Declan Mayes, President of the Music
Buyers Association, is furious at a recent announcement by the recording
industry regarding people downloading MP3 music files from the Internet as
actual criminals. A few parallels may be instructive. If someone copies an audio music cassette for their own private use, they are, strictly speaking, breaking the law. But recording companies have usually turned a blind eye to this practice because prosecuting the few people involved would be difficult, and the financial loss to the company itself is not considered significant. Now the Music Recording Association has announced that it regards individuals downloading music from the Internet as pirates, claiming that they damage the industry in just the same way. "The industry is completely overreaching; it’ll be a laughing stock," says Mayes. "They’re going to arrest A. (A) the fact that fewer teenagers are buying classical music CDs B. (B) the fact that fashions change quickly C. (C) the poor quality of modern music D. (D) the prices that are charged for CDs in shops [判断题]铁、铝、铅等材料对y射线的屏蔽作用最强的是铅
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]工单作为多维精益核算体系下非项目类检修业务信息的载体,是“业务活动”、“成本大类”、“电压等级”三个维度信息的业务来源。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]最早见于史书记载的海上航线是()所记的从西汉帝国的南疆到印度洋的海路。
A. 电磁脉冲弹 B. 巡航导弹 C. 钻地炸弹 [多选题] 公安机关破获一起团伙诈骗案件,扣押一批诈骗所得的汽车和金器,冻结犯罪嫌疑人银行账户中诈骗所得的人民币100万元。下列关于涉案财物和证据处理的说法正确的是()。
A.扣押金器,应当拍照或者录像 B.公安机关对扣押、冻结的属于被害人的合法财产,应当及时返还 C.对作为证据使用的实物应当随案移送,对不宜移送的,应当将其清单、照片或者其他证明文件随案移送 D.人民法院作出的判决,应当对扣押、冻结的财物及其孳息作出处理 [单项选择]您在何时可以合法地绕过放下的铁路交叉路口栏杆,或从其边上绕过?()
A. 当火车在离铁路交叉口有一段安全距离处停下 B. 如果铁路交叉口栏杆被卡住 C. 在任何时候均不可以 [单项选择]当汇率变化时,若预期本币贬值,则个人理财的策略为( )。
A. 减少房产 B. 增加基金 C. 增加股票 D. 减少外汇 [单项选择]大秦艽汤的功用是( )
A. 祛风化痰,通络止痉 B. 祛风除湿,活血止痛 C. 祛风清热,养血活血 D. 祛风胜湿,益气养血 E. 疏风养血,清热除湿 [判断题]重整装置开工前只需准备需装填的催化剂、瓷球即可,其他化工料可以在开工后逐步配齐。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交