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发布时间:2024-07-27 03:42:59

[多选题] The 1982 Convention provides for the following means of dispute settlement which states parties may choose:
A. the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.
B. the International Court of Justice
C. an arbitral tribunal under Annex VII.
D. a special arbitral tribunal under Annex VIII for special disputes.

更多"[多选题] The 1982 Convention provides "的相关试题:

[单选题] Money market securities have all the following characteristics except they are not
A. short term.
B. money.
C. low risk.
D. very liquid.
[多选题]Which statements about sovereignty as following are correct?
A. Historically, sovereignty was regarded as appertaining to a particular individual in a state.
B. Sovereignty is now regarded as an abstract manifestation of the existence and the power of the state.
C. Every sovereign is equal to and independent of any other sovereign.
D. A sovereign cannot exercise authority over any other sovereign.
[多选题]关于IMS呼叫路由分析,以下说法正确的是( )。 Which of the following is correct about the IMS call route analysis?( )
A.主叫P-CSCF收到IMS主叫用户的SIP请求消息以后,根据用户注册时保存的S-CSCF的主机名,进行路由分析获取静态配置的主叫S-CSCF的IP地址。 After receives the SIP request from the IMS Caller, the caller P-CSCF analyzes the route according to the host name of the S-CSCF saved in registration to obtain the IP address of the caller S-CSCF.
B.主叫P-CSCF收到IMS主叫用户的SIP请求消息以后,根据用户注册时保存的I-CSCF的主机名,进行路由分析获取静态配置的主叫I-CSCF的IP地址。 After receives the SIP request from the IMS Caller, the caller P-CSCF analyzes the route according to the host name of the I-CSCF saved in registration to obtain the IP address of the caller I-CSCF.
C.主叫S-CSCF在业务触发完成以后,根据Request-URI进行路由分析获取被叫侧的I-CSCF的IP地址。 When the service is triggered, the caller S-CSCF analyzes the route according to Request-URI to obtain the IP address of the called part I-CSCF.
D.主叫S-CSCF在业务触发完成以后,根据Request-URI进行路由分析获取被叫侧的S-CSCF的IP地址。 When the service is triggered, the caller S-CSCF analyzes the route according to Request-URI to obtain the IP address of the called part S-CSCF.
[多选题]SSS扩容过程中容灾配合操作描述正确的有( )。 Which of the following statements are correct about disaster-tolerance operations during SSS expansion? ( )
A.一般情况下扩容不推荐容灾方式扩容,因为已有的容量已经达到系统极限,容灾方式对另一侧的系统是个考验 Usually, it is not recommended t apply the disaster-tolerance mode in expansion. This is because the existing capacity has reached system limits, so the disaster-tolerance mode is a test upon the system on the other side.
B.扩容过程中在数据配置完成后重启单板过程中会发生容灾倒换,部分用户由于刷新注册到期后无法进行正常刷新会容灾到备用局点 During the expansion process, disaster-tolerance switchover will occur when the board is restarted after data configurations are completed. When refresh registration of some users is expired, these users cannot be refreshed normally, so they will be switched to the standby office for disaster-tolerance.
C.业务测试验证前,需要将邻接网元的容灾状态倒回,以让用户回到扩容的SSS上进行注册 Before service test verification, we need to switch back the disaster-tolerance status of adjacent NEs, so that users are registered on the disaster-tolerance SSS.
D.在SSS扩容数据配置完成后,应该将相关网元的自动容灾切换开关关闭,防止在扩容网元重启过程中用户来回切换,也预防在扩容异常的情况下系统的震荡 After data configurations in SSS expansion are completed, we should disable the automatic disaster-tolerance switchover function on related NEs, so as to avoid back-and-force switchover of users when the expanded NE is restarted, and also avoid system oscillation when an error occurs during expansion.
[判断题]convention hotel会议型饭店( )
[多选题]Which statements about the Warsaw Convention 1929 plus the Hague Amendment 1955 for the Convention are correct?
A. They have laid down the liability of civil airline companies for death and injury suffered by passengers.
B. They were created with the purpose of establishing upper limits for liability.
C. They deal with issues of responsibility and insurance for damage to passengers.
D. They deal with the matters of hijacking and other terrorist activities on board aircraft.
[多选题]According to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961, which statements are correct?
A. Diplomatic privileges and immunities are of functional necessity for conduction international relations.
B. Diplomatic mission should be treated as representing it state.
C. The premises of the diplomatic mission should be treated as territory of the sending state.
D. The embassy buildings should be treated as territory of the sending state.
[判断题]The 1969 Vienna Convention Only applies to write an agreement between states.
[多选题]According to the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation, aircraft, not engaged in scheduled international air services, of the contracting states:
A. have the right to make flights into the contracting state’s territory.
B. have the right to make flights in transit non-stop across the contracting state’s territory.
C. have the right to make stops in the contracting state’s territory for non-traffic proposes.
D. are subject to the right of the contracting state flown over to require landing.
[多选题]According to the Vienna Convention on the Succession of States in Respect of Treaties, which statement as following are correct?
A. A successor state will not be bound by those so-called political treaties such as treaties of alliance, friendship or neutrality.
B. A successor state which wishes to become a party to political treaties in force may give notice of succession.
C. Boundaries established by treaties remain untouched by the mere fact of a succession.
D. These problems may be deal with by either multilateral or bilateral agreements.
[单选题]Which Convention, at the earliest, imposed states an obligation to make the offense of hijacking punishable by severe penalties and have the offender extradited to other states for trial on certain occasions?
A. The Tokyo Convention on Offenses Committed on Board Aircraft 1963.
B. The Hague Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft 1970.
C. The Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation 1971.
D. The 1988 Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation.
[多选题]According to the Vienna Convention 1961, which statements about the diplomatic bag are correct?
A. The diplomatic bag must bear visible external marks of their character.
B. The diplomatic bag may contain only diplomatic documents or articles intended for official use.
C. The diplomatic bag shall not be opened or detained.
D. The diplomatic bag shall only be opened by the receiving state in the presence of an authorized representative from the sending state.
[多选题]The 1982 Convention recognize such a method of drawing a straight line, provided that:
A. the coastline is deeply intended and cut into.
B. there is a fringe of islands along the coast in its immediate vicinity.
C. the coastal state would like to.
D. no other state challenges.
[多选题]According to 1969 Vienna Convention, which statements about the treaty interpretation are correct?
A. Treaties shall be interpreted in good faith.
B. Treaties shall be interpreted in accordance with the ordinary meaning to be given to the terms of the treaty in their context.
C. Treaties shall be interpreted in accordance with the ordinary meaning to be given to the terms of the treaty in the light of its object and purpose.
D. Any relevant rules of international law applicable in the relations between the parties shall be taken into account in interpreting a treaty.
[单选题] A term life insurance policy provides
A. insurance benefits only.
B. savings benefits only.
C. both insurance and savings benefits.
D. none of the above.
[填空题] This school also provides courses on environmental _( )_ and artificial intelligence .( )
[多选题]The Space Treaty provides that:
A. outer space including the moon and other celestial bodies may not be appreciated by any state.
B. the exploration and use of outer space shall be carried out for the interests of all states.
C. the exploration and use of outer space shall be carried out in accordance with international law.
D. nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction shall not be used in outer space.
[单选题] Which of the following provides funds to companies not yet ready to sell securities to the public?
A. Investment banks
B. Securities brokers and dealers
C. Venture capital firms
D. None of the above
[单选题]一个SBCJ单板一共提供( )个千兆网口。 One SBCJ board provides ( ) 1000M network adapters altogether.


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