If it were only necessary to decide
whether to teach elementary science to everyone on a mass basis or to find the
gifted few and take them as far as they can go, our task would be fairly simple.
The public school system, however, has no such choice, for the two jobs must be
carried on at the same time. Because we depend so heavily upon science and
technology for our progress, we must produce specialists in many fields. Because
we live in a democratic nation, whose citizens make the policies for the
nation, large numbers of us must be educated to understand, to support, and when
necessary, to judge the work of experts. The public school must educate both
producers and users of scientific services. In education there should be a good balance among the branches of knowledge that contribute to effective thinking and wise judgement. A. students should learn more up-to-date knowledge B. good balance in education means the proper relations between producers and users of scientific services C. students are getting to know the importance of a good balance among the branches of knowledge D. attention is not sufficiently given to basic knowledge [单项选择]在信托业务中,( )应当遵守信托文件的规定,为( )的最大利益处理信托事务。
A. 委托人受托人 B. 委托人受益人 C. 受托人委托人 D. 受托人受益人 [填空题]At every stage of development, clothes can help establish a person’’s identity for himself and for those with whom he interacts. The childhood game of "dressing up" in parents’’ 1 provides the opportunity for the child to 2 the roles he will be 3 to play in adult life.
The degree 4 which a person chooses clothes that 5 the roles will affect his performance in those roles. Clothes are an important factor in developing 6 of self-confidence and self-respect, 7 when you look good, you feel good. For most people, clothes are often a source of 8 reaction from others, since in our culture we are more 9 to compliment a person on his 10 than on other 11 of the "self"
Most Americans also 12 that a proper appearance and proper dress are the keys 13 association with the right crowd, which 14 opens the doors to job advancement, increased income, and greater prestige.
Our clothing needs are 15 by a multitude of circumstances, because buying motives are 16 sim
A. A.conscious B. ambitious C.conspicuous D. generous [单选题]创伤急救原则上是( ),并注意采取措施,防止伤情加重或污染。
A.先抢救,后固定,再搬运 B.先搬运,后固定,再抢救 C.先抢救,后搬运,再固定 [判断题]E-UTRA系统达到的峰值速率与UE侧没有关系,只与ENB侧有关系
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]内燃机车在运用中,怎样对柴油机冷却水系统进行检查?
A. 吉普车 B. 轿车 C. 轿货车 D. 多用途厢式车 [多选题]出现大面积停电时,各单位在故障处理过程中,应尽快隔离故障点,快速恢复设备供电,必要时可采用( )等方式,维持地铁正常运营秩序。
A. 支援供电 B. 单边供电 C.大双边供电 D.越区供电 [判断题]在进行高空救援时,可在救生气垫未充装完毕的情况下进行救援。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]一船舶换证检验期已到,船东因提交检验困难,向船检机构提出延期半年进行坞内检验的申请,船检机构予以同意,并对其证书给予6个月的展期。该船检机构这种做法是否合理?
[单选题][T]AB005 5 1 1
1kg等于( )。 A.1g B.10g C. 100g D.1000g [多项选择]在前言语阶段,婴儿的语音发展可以划分为( )阶段。
A. 简单发音 B. 连续音节 C. 学话萌芽 D. 简单会话 [简答题]简述描述性职业生涯决策模型。
[单选题]冲击地压煤层应当严格按顺序开采,不得留( )煤柱。
A.小 B.大 C.孤岛 D.采区 [单选题]当水淹到钢轨底部时,行调与环调确认水位报警情况,行调应组织隧道内列车限速( )经过该区段。
A.5km/h B.45 km/h C.25km/h D.30km/h [单选题]下列各项中,对政府预算执行情况进行的总结是( )。
A.决算 B.下年度政府预算 C.财政收支计划 D.审计报告 [判断题]口头制止强制手段包括其他能够达到有效制止目的的口头命令。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]胸外心脏挤压的原理如何?
A. 血常规 B. 尿常规 C. 血清淀粉酶 D. 肝功能 E. 腹部X线片 F. 末梢血涂片镜检 G. 血培养 [单选题]铁运(1999)103号 《铁路电力安全工作规程》规定:遇有雷雨、大风、冰雪、洪水及事故后的特殊巡视,应由()一同进行。
A.两个人 B.三个人 C.一组人 D.两组人 [单项选择]关于滴虫性阴道炎的治疗,正确的是( )
A. 性伴侣可不予治疗 B. 用碱性溶液冲洗疗效好 C. 月经干净后复查一次即可 D. 哺乳期禁用甲硝唑治疗 E. 内衣裤应洗涤干净 [单项选择]关于典型的脊髓半切综合征,以下描述错误的是()
A. 同侧受伤节段以下肌张力增高 B. 同侧受伤节段以下病理征阳性 C. 同侧受伤节段以下腱反射亢进 D. 同侧受伤节段以下肌力减退甚至瘫痪 E. 同侧受伤节段以下痛温觉丧失 [判断题]对于一模成腔的注塑模,若名型腔或各型芯其相应形状.尺寸都完全一致,则同一模成型后的制品其相应形状.尺寸显然也是完全一致的。
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