Several recent studies have gained wide
attention for reconfirming the tragic disconnection of millions of black youths
from the American mainstream. Harry Holzer, an economist at Georgetown
University and a co-author of one of the recent studies, feels joblessness is
due to largely weak schooling, a lack of reading and math skills at a time when
such skills are increasingly required even for blue-collar jobs. Unable to find
jobs, he claims, black males turn to illegal activities, especially the drug
trade and chronic drug use, and often end up in prison. As usual, it fails to answer the important questions. Why are young black men doing so poorly in school that they lack basic literacy and math skills Scholars must have known that countless studies by educational experts have found that poor schools, per se(本质上), do not explain why after 10 years o A. joblessness does not result in crime there B. joblessness does not necessarily lead to crime C. there is a large population in those areas D. Latin America and India are crime-free [单项选择]以下哪个不是冠心病Ⅰ期康复的适应证()
A. 无明显心绞痛 B. 安静心率为120次/分 C. 血压基本正常 D. 无心衰 E. 偶发室性期前收缩 [多选题]下列哪些情形不属于行政复议的范围?( )
A.某大学申请行政机关履行发展教育的法定职责,免除本地全部高等院校学生学费,行政机关不予同意的 B.某省部分企业要求中国人民银行降低利率,人民银行拒绝的 C.公民章某要求行政机关履行保护本地自然环境的职责、关闭当地所有污染企业,行政机关不予同意的 D.申请行政机关履行保护钱某受教育的权利,行政机关没有依法履行 [多项选择]目前,我国的所得税类包括()。
A. 个人所得税 B. 企业所得税 C. 社会保险税 D. 工薪税 E. 财产税 [判断题]驱动系统是按照控制系统发出的控制指令将信号放大,驱动执行机构运动的传动装置。
A. 多发生在妊娠晚期 B. 孕妇可出现呼吸困难,甚至发绀,不能平卧 C. 自觉症状轻微 D. 下肢及外阴水肿发生率不高 E. 胎心听诊清楚 我来回答: 提交