[A] Various definitions and interpretations of happiness.
[B] One episode of enjoying happiness.
[C] Some misconceptions about happiness.
[D] Where to seek happiness
[E] Happiness is equivalent to the ability to rejoice.[
F] The complexity of how to define happiness.
"Are you happy" I asked my brother, Ian, one day. "Yes. No. It depends what you mean," he said.
"Then tell me," I said, "when was the last time you think you were happy"
"April 1967," he said.
It served me right for putting a serious question to someone who has joked his way through life. But Ian’s answer reminded me that when we think about happiness, we usually think of something extraordinary, a pinnacle of sheer delight--and those pinnacles seem to get rarer the older we get.
41. __________.
For a child, happiness has a magical quality. I remember making hide-outs in newl
The conception of God and nature and of
the relation of man to both provided the 18th- century philosophers with their
faith in the worth and dignity of the individual man and the efficacy of human
reason. The 18th century was the moment in history when men experienced the
first flush and freshness of the idea that man is master of his own fate; the
moment in history, also, when this emancipating idea, not yet brought to the
harsh test of experience, could be accepted with unclouded optimism. Never had the nature seemed less mysterious, more simply constructed, more open and visible and eager to yield its secrets to common-sense questions. Never had the nature of man seemed less perverse, or the intelligence and will of men more pliable (yielding) to rational persuasion. Never had social and political evils seemed so wholly the result of ignorance an A. the background of God coming to the earth B. an account of nature appearing on the earth C. what the 18th-century philosophers found D. the relations between the 17th-century people and God [多选题]发生煤炭自然发火的预兆有()。
A.自然发火初期巷道中湿度增大,出现雾气和水珠,煤壁出汗 B.煤层及附近空气温度和水温增高 C.空气中氧气浓度下降 D.出现一氧化碳、二氧化碳等气体,人体产生不适感 [多选题]项目部使用的安全防护设施应保证零部件( )
A.齐全 B.崭新 C.有效 D.连接牢固 [单选题]当断路器运行中环境温度超过40℃时,断路器的长期允许工作电流()额定电流值
A.大于 B.小于 C.7等于 [多项选择]某省第一军休所安置来自不同地区的40名军休干部,他们政治觉悟高,并且有技术专长。离退休后有些人感到“无所事事”,有些人还封闭自己。鉴于此,军休所的社会工作者组织军休干部成立了志愿服务队,他们有的担任中小学大队辅导员,有的成为社区环境监督员。通过服务,军休干部们结交了新朋友,感到生活充实了。本案例中,社会工作的主要作用是协助退休干部()。
A. 倡导和挖掘社会资源 B. 实现社会角色转变 C. 维护自身合法权益 D. 增强人际关系 E. 发挥自身优势服务社会 [单选题]《济南铁路局旅客列车给水工作管理办法》中,库内不具备给水条件或库外停留的,普速列车终到后补水( )辆用于车内保洁。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [判断题]铭牌内容正确、齐全,各项参数BU 符合设计要求,挂设规范。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]站(中队)值班员每日就寝前应当按照《站(中队)要事日记》规定的内容进行( )。
A.登记 B.统计 C.登记统计 D.收集上报 [单选题] 《江西省优化营商环境条例》规定各级人民政府及有关部门应当加强对优化营商环境工作的宣传和引导,全面宣传优化营商环境的法律、法规和政策措施,推广典型经验。确定每年 为本省营商环境日。
A.2月1日 B.11月1日 C.12月1日 D.3月1日 [单项选择]患者,男,52岁,慢性乙型肝炎病史6年,1个月前出现皮肤金黄色。查体:肝掌、蜘蛛痣。
下列各项化验检查结果不正确的是 A. 尿中胆红素阳性 B. 血中结合胆红素和非结合胆红素均增加 C. 尿中尿胆原增加 D. 血中胆红素增加,以结合胆红素为主 E. 血清转氨酶明显升高 [判断题]工程项目在土方开挖阶段,进入施工现场的人员不必正确佩戴安全帽。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安全线是()中的防伪技术。
A.A:油墨; B.B:纸张; C.C:印刷; D.D:制版。 [单选题]对于126kVGIS,超声波检测到悬浮电位放电的100Hz信号幅值远大于50Hz信号幅值,且 Vpeak=12mV,应( )。
A.可不进行处理 B.应缩短检测周期并密切监测其增长量 C.带电处理 D.停电处理 [单项选择]支持智能光网络(ASON)特性的设备()
A. 155/662H B. 2500+ C. METRO500 D. OSN7500 [多选题]办理储蓄业务,应根据具体业务的( ),按政策规定要求客户出示存款人有效身份证。
A.种类; B.金额; C.原则; D.规格 [单选题]剧院、电影院、礼堂等人员密集的公共场所容纳人数不超过2000人时,每个安全出口的平均疏散人数不应超过( )人。
A.50 B.100 C.150 D.250 [判断题]发现现场情况超出现场警力控制能力,但现场发现正在发生危害公民人身、财产安全或者公共安全等紧急情形的,应立即进行救助。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]铠装热电偶有何优点?
[单选题]目前重介选约占所有选煤方法的( )%。
A.20 B.26 C.32 D.35 [单项选择]The computers made by our company sell best, but several years ago no one could
have imagined the role in the markets that they ________.
A. were playing B. were to play C. have played D. played [单项选择]用放射性标记物测定自然水体中的浮游植物光合作用固定的某元素要用“暗呼吸”法做校正,这是因为植物在黑暗中能吸收()。
A. O2 B. H2 C. N2 D. 14C [单选题]当用户管辖的线路要求恢复送电时,应接到( )的工作结束报告,作好录音并记录后方可进行。
A.工作负责人 B.原申请人 C.用户单位 D.专责监护人 [单选题]制定处置计划时,制定处置计划金额为() 。
A.制定部分贷款余额 B.贷款余额 C.不需要制定金额 D.贷款本金 [简答题]营业场所保安员应执行哪些规定?
A.直热式培养箱 B.隔水式培养箱 C.电热恒温培养箱及干燥两用箱 D.振荡培养箱 E.油电两用培养箱 [判断题] "物料平衡超出限度范围需进行分析和偏差处理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交