In the evenings, they go to the mall.
Once a week or more. Sometimes, they even leave the dinner dishes in the sink so
they will have enough time to finish all the errands. The father never comes—he
hates shopping, especially with his wife. Instead, he stays at home to read the
paper and put around his study. To do things that the other dads must be doing
in the evenings. To summon the sand to come rushing in and plug up his ears with
its roaring silence. Meanwhile, the mother arms herself with returns from the last trip. Her two young daughters forget games of flashlight tag or favorite TV shows and strap on tennis shoes and seatbelts: and they’re off. On summer nights, when it’s light until after the fireflies arrive, the air is heavy and moist. The daughters unroll their windows and stick the wh A. Narration. B. Description. C. Persuasion. D. Exposition. [单选题]财务收支审计主要内容包括营业收入管理、( )、营业外收支管理等活动及相关财务信息。
A.成本费用管理 B.成本管理 C.费用管理 D.营业支出管理 [判断题]总行专营同业代付业务指境内系统外同业代付。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 王大伟副省长在2020年全省公安工作会上特别强调,要加快推进智能警务建设,建好基础架构,按照( )层架构标准,推进建设公安大数据平台建成上线
A. 七 B. 六 C. 五 D. 四 [多项选择]对于现金收支两条线管理模式来说,资金流程主要包括( )。
A. 关于账户管理、货币资金安全性规定 B. 资金内部结算,信贷管理与控制 C. 支出资金管理与控制 D. 资金用途的管理和控制 [多选题] 行驶中,车辆速度要根据哪几种:( )不同的情况而变化。[1分]
A.路面情况 B.情绪意向 C.行驶条件 D.作业要求 [判断题]新制和修竣后的重型轨道车,必须保证制动良好,无漏风现象,在整备状态下于平直线路上以80km/h速度运行时,单机制动距离不得大于200mm。
A. experience B. occurrence C. encounter D. sighting [简答题]打算前往房山社保中心办理养老保险转移手续,不知最近地铁站是哪个?咨询电话多少?
[单项选择]中砂的细度模数是( )。
A. 3.7~3.1 B. 3.0~2.3 C. 2.2~1.6 D. 1.5~1.0 [简答题]影响酸一岩复相反应速度的因素有哪些?
[单选题]某注册房地产估价师出借注册证书,违法所得为2 万元,最高可被处以( )万元的罚款。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.6 [单项选择]The nurse provides care for a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Administering high doses of oxygen may produce what result ?()
A. Increased respiratory drive. B. Diminished respiratory drive. C. A mismatch between ventilation and perfusion. D. A profound decrease in partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO2). [多项选择]美国的金融保护署被赋予()等权利,以保护金融消费者利益免遭不公平、欺诈性的金融交易损害。
A. 制定规则 B. 查视 C. 立法 D. 执法 [单项选择]汽车驾驶人耳旁噪声声级应不大于()dB(A)。
A. 80 B. 90 C. 100 D. 105 [判断题]空勤登机证持证人员应当妥善保管证件,如有遗失应当在24小时内向申办单位报告。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]用于接地的导线必须选择恰当,其电阻值一般要小于 ( ),而且要接地可靠。
A.4Ω B.8Ω C.12Ω D.15 Ω [单项选择]13号、13A型钩尾销孔后壁与钩尾端面间裂纹长度大于该处厚度的()时更换。
A. 0.2 B. 0.3 C. 0.4 D. 0.5 [多选题]额外的运输表现形式有哪些?
A.没有走最短的距离 B.运输设备的类型选择不合适 C.运输设备吨位的选择不合适 D.大量返工活动 我来回答: 提交