Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training Ideally, therefore, the choice of an (21) should be made even before the choice of a curriculum in high school. Actually, (22) , most people make several job choices during their working lives, (23) because of economic and industrial changes and partly to improve (24) position. The "one perfect job" does not exist. Young people should (25) enter into a broad flexible training program that will (26) them for a field of work rather than for a single (27)
Unfortunately many young people have to make career plans (28) benefit of help from a (29) vocational counselor or psychologist. Knowing (30) about the occupational world, or themselves for that matter, they choose their lifework on a Mt-or-miss (31) . Some drift from job to job. Others (32) to work in which they are unhappy and (33) wh
A. preferences
B. requirements
C. tendencies
D. ambitions
A young man was going to join the army
(军队) and had to {{U}} (41) {{/U}}a medical examination. The doctor was
sitting at a desk when he came in. He said to the man, "Take your coat and shirt
off and {{U}} (42) {{/U}} on that chair. " The young man did so. The doctor looked at him for a moment without {{U}} (43) {{/U}} up from his chair and then said, "All right. Put your clothes on again." "But you haven’t examined me at all!" the young man said in {{U}} (44) {{/U}}. "There is no need to do so," the doctor said with a {{U}} (45) {{/U}} "When I {{U}} (46) {{/U}} you to take your coat and shirt off, you heard me all right, so there is nothing wrong with your{{U}} (47) {{/U}}. You saw the chair, so your eyes are {{U}} (48) {{/U}} . You could take your clothes off and [单选题]( )负责军事系统的无线电管理工作。
A.军队 B.国务院 C.人大 [判断题]所有未接地或未采取可靠隔离措施的设备都应视为带电设备,禁止触碰导体的裸露部分。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]相对编号常用于()中。
A.安装接线图 B.屏面布置图 C.归总式原理图 [多选题]语音识别常用的应用有( )。
A.聊天 B.拨号 C.导航 D.设备控制 [单选题]电位法测定PH值,电池电动势与PH有线性关系的条件是( )。
A.E甘汞=0 B.E液接忽略不计 C.E膜=0 D.E膜=常数+0.059lgα外 [多项选择]对美国1787年联邦宪法的主要内容表述不正确的包括:( )
A. 由序言和7条本文组成 B. 序言在宪法全文中,但不是宪法的组成部分 C. 序言在宪法全文中,是宪法的组成部分 D. 序言虽在宪法全文中,但在审判活动中不能被引用 [单项选择]误服生半夏中毒,药物解毒,应选用的是()。
A. 甘草 B. 绿豆 C. 黄连 D. 金银花 E. 生姜 [单选题]《测绘质量监督管理办法》规定。从事测绘产品质量检验工作的测绘产品质量检验人员应当通过任职资格考核,达到合格标准,取得()。
A.注册测绘师资格证 B.测绘计量检定人员资格证 C.测绘专业技术任职资格证 D.测绘产品质量检验员证 [单选题]电动工具的开关应设在()的地方。
A. A.监护人看得见 B.B.监护人附近 C.C.距离地面2米处 D.D.监护人伸手可及 [单选题]面容惊愕,眼裂增大,眼球凸出,目光闪烁,其病容是
A.慢性病容 B.满月面容 C.甲状腺功能亢进面容 D.贫血面容 E.脱水面容 [多选题]广义的保险至少包括( )。
A.社会保险 B.商业保险 C.人身保险 D.财产保险 E.政策性保险 [判断题]具有手动检查各部位或探测区火灾报警信号处理和显示功能的火灾报警控制器应设专用自检总指示灯。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下关于连接电动机械及电动工具的电气回路说法中正确的是(____)。
A. 每个开关控制的电动机械或电动工具不超过两个 B. 装设剩余电流动作保护器(漏电保护器) C. 金属外壳应接地 D. 应做到“一机一闸一保护” [单选题]超声雾化吸入疗效好,是因为药液可以达到( )
A.支气管 B.段支气管 C.终末支气管 D.叶支气管 E.大支气管 [单选题]铁路线路直线轨距标准为( ) mm。
A.1000 B.1435 C.1502 [单选题]依据《化妆品卫生监督条例》,我国将化妆品分为特殊用途化妆品,非特殊用途化妆品。下列不属于特殊用途化妆品的是
A.染发类 B.除斑类 C.香水类 D.防晒类 [单选题]学校文化的核心部分是( )
A.学校的精神文化 B.学校的物质文化 C.学校的正规文化 D.学校的非正规文化 [多选题]根据《党委(党组)落实全面从严治党主体责任规定》,党委(党组)应当开展有针对性的____,强化____和____,增强本地区本单位党组织和党员领导干部落实全面从严治党责任的意识,提高落实全面从严治党责任的能力和水平。 ( )
A.教育培训 B.技能培训 C.政治训练 D.政治教育 [简答题]请简要描述以信息技术为支撑的组织变革的每一种类型。假设酒店管理与运营中可以体现这四种类型的变革,请为每一种变革举一个例子。
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