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发布时间:2023-09-29 13:10:15

[单选题]( )25. Soon after the earthquake, every man, woman and child _____ about it.

were talking


was talking





更多"[单选题]( )25. Soon after the earthqua"的相关试题:

[单选题] It was reported that the earthquake was the most _( )_ to have struck that area in fifty years.
A. special
B. powerful
C. favorite
D. exciting
[单选题] As a result of the earthquake, two thirds of the buildings in the area _____.
A. need repairing
B. needs repairing
C. needs to be repaired
D. need to repair
[单选题] A new English-Chinese dictionary will soon _____.
A. work out
B. hand out
C. come out
D. give out
[单选题] — I don’t believe they will soon be selling computers that can translate.
— I don’t, _____. The technology is just too advanced.
B. either
C. neither
D. also
[单选题] Every new supplement to the Sailing Directions ______ the previous one.
A. enforces
B. cancels
C. corrects
D. replenishes
[单选题] Every existing product carriers of 40000 tons deadweight and above shall be provided with segregated ballast tanks and shall comply with the specified requirements, or, alternatively, operate with ______ in accordance with the convention.
A. crude oil washing
B. dedicated clean ballast tanks
C. cargo tank cleaning system
D. oil record book
[单选题] Every oil tanker operating with dedicated clean ballast tanks shall be ______ with a Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank Operation Manual detailing the system and specifying operational procedures.
A. complied
B. replied
C. divided
D. provided
[单选题] Tom is so talkative. I’m sure you'll soon get tired ________ him.
A. of
B. with
C. at
D. on
[简答题]In every cultivated language there are two great classes of words which, taken together, comprise the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words 1 which we become acquainted in daily conversation, which we 2 ,that is to say, from the members of our own family and from our familiar associates, and which we should know and use 3 we could not read or write. They 4 the common things of life, and are the stock in trade of all who 5 the language. Such words may be called “popular”, since they belong to the people 6 and are not the exclusive share of a limited class. On the other hand, our language 7 a multitude of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation. Their meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little 8 to use them at home or in the market-place. Our 9 acquaintance with them comes not from our mother’s 10 or from the talk of our school-mates, 11 from books that we read, lectures that we 12 ,or the more formal conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular 13 in a style appropriately elevated above the habitual 14 of everyday life. Such words are called “learned”, and the 15 between them and the “popular” words is of great importance to a right understanding of linguistic process.
[单选题]How I wish every family a large house with a beautiful garden!
B.will have
D.had had
[单选题] As soon as I entered the room, I could _____ something had gone wrong with the old couple.
A. sense
B. smell
C. touch
D. watch
[单选题] Every vessel should at all times proceed at a safe speed.Safe speed is defined as that speed where ______.
A.You can stop within your visibility range
B.You can take proper and effective action to avoid collision
C.You are traveling slower than surrounding vessels
D.No wake comes from your vessel
[单选题] Every vessel which is directed by these Rules to keep out of the way of another vessel shall,if the circumstances of the case admit,avoid ______.
A.Crossing ahead of the other
B.Crossing astern of the other
C.Passing port to port
D.Passing starboard to starboard
[单选题] The normal equipment of every rescue boat shall include ______.
B.One 50 meter line
C.One can opener
D.All of the above
[单选题]After dismantling and checking,
A.the ridge on the impeller needs to ground out
B.the ridge on the impeller wili ground out
C.we were grounding out the ridge on the impeller
D.we ground out the ridge on the impeller
[单选题] In theory, every person will have access to an unlimited _____ of information.
A. amount
B. number
C. sum
D. group
[单选题]Every crew member working on board my ship along well with me.
A.is getting
C.are getting
D.is got
[单选题] Every entry required to be made in the Official Logbook shall be signed by the ______.
A.Mate on watch
B.Master and Chief Mate or other member of the crew
C.Master only
D.Purser,one of the Mates,and some other member of the crew


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