Why is the Native Language Learnt So
Well How does it happen that children learn their mother tongue so well When we compare them with adults learning a foreign language, we often find this interesting fact. A little child without knowledge or experience often succeeds in a complete mastery of the language. A grown-up person with fully developed mental powers, in most case, may end up with a faulty and inexact command. What accounts for this difference Despite other explanations, the real answer in my opinion lies partly in the child himself, partly in the behavior of the people around him. In the first place, the time of learning the mother tongue is the most favorable of all, namely, the first years [单项选择]关于合同的订立,下列说法正确的一项是( )。
A. 自愿原则,合同内容不受限制 B. 合同当事人必须具备一定资格 C. 法律对订立合同的程序无规定 D. 在代理人签订合同时,代理权不受限制 [多项选择]高层建筑供水管路所采用的减压阀供水方式有()减压阀给水方式。
A. 低位水箱 B. 高位水箱 C. 气压水箱 D. 无水箱 [多项选择](2010)甲、乙签订房屋买卖合同,但未办理房屋所有权转移登记,则()。
A. 房屋买卖合同无效 B. 房屋买卖合同有效 C. 房屋所有权已转移 D. 房屋所有权未转移 E. 房屋买卖合同自登记之日生效 [判断题]2.6符合免检政策的车辆,无需申请领取检验标志。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]进行高压验电应戴绝缘手套、穿( )。
A.靴子 B.软底鞋 C.绝缘鞋 D.拖鞋 [判断题]( )排除离合器打滑故障时,若离合器踏板自由行程正常,应检查离合器盖与飞轮 的连接螺栓是否松动。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]标准化的期货合约中唯一可变的变量是()。
A.交易品种 B.交割日期 C.交易价格 D.每日限价 [单项选择]患者,女性,26岁,2周前患感冒,近3天出现头晕、乏力,颜面水肿,尿少。实验室检查:血压20/13kPa,尿红细胞+,蛋白++。诊断考虑()
A. 慢性肾小球肾炎 B. 急性肾小球肾炎 C. 急性肾盂肾炎 D. 泌尿系感染 E. 肾病综合征 [多选题]职业病诊断证明书一式五份,分别由( )各执一份,用人单位两份。
A.劳动者 B.仲裁机构 C.所在地县级卫生健康主管部门 D.诊断机构存档 [多项选择]患儿,男,2个月,因"发热、气促2天、加重1天"入院。患儿3天前无明显诱因下,发热39.6℃,伴轻咳,气促,唇周发绀,无寒战,无抽搐,曾在外院予青霉素、头孢噻肟钠抗感染等治疗,昨天热稍退,体温38℃,但气促发绀明显加重,伴呼气性呻吟,请我院会诊出车接回。起病以来,精神困倦,烦躁,睡眠差,胃纳差,间有腹胀,无呕吐,大便黄烂,1~2次/日,量少,无脓血黏液,尿少。个人史:足月,在家产,出生体重不详,混合喂养,未预防接种。过去史、家族史无特殊。X线胸片示:左肺野中外带透亮度增加,其内未见肺纹理,气管及纵隔向右移位,右肺野肺纹理增粗,伴有小点片状模糊密影,左肋膈角变钝,心胸比例0.62。可考虑的病症是()
A. 支气管肺炎 B. 气管异物 C. 气胸 D. 肺大泡 E. 胸腔积液 [单项选择]No reference book, perhaps no book of any kind except the Bible, is so widely used as "the dictionary". Even houses that have few books or none at all possess at least one dictionary; most business offices have dictionaries, and most typists keep a copy on their desks; at one time or another most girls and boys are required by their teachers to obtain and use a dictionary.
Admittedly, the dictionary is often used merely to determine the correct spelling of words, or to find out the accepted pronunciation, and such a use is perhaps not the most important from an intellectual point of view. Dictionaries may, however, have social importance, for it is often a matter of some concern to the person using the dictionary for such purposes that he should not suggest to others, by misspelling a word in a letter, or mispronouncing it in conversation, that he is not "well-bred", and has not been well educated. Yet, despite this familiarity with dictionary, the average person is likely to A. dictionaries seem to have many wrong ideas in them for the average persons B. many average persons do not know how to use the dictionaries profitably C. words appearing in a present-day dictionary may not be acceptable in good writing D. dictionaries have different systems of marking the words they contain [单选题]单位的防火巡查工作一般由( )负责。
A.保安; B.当日消防值班员; C.消防安全责任人; D.消防安全管理人 [单选题]斜面是指与水平面形成一定角度的面。在起重作业中往往将重物放在一个支撑的斜面上,使重物缓缓上升或缓缓下降,从而达到( )的作用,使重物到达指定位置。
A.省力省功 B.省力不省功 C.不省力省功 D.不省功不省力 [判断题] 进入金属容器和特别潮湿、工作场地狭窄的非金属容器内作业,照明电压≤220V,需使用电动工具或照明电压>12V时,应按规定安装漏电保护器。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在所担当的区段外单机运行时,应有带道人员添乘。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 职业病诊断医师需从事职业病诊疗相关工作10年以上。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]二尖瓣血流跨瓣压差的变化与通过瓣口的血流量及瓣口面积密切相关,可反映:
A.瓣口狭窄程度 B.瓣口的关闭不全程度左室收缩功能 C.左室舒张功能 [判断题]DJ6型经纬仪表示水平测量一测回的方向中误差不小于±6″。
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