Dick was a twenty-year-old man. His father was a
teacher and taught chemistry in a middle school and his mother worked in a shop.
They lived a happy life until his parents died one night when suddenly an
earthquake broke out. Luckily his sister took him to see their aunt in the city
and they did not stay at home. Everything was destroyed in the earthquake and
the two children got into trouble. Thanks to their aunt who was not rich enough,
they grew up but they lived a hard life. His sister was so sad that she became a
nun (修女). After he finished middle school, he was introduced to an owner of a
hotel and began to work there. One day the young man fell to the ground while he was cleaning a window on the second floor. He was sent to hospital and the doctor l [单选题]在供用电合同中应明确供用电()应承担的消防安全责任。
A.A.双方 B.B.用户 C.C.公司 D.D.他人 E.略 F.略 G.略 [多选题]罗某受到朱某的人身威胁,向公安机关报案,公安机关未采取任何措施。三天后,罗某了解到朱某因涉嫌抢劫被刑事拘留。罗某以公安机关不履行法定职责为由向法院提起行政诉讼,同时提出行政赔偿请求,要求赔偿精神损失。法院经审理认为,公安机关确未履行法定职责。下列哪些选项是正确的?
A.因朱某已被刑事拘留,法院应当判决驳回罗某起诉 B.法院应当判决确认公安机关不履行职责行为违法 C.法院应当判决公安机关赔偿罗某的精神损失 D.法院应当判决驳回罗某的行政赔偿请求 [简答题]旅客列车变更( ),车站值班员呼叫司机的车机联控用语为××(次)××(站)变更×道通过[停车],限速××公里。。
A. 季末月 B. 季首月 C. 二月 D. 三月 [单项选择]“一带一路”建设能否取得预期成效,关键在于能否创建()的新发展模式。
A. 可持续 B. 可循环 C. 绿色 D. 创新 [单选题]新文化运动开始于( )年。
A.1911 B.1914 C.1915 D.1917 [判断题]电缆线路的薄弱环节一般在电缆接头和终端头处。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]•0126024947
[单选题]油罐火灾扑救第一出动力量战斗编成通常以水罐消防车、泡沫消防车和( )为主要作战单元。(中)
A.抢险救援消防车 B.举高喷射消防车 C.登高平台消防车 D.城市主战消防车 [单选题]判断柴油发动机个别汽缸不工作,可采用( )法进行诊断。
A.相邻两缸断油 B.单缸断油 C.相邻两缸断火 D.单缸断火 [填空题]藏传佛教有()、()、()、()等四大教派。
Read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word. Choose the word in either of the following two ways: use the correct form of the given word, or according to the given letters of the word. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet. Education Issues Sara I’m a teacher of French and Spanish, and I think foreign languages are one of the areas where it’s good to be creative. Young people need to learn foreign languages by sp{{U}} (66) {{/U}} them and doing fun activities like role-plays instead of just doing written exercises. Of course there is some hard work in learning a language, like trying to remember all those tenses of v{{U}} (67) {{/U}}, but I think it’s a good idea to try to make classroom activities as enj{{U}} (68) {{/U}} as possible. Nick I left school four years ago, and looking back, one th 我来回答: 提交