At all age and at all stages of life,
fear presents a problem to almost everyone. "We are largely the playthings of
our fears," wrote the British author Horace Walpole many years ago. "To one,
fear of the dark, to another, of physical pain, to third, of public ridicule, to
a fourth, of poverty, to loneliness…for all of us our particular creature waits
in a hidden place." Fear is often a useful emotion. When you become frightened, many physical changes occur within your body. Your heartbeat and responses quicken, your pupils expand to admit more light, large quantities of energy producing adrenaline(肾上腺素)are poured into your bloodstream. Confronted with a fli’e or accident, fear can fuel life-saving flight(逃离). Similarly, when a danger is psychological rather than physical, fear can force you to take self-protective measures. It is only when fear is dispr A. home education B. school education C. parents’ lifestyle D. early experiences [单选题]女,55岁。进行性呼吸困难2个月,心界向两侧扩大,心率120次/分。Ewart征阳性,应立即采取的措施是( )。
A.抗生素治疗 B.心包穿刺抽液 C.抗结核治疗 D.心包切除 E.心脏移植 [单项选择]《关于防止水泥行业盲目投资加快结构调整的若干意见》重点支持在有资源的地方建设日产( )t及以上规模新型干法熟料基地项目。
A. 2000 B. 3000 C. 4000 D. 5000 [单项选择]空分系统正常运行时,氧氮的产量每小时分别在()立方米左右。
A. 20000;20000 B. 20000;18000 C. 28000;20000 D. 60000;60000 [判断题]较大事故的调查期限为20天。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]请对教育的质的规定性及教育的本质特性进行简要的回答。
A.国家经济 B.国民经济 C.社会经济 D.国民收入 [单项选择]GPS信号都输出到哪些系统:()
A. FMC、EGPWC、CLOCK B. IRS主提醒组件、主警告组件 C. ADIRU、FMC、FCC D. D、TCAS、FMEGPWS [单项选择]HLA基因复合体中等位基因数最多的是
A. HLA-DQ B. HLA-B C. HLA-A D. HIA-DR E. HLA-C [单项选择]促进糖异生和糖原分解的激素是()。
A. 甲状旁腺激素 B. 胰岛素 C. 胰高血糖素 D. 甲状腺激素 E. 糖皮质激素 [多项选择]该设备在申报出境修理时,应该向海关提交______。
A. 出口货物报关单 B. 原进口货物报关单及发票 C. 维修合同 D. 索赔协议 [多选题] 行政处罚法规定的罚款适用当场收缴的范围是
A.100元以下的罚款 B.在边远、 水上交通不便地区的罚款 C.不当场收缴事 后难以执行的 D.对企业法人1000元以下罚款 [判断题]发电机并网运行可提高电网的运行的经济效益( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列哪项不属于儿童多动症的主要表现( )
A.注意障碍 B.活动过多 C.焦虑情绪 D.学习困难 E.品行障碍 [判断题]燔就是把肉料贴于篝火里的石块上炕熟炕干。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]作业前,作业负责人和机具使用人员应对机具进行检查,机具状态不良或( )失效的机具严禁上道使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]密度、熔点、热膨胀性、导热性、导电性、磁性等金属所具有的各种物理性质,称为金属的物理性能。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]固体催化剂一般由活性组分、助催化剂和载体组成。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]焊接5mm以下板材时,焊丝直径要与焊件厚度相近,一般选用()焊丝。
A. 甲醇和水 B. 正己烷 C. 四氢呋喃 [填空题]Many people wonder why some men want to live on the moon. It is (1) not the kind of place where most men would choose to live. But man has always moved to new areas.
Some scientists hope that continued work will be done on the moon. Many experiments will be done there more (2) . Some large (3) are very easy to do in a place without air. Matter can be heated to very high temperatures without (4) change when it is in such a place. Air, dust, and clouds cannot (5) man’s view of space from the moon. The very high or very low temperatures and low gravity on the moon will be used for many experiments. One very important use of the moon will be to (6) spaceship. Man might be able to learn much about his own body by living on the moon. He would be living in a habitat that he made for himself. Man would be in control of the (7) of life in which he lives. (8) could be removed from the air in this [单项选择]Windows7自动创建的账户除了Administrator外,还有()。
A. Guest B. Backup C. Users D. Power Users 我来回答: 提交