和传动轴密封性能好,无渗漏水现象 C. 试验压力应为额定工作压力的2倍,保压时间不应小于10min。阀瓣处应无渗漏 D. 阀门的商标、型号、规格等标志应齐全,阀门的型号、规格应符合设计要求 [多选题]对( )车票、( )及( )暂不提供变更到站服务。
A.直达票 B.已改签 C.团体票 D.通票 [单项选择]Today, the world wide web can be used both to (31) information and to make it (32) to others. Information (33) on webpages is viewed (34) means of browser. The sources of information linked in this way can be located on any computer (35) is also part of the web. Each information source (36) to an indefinite number of other webpages. Hypertext and hyperlinks allow users acting as receivers of information to (37) from one source of information to (38) , (39) for themselves which information they wish to (40) to their browser and which links they want to (41) .
The addresses of webpages can be found by using the many hundreds of general and specialized search engines which provide (42) to databases which hold information on them. Once a webpage has been found, hyperlinks may point (43) other places of interest on the web. Addresses of webpages also (44) in A. assess B. access C. excess D. process [单项选择]DSZ05级电子水准仪的视准线误差(i角)不大于多少?()
A. 15″ B. 12″ C. 18″ 我来回答: 提交