A new catastrophe faces Afghanistan.
The American bombing campaign is conspiring with years of civil conflict and
drought to create an environmental crisis. Humanitarian and political concerns are dominating the headlines. But they are also masking the disappearance of the country’s once rich habitat and wildlife, which are quietly being crushed by war. The UN is dispatching a team of investigators to the region next month to evaluate the damage. "A healthy environment is a prerequisite for rehabilitation," says Klaus Topfer, head of the UN environment Programme. Much of south-east Afghanistan was once lush forest watered by monsoon rains. Forests now cover less than 2 per cent of the country. "The Worst deforestation occurred during Taliban rule, when its timber mafia denuded forests to sell to Pakistani markets," says Usman Qazi, an environme A. (A) American bombing B. (B) heavy monsoon rains C. (C) years of lack of rain D. (D) fighting among the Afghanis [单项选择]男性患者,32岁,头部外伤后昏迷20分钟,醒后即发现右侧肢体轻瘫,腰穿呈血性脑脊液,右侧偏瘫症状逐渐好转。最可能的诊断是
A. 脑震荡 B. 急性硬脑膜下血肿 C. 急性硬脑膜外血肿 D. 脑挫伤 E. 脑内血肿 [简答题]在中性点非直接接地的系统中,如何防止谐振过电压?
A. m7ApppN mPN mP B. m7GpppN mPN mP C. m7U pppN mPN mP D. m7Cppp N mPNmP E. m7TpppNmPNmP [单项选择]提高医疗质量的精神力量是()。
A. 治疗技术 B. 医疗设备 C. 规章制度 D. 医德医风 E. 经济效益 [填空题]新民主主义革命是无产阶级领导的、人民大众的,反对帝国主义、封建主义、()的革命
A. 水源 B. 水运 C. 水量 D. 水利 [单选题]对于门静脉高压的病人诊断最有价值的表现是( )
A. 脾大、脾功能亢进 B. 黄疸、腹水 C. 上消化道出血 D. 食管胃底静脉曲张 [判断题]需出具检验检疫证书的商品不予受理免验申请。 ( )
A.温度 B.静电 C.湿度 D.病毒 [单项选择]When (), many racists cannot give a logical reason for their attitudes towards other racial groups.
A. questioning B. having been questioned C. having questioned D. questioned [多选题]鼎汉电源屏的智能化设计可实施检测系统的(),并具有故障记忆功能.
A.工作状态 B.故障及时显示 C.告警 D.免 维 修 [单项选择]保险人的告知形式包括______。
A. 无限告知和询问回答告知 B. 明确列明和明确说明 C. 明确列明和明确写明 D. 明确说明和明确告知 [多选题]下列行为应数罪并罚的是( )。
A.甲持刀拦路行抢,将被害人杀死后取走其财物 B.乙把与自己不和的邻居杀死后,取走其身上的3000元现金 C.丙实行抢劫行为后,为防止被害人报案,将其杀死 D.丁在抢劫过程中,为压制被害人的反抗,将被害人杀死,取走其财物 我来回答: 提交