Crashed Cars to Text Message for
Help There is no good place to have a car crash -- but some places are worse than others. In a foreign country, for instance, {{U}} (51) {{/U}} to explain via cellphone that you are upside down in a ditch (沟渠) when you cannot speak the local language can fatally (~) delay the arrival of the emergency services. But an answer may be at hand. Researchers funded by the European Commission are beginning tests of a system called E-merge that {{U}} (62) {{/U}} senses when a ear has crashed and sends a text message, telling emergency services in the local language that the accident has taken place. The system was {{U}} (53) {{/U}} by ERTICO, a transport research organization based in Brussels. Belgium. Cars are fitted with a ee A. by B. up C. about D. to [单选题]有异物刺入头部或胸部时,下列急救方法不正确的是()。
A.快速送往医院救治 B.马上拔出,进行止血 C.用毛巾等物将异物固定住,不让其乱动 [多选题]雷某和蒋某在北京租赁了一个公共网站,以竞猜亚洲冠军杯赛的结果为内容,招揽大批球迷参与赌球。雷某和蒋某在比赛开始前给予亚冠执法裁判 20 万元好处费,让其偏袒一方。参与赌球的球迷中施某、张某二人长期依赖赌球 为生活来源的人,并招集众多京外球迷参与赌球。下列说法 正确的是()。
A.张某不是开设赌场的人,不构成犯罪 B.雷某和蒋某构成开设赌场罪 C.施某不以营利为目的,故不构成犯罪 D.施某、张某构成赌博罪 [多项选择]仅适用于同一票据交换区域内,在银行开立账户的单位和个人各种款项结算的支付工具有()
A. 支票 B. 银行本票 C. 委托收款 D. 商业汇票 E. 银行汇票 [单项选择]
W: What can I do for you A. It doesn’t fit him and the color isn’t satisfactory. B. It is a birthday present from his friend. C. He has got the receipt. [简答题]大型钢轨探伤车60 km/h探伤小车的特点是什么?
{{B}}PART ONE{{/B}} ·You will hear the General Manager of COSCO introducing the company’s EDI system. ·As you listen,for questions 1-12,complete the notes,using up to three words or a number. ·After you have listened once,replay the recording. 1.Between 1996 and 1997,COSCO has finished its construction of EDI center
and EDI ______.
2.At present,COSCO has real ized the EDl transfer of data of transportation manifest.cargo plan and ______. 3.______,COSCO invested a large number of funds and manpower building a COSCO NET for global communications. 4.______,COSCO had formed an E-mail network covering manv countries. 5.Most of COSCO’s front line staff ______ the country and overseas have conducted their dailv business through E-mail. 6.In ______,in January 1997,COSCO formally opened a Website called www.COSCO.corn and Internet Websites of COSCO’s branch companies in foreign countries. 7.I [单选题]FCOM给出了不同襟翼和缝 翼形态的最大使用速度,其中 形态2的最大使用速度为:
A.230kt IAS B.215kt IAS C.200kt IAS D.185kt IAS [单项选择]重症肌无力的对因治疗药物是
A. 糖皮质激素 B. 枸橼酸钾 C. 氯化钾 D. 阿托品 E. 东莨菪碱 [简答题]电力机车使用圆弹簧减振的优缺点是什么?
[多选题](2014年) 根据《民事诉讼法》,属于广义民事诉讼当事人的有( )。
A.第三人 B.刑事附带民事案件自诉人 C.辩护人 D.原告与被告 E.共同诉讼人 [单项选择]多数专家认为脑瘫儿童的最佳康复时间为()
A. 5岁之前 B. 3岁之前 C. 12个月以后 D. 6个月之前 E. 7岁之后 [单选题]按照《施工现场临时用电安全技术规范》的规定,在建工程(含脚手架)与IKV-1OKV的 外电架空线路边线之间的最小安全操作距离为( )。
A. 5.Om B. 6.0m C. 8.0m D.10m [单项选择]通过对不同管理理论或方法异同点的研究,总结其优劣以借鉴或归纳出具有普遍指导意义的管理规律的方法是
A. 比较研究法 B. 定量分析法 C. 历史研究法 D. 案例研究法 [单选题]关于子宫破裂的预防措施,不正确( )
A..加强产前检查 B.正确使用缩宫素 C.及时纠正异常胎位 D..有剖宫产史的产妇应提前住院待产 E..对有先兆子宫破裂的产妇用缩宫素加快产程 [单项选择]2400对电缆芯线常用线径是()mm。
A. 0.5 B. 0.4 C. 0.32 [单选题]政府集中开展计划生育清理整治工作,会议要求村委会干部张某、陈某参与该项工作。张某、陈某把计划生育对象刘某通知到村委会进行调查、宣传工作,并向刘某下达了社会抚养费征收告知书,刘某很生气,把告知书撕碎了,还把陈某打伤,离开村委会时还大骂张某和陈某做事太狠,要他们小心点。刘某的行为构成( )的违反治安管理行为。
A.扰乱单位秩序 B.阻碍执行职务 C.殴打他人 D.威胁人身安全 [单选题]某票货物重量为1500吨,包括亏舱的积载因数S.F=0.795m3/t,亏舱率为β=12%,则该货物的量尺体积为( ) m3 。
A. 800 B. 980 C. 1049 D. 1200 [判断题]LTETDD系统和LTEFDD系统空口协议栈相同,但在物理层的处理上存在较大的区别
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]根据《电力装置的继电保护和自动装置设计规范》规定,变压器差动保护的基本原理如何?
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