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发布时间:2023-11-07 07:02:18

[单选题]Unless a higher angle is necessary for obstacle clearance, the normal glide path angle for a 2-bar VASI is _______ .

更多"[单选题]Unless a higher angle is neces"的相关试题:

[单选题]The normal higher and lower glide path angles for a 3-bar VASI are _______ respectively.
A.3°, 2.75°
B.3.25°, 3°
C.3.25°, 2.75°
D.3.5°, 3.25°
[单选题]Glide angle refers to the angle between the actual glide path of the descending airplane and the _______ .
B.longitudinal axis
C.relative wind
D.flight attitude
[单选题]During a descent, the angle between the actual glide path of the airplane and the horizon usually is called the _______ .
A.induced angle of attack
B.angel of attack
C.critical angle
D.glide angle
[单选题]It is occasionally necessary to cancel the takeoff clearance due to _______ .
A.unexpected traffic developments
B.a departing aircraft delayed on the active runway
C.an imminent 1anding traffic
D.any condition listed above

A. diary : reminisce
B. blandishment: coax
C. plan : economize
D. request: imperil
E. (E) drama : perform
[单项选择]Because of a recent obstacle in production, sales have dropped and accordingly profits have ().
A. declined
B. increased
C. broken
D. maintained
[单项选择]Which of the following can be the obstacle to get rid of lateness according to the passage

A. If one is used to tardiness, he will be reluctant to turn their relatively slow life pace into a faster one.
B. Members of the military and the government always hold meetings late because no one will participate.
C. The rich and powerful are more likely to show up late to show their importance.
D. The workers have to be on time while their employers can be late.
A. 上颌是恒定的,以上第一恒磨牙为基准
B. 上颌是恒定的,以下第一恒磨牙为基准
C. 上、下颌都有位置的变异,仅以上第一恒磨牙位置为参照
D. 上、下颌都有位置的变异,以第一恒磨牙的咬合关系为重,参照双尖牙、尖牙的关系而确定
E. 除考虑第一恒磨牙的咬合关系之外,还需要参考骨的相对位置关系而确定
[单选题]The aircraft shall be informed when it is approaching the point of interception of the glide path and, just before intercepting the glide path, it shall be instructed to begin its descent and _______ .
A.to check the applicable decision height
B.to check the landing gears
C.to check the approaching speed
D.to check the heading
[单项选择]Angle在1899年提出的Angle错牙合分类法的依据是 ()
A. 上颌是恒定的,以上第一恒磨牙为基准
B. 上颌是恒定的,以下第一恒磨牙为基准
C. 上、下颌都有位置的变异,仅以上第一恒磨牙位置为参照
D. 上、下颌都有位置的变异,以第一恒磨牙的牙合关系为重,参照前磨牙、尖牙的关系而确定
E. 除考虑第一恒磨牙的牙合关系之外,还需要参考骨的相对位置关系而确定
[单选题]When on the proper glide path of a 2-bar VASI, the pilot will see the near bar as _______ and the far bar as _______ .
A.white, red
B.red, white
C.red, red
D.white, white
A. 明确颅面特征的分类
B. 诊断清楚
C. 简单
D. 易推广
E. 以上都不是
A. 面型很美
B. 保存全副牙齿
C. 上下牙弓排列整齐
D. 上下牙的尖窝关系完全正确
E. 上下牙弓牙合关系非常理想
[单项选择]Please don't touch anything unless
[单选题]If the airplane is slightly above the glide slope of a runway with four-light PAPI, the pilot will see _______ .
A.all four lights are white
B.three lights are white
C.three lights are red
D.all four lights are red
[单选题]If the airplane is slightly below the glide slope of a runway with four-light PAPI, the pilot will see _______ .
A.all four lights are white
B.three lights are white
C.three lights are red
D.all four lights are red
[单选题]In general, extending large angle simple flaps increases lift and drag coefficient, decreases critical angle of attack, and _______ the ratio of lift and drag.
B.does not change
D.is hard to determine whether increasing or decreasing


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