Electric Backpack Backpacks are convenient. They can hold your books, your lunch, and a charge of clothes, leaving your hands free to do other things. Someday, if you don’t mind carrying a heavy load, your backpacks might also power your MP3 player, keep your cell phone running, and maybe even light your way home. Lawrence C. Rome and his colleagues from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass. , have invented a backpack that makes electricity from energy produced while its wearer walks. In military actions, search and-rescue operations, and scientific field studies, people rely increasingly on cell phones, global positioning system (GPS) receivers, night-vision goggles, and other battery-powered devices to get around and do their work. The A. they can be very large. B. they can hold as many things as you want to carry. C. your hands are freed to do other things. D. you do not have to carry things with you. [单选题]()是指银行无法以合理成本及时获得充足资金,用于偿付到期债务、履行其他支付义务和满足正常业务开展的其他资金需求的风险。
A.A.信用风险 B.B.操作风险 C.C.流动性风险 D.D.市场风险 [多选题]心肺复苏法要求每做( )次按压,需做( )次人工呼吸,然后在胸部重新定位,再做胸外按压,反复进行。
A.皮肤 B.未紧缠身体的干燥衣服 C.鞋 D.尚在手中的工具 [判断题]两线路在同一平面上相交叉的两线路可为直线,不可为曲线。
A. 烧蚀效应 B. 热软化 C. 力学(激波)效应 D. 辐射效应 [多选题] 进入有房屋倒塌风险现场开展灭火救援时不得使用()冲击柱、梁、墙等承重构件。
A.直流水枪 B.水炮 C.灭火弹 D.破拆工具组 [单项选择]肝硬化最常见的并发症是()
A. 上消化道大出血 B. 感染 C. 肝性脑病 D. 原发性肝癌 E. 门静脉血栓形成 [判断题]张居正在位时,潘季驯曾为治理黄河做出过贡献。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]为确保氧化反应过程安全,阻止火焰蔓延、防止回火,在反应器和管道上应安装( )。
A.泄压装置 B.自动控制 C.报警联锁 D.阻火器 [单选题]触电急救,当采用胸外心脏按压法进行急救时,伤员应仰卧于()上。
A.柔软床垫 B.硬板床或地 C.担架 D.弹簧床 我来回答: 提交