Passage 5 Darkness approached and a cold, angry wind gnawed at the tent like a mad dog. Camped above treeline in the Wind River Mountains of Wyoming, the torrents of air were not unexpected and only a minor disturbance compared to the bestial gnawing going on behind my belly button. In an attempt to limit exposure of my bare bottom to the ice-toothed storm, I had pre-dug a half dozen catholes within dashing distance. Over and over, through the long night, the same scenario was repeated: out of the bag, out of the tent, rush, squat, rush back. "Everyone can master a grief," wrote Shakespeare, "but he that has it." Diarrhea, the modern word, resembles the old Greek expression for "a flowing through." Ancient Egyptian doctors left descriptions of the suffering of Pharaohs scratched on papyrus even before Hippocrates, the old Greek, gave it a name few peo A. the terrible weather B. the stern army life C. the suffering from diarrhea D. the tough wartime. [单选题]钢筋混凝土受弯构件斜截面承载力的计算公式是根据哪种破坏状态建立的?
A.斜拉破坏 B.斜压破坏 C.剪压破坏 D.锚固破坏 [单选题]当无人机在空中失去控制,坠落时砸伤交警,此时应该怎么做?
A. 出国 B. 向交警队报告 C. 向当地派出所报告 [单项选择]营养不良患儿皮下脂肪削减的顺序是()
A. 躯干、臀部、四肢→腹部→面颊部 B. 面颊部→腹部→躯干、臀部、四肢 C. 腹部→躯干、臀部、四肢→面颊部 D. 四肢→躯干→腹部→面颊 E. 臀部→躯于→腹部→面颊 [单选题]110kV变电站发生GIS室SF6电气设备大量泄漏时,现场人员应()。
A.查找气味来源,及时处理 B.迅速撤出现场,开启所有排风机进行排风 C.迅速启动消防系统 D.对泄漏气室及时补气 [单项选择]Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
The main idea of this passage is ______. A. telling the importance of networking B. one of your success tools—networking C. an introduction to the text "the Networking Survival Guide" D. Diane Darling’s opinions on disadvantages of networking [单项选择]甲型肝炎主要传播途径是()
A. 飞沫 B. 血液 C. 性接触 D. 消化道 E. 母婴 [多项选择]行政组织目标的作用有( )
A. 导向作用 B. 激励作用 C. 整合作用 D. 宣传作用 E. 管理工具作用 [判断题]“待处理财产损溢”虽属于资产类账户,但一般要求企业应于期末结账前对盘盈或盘亏财产查明原因并处理完毕,所以该账户期末结账后应无余额。()
A.1MQ B.0.5MQ C.0.25MQ D.2MQ [填空题]
Directions: Read the following dialogue and try to fill up the gaps with proper words, phrases, or sentences. Blanca: Hello. I’m calling about the apartment you
advertised. Manager: Yes. What kind of apartment (56) Blanca: I’m interested in a one-bedroom. Do you have any available Manager: Yes. (57) . When do you need it Blanca: Sometime around next week. May I come over tomorrow (58) Manager: Sure. What time would you like to come Blanca: How about 10 AM Manager: Good. May (59) , please Blanca: My name is Blanca. Manager: Blanca. I’ll (60) . [填空题]养路机械设备及交通工具配置参考标准规定,维修工区对讲机数量为()台。
A. 实体 B. 原型 C. 抽象思维 D. 生命期 我来回答: 提交