病人,女,55岁,在家用蜂窝煤炉子做饭时感觉头痛,饭后头痛加剧,伴恶心、呕吐,感觉四肢无力且视物不清,而后发生昏倒。入院时病人口唇黏膜呈樱桃红,脉快,多汗,神志不清伴低热。 |
Whenever two or more unusual traits or
situations are found in the same place, it is tempting to look for more than a
coincidental relationship between them. The high Himalayas and the Tibetan
plateau certainly have extraordinary physical characteristics and the cultures
that are found there are also unusual, though not unique. However, there is no
intention of adopting Montesquieu’s view of climate and soil as cultural
determents. The ecology of a region merely poses some of the problems faced by
the inhabitants of the region, and while the problems facing a culture are
important to its development, they do not determine it. The appearance of the Himalayas during the late Tertiary Period and the accompanying further raising of the previously established rages had a marked effect on the climate of the region. Primarily, of co A. analyze the possible causal links between Tibetan ecology and society. B. describe the social organization of typical Tibetan villages. C. describe Tibetan fauna and flora. D. analyze the mysterious of the sudden appearance of the Himalayas. [单项选择]
下列各项具体工作分属于上述促进合理用药措施的是 要让药品需求者不分贫富均有药可用()A. 提高全民合理用药的意识和能力 B. 认真开展药物上市后监测 C. 开展临床用药研究 D. 充分发挥药师的作用 E. 推行国家基本药物政策 [多项选择]双倍余额递减法和年数总和法这两种计算固定资产折旧的方法,其共同点有 ______。
A. 每期折旧率固定 B. 加速折旧方法 C. 考虑净残值 D. 前期折旧额高,后期折旧额低 E. 每期折旧额相等 [判断题]中长期国债通常用于弥补政府的预算赤字,并成为中央银行在公开市场上调节货币供应量的主要工具。()
A.延迟稽核30分钟 B.变更后的付费方式只能是:移动充值帐户、托收 C.必须缴清欠费 D.无纸化工单签字并保存成功 E.证件类型为身份证/外国人永久居留身份证/港澳居民居住证/台湾居民居住证必须通过身份证识别仪读取信息 [多选题]采用给水回热循环有何优点( )
A.利用汽轮机抽汽所具有的较低品位热量来提高锅炉的给水温度 B.汽轮机排汽量减少,从而降低冷源损失 C.简化汽轮机组的热力系统 D.减少建设投资 [多项选择]患者女,50岁,已婚,因“阴道分泌物增多6个月,不规则出血伴腰部不适2个月”来诊。妇科查体:外阴正常,阴道穹隆消失,宫颈直径5cm,结节状,质硬,易出血,子宫体前位,大小正常,未触及结节,活动受限,双宫旁结节状增厚达盆壁,宫骶韧带增厚未固定,直肠黏膜光滑。宫颈活检:中分化鳞状细胞癌。其临床分期(FIGO,2009年)是()
A. Ⅱa1 B. Ⅱa2 C. Ⅱb D. Ⅲa E. Ⅲb F. Ⅳa G. Ⅳb [单选题]《中国铁路总公司关于印发外宾乘车证管理办法的通知》(铁总运2017-22号)规定,外宾乘车证为有价证劵。由( )统一印刷。
A.铁路总公司 B.各铁路局 C.各站段 D.各车间部门 [单选题]男患者,32岁,近十天小便灼痛,经查为淋球菌感染,患者对青霉素有过敏史,宜选用
A.红霉素 B.氨苄青霉素 C.大观霉素 D.链霉素 E.多黏菌素 我来回答: 提交