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[单选题]请阅读Passage 2,完成第小题。 Passage 2 Crash. Shatter. Boom. Crash. Shatter. Boom. Smattering of silly dialogue. Pretty girl screams: "Dad! " Crash. Shatter. Boom. Silly dialogue. "DAD!!! " Crash. Shatter. Boom. What? Oh, sorry. We were falling into a trance there. Which is, dear moviegoer, what may happen to you during Michael Bay's Transformers: Age of Extinction, the fourth Transformers film and lasts 165 minutes, which is precariously close to the three-hour mark that Bay undoubtedly will reach--by our sophisticated calculations, and at the current growth rate, with his sixth installment. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Despite what you've just read, this film will likely be a massive hit because by now, if you're buying a Transformers ticket, you surely know what you're getting into, and you want more, more, more. And Bay is the Master of More. Or just take it from the l 1-year-old sitting next to me, who reserved any audible judgment--he, too was in a trance, though maybe from sugar intake--until the moment he saw a Transformer become a dinosaur. Overwhelmed by the pairing, he proclaimed, "That's the sickest thing I've ever seen in my life." It was as if peanut butter and jelly had been tasted together for the first time. This time, there's a whole new human cast. Most important, Mark Wahlberg has replaced Shia LaBeouf as well, Main Human Guy. A significant part of the movie also takes place in China--clearly a nod to the franchise's huge market in the country. In any case, we begin in Paris, Texas, where Cade Yeager (Wahlberg), a struggling inventor, is desperately seeking a big discovery. He's also a widowed dad, and super-protective (as the movie incessantly reminds us) of his high-school daughter, Tessa (Nicola Peltz, blond and pretty and ineffective, though the one-note script does her no favours). One day, Cade buys a rusty old truck. Examining it back home, he soon discovers it's none other than Optimus Prime, the Autobot hero, seriously damaged. As Cade works on fixing him up, his assistant, wisecracking surfer-dude Lucas, has the dumb idea of calling the authorities. What he doesn't know is that the government is plotting to destroy all remaining Autobots in favour of a man-made army of Transformers. He's being helped in this endeavour by the shadowy KSI Corporation, run by the nasty-but-complicated Joshua Joyce (Stanley Tucci). So now, it's evil humans that pitted against the trustworthy Autobots. So much for gratitude. There's also a subplot involving Tessa and her secret boyfriend, Shane (Jack Reynor, underused),whose Irish accent leads Cade to dismissively call him "Lucky Charms"--at least until the two bond in battle. The obvious question: Is it too much for its own good? Bay is very talented at all things visual,the 3-13 works well and the robots look great. But the final confrontation alone lasts close to an hour. At some point, you may find yourself simply in a daze, unable to absorb any further action into your brain. Which of the following statement is wrong? 查看材料
A.The sixth Transformer may last for 3 hours.
B.The government in the movie wants to set up a man-made army of Transformers.
C.In the movie, KSI Corporation stands by the government.
D.Joshua Joyce has reported the news about Autobot hero to the government.

更多"[单选题]请阅读Passage 2,完成第小题。 Passage 2"的相关试题:

[单选题]请阅读Passage 2,完成第小题。 Passage 2 Crash. Shatter. Boom. Crash. Shatter. Boom. Smattering of silly dialogue. Pretty girl screams: "Dad! " Crash. Shatter. Boom. Silly dialogue. "DAD!!! " Crash. Shatter. Boom. What? Oh, sorry. We were falling into a trance there. Which is, dear moviegoer, what may happen to you during Michael Bay's Transformers: Age of Extinction, the fourth Transformers film and lasts 165 minutes, which is precariously close to the three-hour mark that Bay undoubtedly will reach--by our sophisticated calculations, and at the current growth rate, with his sixth installment. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Despite what you've just read, this film will likely be a massive hit because by now, if you're buying a Transformers ticket, you surely know what you're getting into, and you want more, more, more. And Bay is the Master of More. Or just take it from the l 1-year-old sitting next to me, who reserved any audible judgment--he, too was in a trance, though maybe from sugar intake--until the moment he saw a Transformer become a dinosaur. Overwhelmed by the pairing, he proclaimed, "That's the sickest thing I've ever seen in my life." It was as if peanut butter and jelly had been tasted together for the first time. This time, there's a whole new human cast. Most important, Mark Wahlberg has replaced Shia LaBeouf as well, Main Human Guy. A significant part of the movie also takes place in China--clearly a nod to the franchise's huge market in the country. In any case, we begin in Paris, Texas, where Cade Yeager (Wahlberg), a struggling inventor, is desperately seeking a big discovery. He's also a widowed dad, and super-protective (as the movie incessantly reminds us) of his high-school daughter, Tessa (Nicola Peltz, blond and pretty and ineffective, though the one-note script does her no favours). One day, Cade buys a rusty old truck. Examining it back home, he soon discovers it's none other than Optimus Prime, the Autobot hero, seriously damaged. As Cade works on fixing him up, his assistant, wisecracking surfer-dude Lucas, has the dumb idea of calling the authorities. What he doesn't know is that the government is plotting to destroy all remaining Autobots in favour of a man-made army of Transformers. He's being helped in this endeavour by the shadowy KSI Corporation, run by the nasty-but-complicated Joshua Joyce (Stanley Tucci). So now, it's evil humans that pitted against the trustworthy Autobots. So much for gratitude. There's also a subplot involving Tessa and her secret boyfriend, Shane (Jack Reynor, underused),whose Irish accent leads Cade to dismissively call him "Lucky Charms"--at least until the two bond in battle. The obvious question: Is it too much for its own good? Bay is very talented at all things visual,the 3-13 works well and the robots look great. But the final confrontation alone lasts close to an hour. At some point, you may find yourself simply in a daze, unable to absorb any further action into your brain. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? 查看材料
A.The audiences don't like the final confrontation.
B.The disadvantages of Transformers 4 are more obvious than advantages.
C.Putting into too much what the director skilled poses negative effect.
D.The director Bay only focuses on the 3-D works.
[单选题]请阅读Passage l,完成第小题。 Passage 1 A lyric is a subjective poem of intense personal emotion whose principal quality is its musical form. Poe, master of the lyric, was led to explain all poetry as the rhythmical creation of beauty in words. Because great poetry is often pure music, haunting melody, and chiming syllables, the reader should not glance through poetry as he read his newspaper or the latest magazine--skipping a word here and a line there, and still hope to get what the author had intended for him. Poetry being music, like all other forms of music, it gains its meaning when interpreted by the human voice. It is the special function of lyrical poetry to give pleasure through this musical quality no less than through fine contemplation of beauty it inspires--beauty of thought, of feeling, of expression, and of technical skill. But poetry is more than a great pleasure. It should also be an outlet for our own unspoken thoughts and our varied moods. It makes articulate our choked-up passageways of speech, giving adequate expression to our pent-up loves and joys and glories, and furnishes release and relief to our fears, grieves and sorrows. A great poet takes our half-formed thoughts, or suppressed moods, our crushed desires, and needs, and leads them out into the open, endowing them with a harmony, and completeness ... Great verse can help to vitalize our thinking about the commonplace and elemental in life, and can idealize and give meaning to the simplest things in creation. Listen to Tennyson: Flower in the crannied wall, I pluck you out of the crannies, I hold you here, root and all, in my hand, Little flower--but if I could understand, What you are, root and all, and all in all, I should know what God and man is. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? 查看材料
A.The lyric is beautiful poetry of action and story.
B.The most important feature of the lyric is its musical form.
C.Poetry gains its meaning when read silently and carefully.
D.Poe defined all poetry as pure music with chiming syllables.
[单选题]请阅读Passage 2,完成第小题。 Passage 2 Among China's greatest art treasures are the Buddhist caves near Dunhuang. Their ancient frescoes and sculptures have survived wars, environmental damage, antiquities hunters, and the chaotic Cultural Revolution. Today domestic tourism is the biggest threat: the UNESCO World Heritage site has an optimal capacity of 3,000 per day, but peak times can see twice that many visitors. The Mogao Grottoes are especially vulnerable to mass tourism. Their ecosystems are fragile. A buildup of humidity and carbon dioxide from visitors' breath can lead to flaking and discoloration of wall paintings. To preserve the caves, the Dunhuang Academy is pioneering a project to digitize the site. Recently, the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery in Washington, D. C., offered a tantalizing glimpse at the undertaking. Donning 3-D glasses, visitors were transported into a breathtaking "virtual" Dunhuang grotto, known as Cave 220. The 3-D, interactive experience is flooded with vivid color, close-up details, moving images of flying bodhisattvas, even sound, "Dunhuang ranks as the single most important repository of early Chinese art. Here the great cultures of the World--Greek and Roman,Persian and Middle Eastern, Indian and Chinese--constantly interacted for over a millennium,"said Mimi Gates, who formed the Dunhuang Foundation. "High-resolution digitization will provide a lasting record of this artistic treasure for all mankind and can make it accessible beyond China." A dozen years ago, the Dunhuang Academy began cooperating with foregoing institutions to conserve the treasures. Among the projects, one used a camera to create a digital archive of the caves. The results will be used in the academy which planned $40 million state-of-the-art visitor center which will present virtual tour of the caves to save the real site wear and tear. The scope of the project is daunting. It requires 20 minutes or so to record a 9-square-meter fresco, and there are 492 caves with murals inside. But the Sackler exhibit proved how enthralling the single virtual cave CaB be. Real caves provide no lightbulbs. Once they reach critical levels of moisture and temperature,they are shut to the public. Only a few dozen caves are accessible at any given time. But the Sackler's virtual tour was different. One of the most popular features was the "magnifying glass",which can zoom in on, say, a zither depicted in a mural. The instrument appears to pop out of the wall, enlarge, and then rotate in space. Visitors can also "flip" back and forth between the intricate Tang-dynasty mural and a later, cruder Sung-dynasty fresco. To help Cave 220's Tang dancer paintings magically come to life, two Chinese performers were flown to the Applied Laboratory for Interactive Visualization and Embodiment (ALIV E) in a Hong Kong university. For three days the dancers were filmed performing intricate steps, fluid movements, and careful manipulation of long, sinuous ribbons. They appeared in the Sackler tour,dancing as if in midair, clad in brightly colored Tang costume. ALIVE's project manager said while he's become intimately familiar with the images Cave 220, he hasn't been there yet. "I can't wait to visit the real thing." Which of the following is the best title for this article? 查看材料
A.Digital Tourism in Future China
B.IT in Arthur M. Sackler's Virtual Tour
C.IT and Presentation of China's Mogao Grottoes
D.China's Fabled Mogao Grottoes Turn to Digital Tourism
[单选题]请阅读Passage 2,完成第小题。 Passage 2 NBA centre Jason Collins recently announced he was gay in a cover story for Sports Illustrated. In other words, he"came out of the closet." This expression for revealing one's homosexuality may seem natural. Being in the closet implies hiding from the outside world, and the act of coming out of it implies the will to stop hiding. But though the closet has long been a metaphor for privacy or secrecy, its use with reference to homosexuality is relatively recent. According to George Chauncey's comprehensive history of modern gay culture, Gay New York, the closet metaphor was not used by gay people until the 1960s. Before then, it doesn't appear anywhere"in the records of the gay movement or in the novels, diaries, or letters of gay men and lesbians." "Coming out," however, has long been used in the gay community, but it first meant something different than it does now."A gay man's coming out originally referred to his being formally presented to the largest collective manifestation of prewar gay society, the enormous drag balls that were patterned on the debutante and masquerade balls of the dominant culture and were regularly held in New York, Chicago, New Orleans, Baltimore, and other cities." The phrase"coming out" did not refer to coming out of hiding, but to joining into a society of peers. The phrase was borrowed from the world of debutante balls, where young women"came out" in being officially introduced to society. The gay debutante balls were a matter of public record and often covered in the newspaper, so"coming out" within gay society often meant revealing your sexual orientation in the wider society as well, but the phrase didn't necessarily carry the implication that if you hadn't yet come out, you were keeping it a secret. There were other metaphors for the act of hiding or revealing homosexuality. Gay people could "wear a mask" or "take off the mask". A man could "wear his hair up" or "let his hair down", or "drop hairpins" that would only be recognized by other gay men. It is unclear exactly when gay people started using the closet metaphor, but "it may have been used initially because many men who remained 'covert' thought of their homosexuality as a sort of'skeleton in the closet'." It may also have come from outsiders who viewed it that way. It seems that"coming out of the closet" was born as a mixture of two metaphors: a debutante proudly stepping into the arms of a community and a shocking secret being kept in hiding. Now. the community is the wider community, and the secret is no longer shocking,"Coming out" is a useful phrase, but it need not imply a closet. What can we learn from the last paragraph? 查看材料
A.The phrase "coming out" is only used in the gay community.
B.The meaning of "coming out" is becoming wider and wider.
C.The phrase "coming out" only stands for a shocking secret in hiding
D.The meaning of "coming out" has not changed until now.
[单选题]请阅读Passage 1。完成第小题。 Passage 1 African elephants have been slaughtered at alarming rate over the past decade, largely because they are the primary source of the world's ivory. Their population has been dwindled from 1.3 million in 1979 to just 625,000 today, and the rate of killing has been accelerating in recent years because many of the older, bigger tusked animals have already been destroyed. "The poachers now must kill times as many elephants to get the same quantity of ivory," explained Curtis Bohlen,Senior vice president of the World Wildlife Fund. Though its record on the environment has been spotty so far, the government last week took the lead in a major conservation issue by imposing a ban on ivory imports into the US. The move came just four days after a consortium of conservation groups, including the World Wildlife Fund and Wildlife Conservation International, called for that kind of action, and it made the US the first nation to forbid imports of both raw and finished ivory. The ban, says Bohlen, sends a very clear message to the ivory poachers that the game is over. In the past African nations have resisted an ivory ban, but increasingly they realized that the decimation of the elephant herds poses a serious threat to their tourist business. Last month Tanzania and several other African countries called for an amendment to the 102 nation Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species that would make the ivory trade illegal worldwide. The amendment is expected to be approved at an October meeting in Geneva and to go into effect next January. But between now and then, conservationists contend, poachers may go on a rampage,killing elephants wholesale, so nations should unilaterally forbid imports right away. The US government brought that argument, and by week's end the twelve nations European Community had followed with its own ban. Why did the African nations welcome an ivory ban? 查看材料
A.The rate of killing has been accelerating.
B.The US government forbids imports of both raw and finished ivory.
C.They realized that the killing of elephants is a serious threat to their tourist business.
D.African people advocated an ivory ban.


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