Chess must be one of the oldest games
in the world. An Arab traveler in India in the year 900 wrote that it was played
"long, long ago". Chess was probably invented in India, and it has been played
everywhere from Japan to Europe since 1400. The name "chess" is interesting.
When one player is attacking the other’s king, he says, in English, "check".
When the king has been caught and cannot move anywhere, he says "check mate".
These words come from Persian. "Shah mat" means ’the king is dead’. That is when
the game is over, and one player has won. Such an old game changes very slowly. The rules have not always been the same as they are now. For example, at one time the queen could only move one square at a time. Now she is the strongest piece on the board. It would be interesting to know why this has happened! Chess takes time and thought, but A. he attacks the other player’s king B. he says some Persian words C. he says "check" to the other player D. the other player’s king can not move anywhere [填空题]People could eat more cocoa-rich products such as dark chocolate but not drink tea if they want to lower their blood pressure, German researchers reported Monday.
A team of researchers from the University Hospital of Cologne analyzed data from (36) studies that looked at the benefits of tea and cocoa. They found eating foods (37) in cocoa resulted in lower blood pressure levels. Their report (38) of exactly 10 studies on cocoa with a total of 173 (39) , a third of whom had high blood pressure and were (40) for a two-week period, and five tea studies with 343 people for a four-week period. The fall in blood pressure (41) to cocoa could be expected to reduce the risk of strokes and heart (42) by 10-20 percent, the report said. The benefits are believed to come from certain compounds, (43) Dr. Dirk Taubert, a leading author of the report. While tea and cocoa are both rich in such com [单项选择]膝关节前后位片正常显示所见,错误的是()。
A. 胫股关节间隙清楚 B. 髁间隆起明显,髁间窝可辨认 C. 髌骨重叠于股骨两髁间,阴影较淡,但轮廓清楚 D. 股骨下端、胫腓骨上端骨质清晰 E. 胫腓关节显示清晰 [多选题]选择主变压器型式时,应考虑以下(____)问题。
A.相数 B.绕组数与结构 C.绕组接线组别 D.调压方式 [填空题]直流电力机车牵引电动机的起动方式有变阻起动和( )起动。
A. 地理位置 B. 环境质量现状 C. 所处地区历史 D. 相关政策 [单项选择]某油田年销售原油100万吨,自用10万吨,另有12万吨尚待销售,则该油田计算资源税的计税依据是()
A. 90万吨 B. 100万吨 C. 110万吨 D. 122万吨 [多选题]在单筒岩心底放置岩心挡板,注明井号、盒号、筒次、井段、( )、层位、取心日期、
值班人。(出自Q/SY128-2020)[1分] A.进尺 B.心长 C.岩性 D.收获率 [单选题]一回线路检修(施工),其邻近或交叉的其他电力线路需进行配合停电和接地时,应在()。
A.A工作日志中记录 B.交底记录中记录 C.工作票中列入相应的注意事项 D.工作票中列入相应的安全措施 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]砌筑砂浆试块强度验收时,其强度合格标准是:除试块的平均强度不小于设计强度以外,还应满足任何一组试块的强度不小于设计强度的( )。
A. 50% B. 60% C. 75% D. 95% [多选题]进入( )时,必须佩戴使用空(氧)气呼吸器或移动供气源,严禁使用过滤式防护装具。开放式有毒区域也可使用强制送风呼吸器、消防过滤式综合防毒面具。
A.高温 B.浓烟 C.有毒 D.封闭空间 [简答题]TYJL-Ⅱ型计算机联锁控制台鼠标移不动,更换后还是移不动;人工切换监控机后,还是移不动,是什么原因?怎样快速处理?
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]付款人在承付期内,对于______,可以向银行提出全部或部分拒绝付款。
A. 未按合同规定的到货地址发货的款项 B. 验单付款,发现所列货物品种与合同不符 C. 代销、寄销、赊销商品的款项 D. 无足够资金支付的款项 [配伍题]腹内有块,腹痛拒按,便秘,苔黄,脉伏,此证属于()|发热恶风,有汗出,舌淡红,脉浮缓,此证属于()
A. 表热证 B. 表实证 C. 表虚证 D. 里实证 E. 里虚证 [判断题]车管部门或警勤中队、分队(基层大队、中队)有驾驶员自己保管车辆钥匙、行驶证、驾驶证。
A. 楼面层 B. 组合板 C. 主梁 D. 次梁 E. 钢梁 [多项选择]费用索赔成立的基本条件为
A. 承包人提交索赔报告 B. 索赔事实真实,资料齐全 C. 索赔费用在合同中未被包含 D. 承包人人员设备确进场,且无法另行安排 E. 承包人利润受到损失 [单选题]普速铁路维修天窗:双线应不少于()分钟;单线宜不少于120分钟,能力紧张区段不满足天窗条件时在列车运行图文件中公布。
A.90 B.100 C.120 D.180 [填空题]银行有权决定营业网点或电子银行受理的具体外汇业务的()、()。
[单选题]在有爆炸危险场所进行起重破拆作业时应注意安全事项:( )设置警戒,(A)无关人员、车辆出入作业区。
A.应、禁止 B.必须、禁止 C.必须、允许 D.应、允许 [多项选择]“公社”的生活范围是()。
A. 国家 B. 家庭 C. 乡村 D. 城镇 [多选题]宏观经济政策目标体系包括( )。
A.经济增长 B.充分就业 C.物价稳定 D.国际收支平衡 [判断题]《空调列车服务质量规范》除一站直达、特快列车外,卧车及时为上车旅客更换卧铺牌。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]痉挛的特殊表现不包括
A. 巴宾斯基(Babinsk反射 B. 铅管样反射 C. 阵挛(clonu D. 去大脑强直(decerebraterigidit E. 去皮质强宜(decorticaterigidit [判断题] 钩尾扁销的作用是连接钩舌与钩体,防止列车分离。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交