A few decades ago, the world banking
community invented new Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) systems to move money
more efficiently across countries and around the globe. The (1)
benefit of such systems was to (2) the float of
capital that was unavailable for use (3) checks were being
cleared through banking (4) Today, we understand that the
benefits of electronic banking are far more (5) than just
reducing floating cash. The entire world of banking (6)
revolutionized. It is (7) more efficient and
faster, but also more global. And now (8) the Internet, EFT
systems are increasingly (9) with the new world of e-commerce
and e-trade. (10) 1997 and 2003, EFT value (11) fro A. hiding B. getting C. driving D. giving [单项选择]女性,36岁。因甲状腺腺瘤人院,拟行手术治疗。术中发现肿块为恶性,行甲状腺全切手术,术后医嘱给予甲状腺素片口服。在指导用药时,不正确的是()。
A. 早期足量 B. 药量终身不能改变 C. 不随便停药 D. 终身服药 E. 定期复查 [判断题]超限、超重货物变更到站时,除按普通货物变更有关规定办理外,受理变更的车站应在“货物运输变更要求书”中签认。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]两条或两条以上的煤气管道及同一煤气管道隔断装置的两侧,宜单独设置排水器。如设同一排水器,其水封有效高度按()压力计算。
A.最低 B.最高 C.平均 D.实际 [单选题]下列没有委托辩护人的犯罪嫌疑人被告人中不属于人民法院人民检
A.盲 B.聋 C.哑 D.跛 [单项选择]张明是北京市海淀区人,近3年来,经常居住在宣武区。2001年5月,张明与华强房地产公司签订了商品房买卖合同,购买该公司在丰台区开发的某住宅小区中的三居室现房一套。华强公司的注册地及主要营业地在西城区。人住后,张明发现该房存在重大质量问题,要求退房,而开发商只同意维修,双方难以经协商达成一致。张明决定向法院起诉,下列法院中有管辖权的是:
A. 海淀区法院 B. 宣武区法院 C. 丰台区法院 D. 西城区法院 [单项选择]踝关节脱位中常合并三髁骨折的是()。
A. 内脱位 B. 外脱位 C. 前脱位 D. 后脱位 E. 前内脱位 [单选题]A-D-1.A-003 2
检修作业人员应在停运前到达作业现场,做好作业准备工作,原则上执行( )的安全、质量监控作业方式。 A.单人单岗 B.单人双岗 C.双人双岗 D.双人单岗 [多项选择]站点租车服务要求巡游出租汽车驾驶员()。
A. 按序排队、顺序发车 B. 服从站点管理人员的调派与管理 C. 不下车私自揽客,不雇人揽客 D. 不挑乘客,不强行拼客 [多选题]家务服务管理主要有家庭财务管理、( )、使用信息化技术处理家庭事务等。
A.家庭物资管理 B.家庭档案管理 C.家庭食品管理 D.家庭环境管理 [单选题]患者,男性,68岁。腹部手术前肾功能正常,术后发生急性肾衰竭。衡量该患者肾功能的最可靠指标是()
A.尿量减少 B.血尿素氮突然升高 C.尿钠<20mmol/L D.血肌酐突然升高 E.高血钾 [单项选择] Benchmarking
The expression benchmarking has become one of the fashionable words in current management discussion. The (19) first appeared in the United States in the 1970s, but has now (20) world-wide recognition. But what (21) does it mean and should your company be practicing it Benchmarking (22) learning about your own practices, learning about the best practices of others, and then making (23) for improvement that will enable you to meet or beat the beast in the world. The essential element is not (24) imitating what other companies do but being able to (25) the best of other firms’ practices to your own (26) . Instead of aiming to improve only against previous performance and scores, companies can use benchmarking to inject an element of imagination and common (27) into their search for progress. It is a proc A. rather B. other C. more D. longer [单选题]根据支付结算法律制度的规定,下列各项中,属于存款人在开立一般存款账户之前必须开立的账户是( )。
A.基本存款账户 B.单位银行卡账户 C.专用存款账户 D.临时存款账户 [判断题]热传播的方式有热传导、热对流、热辐射。
A. 胸痹 B. 小儿慢惊风 C. 霍乱 D. 脚气 我来回答: 提交