People often wonder why historians go to so much trouble to preserve millions of books, documents and records of the past. Why do we have libraries What (1) are these documents and the (2) books Why do we (3) and save the actions of men, the negotiations of statesmen and the (4) of armies
Because, sometimes, the voice of experience can (5) us to stop, look and listen. And because, sometimes, past records, (6) interpreted, can give us (7) of what to do and what not to do.
If we are to create (8) peace forever, we must seek (9) origins in human experience and in the record of human (10) . From the story of the endurance, courage and (11) of men and women, we create the inspiration of youth. From stories of the Christian men, right down to Budapest’s heroic men of today, history records the suffering, the self-denial, the loyalty and the heroic (12) of men. Surely from these rec
A. repeating
B. repeats
C. repeat
D. repeated
Text 1 The destruction of our natural resources and contamination of our food supply continue to occur, largely because of the extreme difficulty in affixing legal responsibility on those who continue to treat our environment with reckless abandon. Attempts to prevent pollution by legislation, economic incentives and friendly persuasion have been met by lawsuits, personal and industrial denial and long delays — not only in accepting responsibility, but more importantly, in doing something about it. It seems that only when the government decides it can afford tax incentives or production sacrifices is there any initiative for change. Where is industry’s and our recognitio A. Legislation and government intervention. B. The industry’s understanding and support. C. The efforts of environmental health professionals. D. The cooperation of ecologists, environmental activists and conservationists. [单选题]下列属于⾦⼭公司国产的⽂字处理软件是 ( )
A.WORD2000 B.OFFICE2000 C.WPS2000 D.LOTUS [多选题]道岔转换设备的表示杆销孔旷量应( )0.5mm。
A.大于 B.等于 C.不等于 D.小于 [单选题]根据化学品的危险程度,化学防护服可分为( )个等级。
A.5 B.4 C.3 D.2 [单项选择]______是制约我国西北地区农业发展的主要自然条件。
A. 水源 B. 气候 C. 土壤 D. 地形 [单项选择]生产化学危险品的装置,应当(),并设有必要的防爆、泄压设施。
A. 隔离 B. 分类 C. 防震 D. 密闭 [填空题]手推调车仅准许在<--NRC-->移动,停留车辆距警冲标不足50m时不准手推调车。
[单项选择]侵权责任是侵害人对造成他人损害而必须承担的一种( )。
A. 无过错责任 B. 惩罚性责任 C. 约定责任 D. 补偿性责任 [简答题]比较落羽杉属与水杉属的形态异同点。
[单选题]在跑道上进行180度转弯过程中对飞机速度有何要求?( )
A.最大速度不要超过5KT B.≤10KT C.≤15KT D.≤20KT [单项选择]在Excel操作中,假设在B5单元格中存有一公式为SUM(B2:B4),将其复制到D5后,公式将变成()。
A. SUM(B2:B4) B. SUM(B2:D4) C. SUM(D2:D4) D. SUM(D2:B4) [单选题]牵引机牵引卷筒槽底直径不得小于被牵引钢丝绳直径的( )倍。
A.A-10 B.B-20 C.C-25 D.D-22 E.掠 F.掠 G.掠 [单项选择]
C4横突阻滞术的穿刺点定位是() A. 紧靠锁骨上方,相当于环状软骨水平 B. 胸锁乳突肌锁骨头外侧缘,距锁骨2.5~3cm处 C. 胸锁乳突肌后缘与颈外静脉交点上1cm处 D. 胸锁乳突肌后缘中点 E. 胸锁乳突肌锁骨头后缘,乳突下1cm,后1cm处 [单选题]CRH1A型动车组为单层外壳内部构架结构,采用自动点焊处理技术,可以适用于不同的内部装饰设计方案。
A.正确 B.错误 C.a.双层 D.b.双层 E.c.多层 [多选题]受限空间作业时应采取有效隔离措施:受限空间与其他系统联通的可能危及安全作业的管道可采用()进行隔绝。
A.插入盲板 B.关闭相关介质阀门 C.拆除一段管道 D.打开截止阀门 [多选题]对人体相对具有外照射危害性的辐射是 。( )
A. γ射线 B.放射性设备解体检修 C. 中子辐射 D. β辐射 [单选题]塔式起重机与外脚手架的距离应该大于( )m 。
A.0.4 B.0.5 C.0.6 D.0.7 我来回答: 提交