An Asian engineer is assigned to a US
laboratory and almost suffers a nervous breakdown. A US executive tells his
staff he’s going to treat them fairly -- and creates dissension (纷争). A Japanese
manager is promoted by his British president, but within six months asks for a
transfer. Each of these real-life cases involved people who were regarded as
superior employees, but were ill-equipped to cope with the complexities and
dangers of intercultural management. "Multinational companies have studied
everything else, now they’re finally looking at culture," says Clifford Clarke,
founder and president of the California-based IRI International Inc, one of a
small but growing number of consulting firms that specialize in teaching
business people from differing cultures how to communicate and work with each
other. "Never show th A. he was not competent for the higher position B. he was not accustomed to working by himself C. he could not make the adjustment to his new job D. he lacked adequate communication with his superiors [单选题]绘制工艺流程图纸时,管线发生交叉而实际不相碰时,一般采用( )主线不断的原则。
A.横断竖也断 B.横断竖不断 C.横不断竖断 D.横不断竖不断 [判断题]原发性肾病综合征使用糖皮质激素用药原则为症状体征消失应迅速减药。()
A. 可以减少给药次数 B. 提高患者的顺应性 C. 避免或减少峰谷现象,有利于降低药物的不良反应 D. 根据临床需要,可灵活调整给药方案 E. 制备工艺成熟,产业化成本较低 [单项选择]淡水淹溺者,血液检查中可能增高的指标是
A. 磷 B. 钾 C. 钙 D. 血红蛋白 E. 钠 [单项选择]According to the passage, rain prediction requires a quantitative description of droplet collision in turbulence for which of the following reasons
A. The "sling effect" remains unproven and requires experimental corroboration. B. The degree to which droplets collide is the only reliable method of assessing air flow. C. The degree of turbulence may help forecast the formation of large-size droplets that precipitate rain. D. Such factors as warm and cold fronts and individual cloud formations could not be performed otherwise. E. (E) The laws which govern the formation of concentration heterogeneities still need to be discerned. [单选题] ZTF-XIR P8260机车号确认仪具有输入和检查机车号码,建立机车与列尾控制盒的“一对一”关系的功能。
A.对 B.错 [单选题]沃家固话是联通面向家庭用户推出的哪类服务?
A.监控 B.通信 C.组网 D.电视 [单项选择]支气管囊状扩张特征为
A. 支气管壁影 B. 肺纹理增多 C. 晕轮征 D. 轨道征 E. 卷发样阴影 [单项选择]性,38岁,右下胸部撞伤6小时,伤后感上腹部疼痛,头晕。查BP90/70mmHg,P110次/分,面色苍白,右腹部压痛、反跳痛、肌紧张较明显。X线透视示肝阴影扩大、右膈抬高。首先应考虑的诊断是()
A. 外伤性血气胸 B. 肝破裂 C. 右肾破裂 D. 结肠肝曲破裂 E. 胃、十二指肠穿孔 [单选题]架空线路的导线与拉线,电杆或构架之间安装后的净空距离,1~ 10kV 时应不小于 200mm; 1kV 以下时应不小于() 。
A.100mm; B.150mm; C.200mm; D.250mm 我来回答: 提交