It is not the "someday I’ll win the
lottery" kind of daydream, but the kind that taps into the hidden part of your
brain. That is the kind that comes out only in the still of the{{U}} (67)
{{/U}}These are the dreams that can overtake you. They can cause you to
sweat at night. And even when they{{U}} (68) {{/U}}as consciousness
looms, they can{{U}} (69) {{/U}}a spell on your day. People have
speculated{{U}} (70) {{/U}}dreams for thousands of years since we
find{{U}} (71) {{/U}}humans drew pictures on the walls of caves.
Because dreams couldn’t be controlled, they were attributed{{U}} (72)
{{/U}}the gods. Shakespeare used dreams{{U}} (73) {{/U}}a dramatic
device. Remember the sleepwalking Lady Macbeth who rubbed her hands{{U}}
(74) {{/U}}in an effort to cleanse the blood from her hands. "Out!"
she cried, "damned spot!" However, it A. happily B. sadly C. slightly D. furiously [单选题]依据《附件17》,对保安测试定义正确的是( )。
A.对航空公司、机场或其他参与保安的实体执行国家民用航空保安方案要求进行的检查 B.对保安需要的评估,包括查明可被利用来进行非法干扰行为的弱点,以及关于纠正行动的建议 C.对模拟实施非法干扰行为企图的航空保安措施所进行的隐蔽或公开的试验 D.对执行国家民用航空保安方案的各个方面是否符合要求进行的深入审查 [单选题]( ):制定作业及工艺吹扫处理方案,落实各项安全措施,作业现场安全教育、安全交底、安全监护等工作
A.作业负责人 B.作业部位所在单位 C.属地单位 [单选题]CRH380A统型动车组撒砂喷嘴距轨面高( )。
A.48~60mm B.48~55mm C.40~60mm D.48~65mm [单选题]巩膜与角膜交界处深面的环行小管是
A.眼静脉 B.虹膜角膜角 C.巩膜静脉窦 D.瞳孔 E.内眦动脉 [单选题]大风天气巡线,应沿线路上风侧前进,以免触及断落的导线。事故巡视应始终认为线路带电,保持安全距离。夜间巡线,应沿线路内侧进行。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 [多选题]甲企业在 2008 年得到政府无偿划拨来的一处房产,2020 年补办该房
产的土地使用权出让手续、缴纳土地出让金后获得土地使用权,甲企业将房产连同土地使用权转让给乙企业。以下说法正确的有 )。 A.甲企业补办土地出让手续、缴纳土地出让金,应缴纳契税 B.甲企业将房产转让给乙企业应缴纳增值税、城建税 C.甲企业将房产转让给乙企业应缴纳土地增值税 D.乙企业取得甲企业转让的房产应缴纳契税 [多选题]站务员上岗所需证件()
A.低压电工证 B.云南省消防合格证 C.岗位培训合格证 D.健康证 [判断题]重要电力客户应配变自备应急电源及非电性质的保安措施,满足紧急照明负荷应急供电需要。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]钢绞线应用圆盘切割机切割,不允许用电、气切割。()、()、锚具应避免生锈及局部损伤,以免脆性破坏。所有预应力钢材不允许焊接。
[简答题]It is hardly too much to say that timely participation in social practice _____________________ (将会使大学生们终生受益).
[填空题] There are two factors which determine an individual’’s intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born 【B1】 . Human brains differ considerably, 【B2】 being more capable than others. 【B3】 no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has 【B4】 to learn. SO the second factor is what 【B5】 to the individual--the sort of environment in which he is brought 【B6】 . If an individual is handicapped (受阻得) 【B7】 , it is likely that his brain will 【B8】 to develop and he will never 【B9】 the level of intelligence of which he is 【B10】
The importance of environment in determining an individual’’s intelligence can be 【B11】 by the case history of the 【B12】 twins, Peter arid John. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in 【B13】 fostered (寄养的) homes. Peter was 【B14】 by parents of low intelligence in an 【B15】 community with poor educational opportunities. John,
A. A.relatively B.intelligently C.regularly D.environmentally [单选题]下列各项不能作为遗产继承的是( )。
A.30万元的银行定期存款 B.个人收藏的清代名人字画 C.生前好友赠与的一对青花瓷瓶 D.朋友委托其鉴定的古董一件 [单选题]BC035 施工现场使用的乙炔瓶应立放,与明火水平距离不小于( )。
A.5m B.10m C.15m D.20m [单选题]在新建铁路线上,新设尚未开始使用的信号机(进站信号机暂用作防护车站时除外),可撤下臂板或将色灯机构向线路外侧扭转90?,并熄灭灯光,作为( )。
A.有效 B.灯光熄灭 C.红色灯光 D.无效 [单选题]按照我国《物权法》的规定,关于物权的说法,正确的是( )
A.权利人对某特定物品享有的物权不具有排他性 B.某一特定物品上的物权所有的权利人和义务人都是特定的行为人 C.权利人对某一特定物品上的物权包括所有权、用益物权和担保物权 D.权利人对某一特定物品上的物权并不能直接享有 [多选题]南方电网公司10kV用电客户电能计量装置典型设计3.5。配变监测计量终端安装于10kV公共变压器现场的用于实现配变供电计量和监测的现场终端设备,具备( )功能。
A.计量 B.自动化 C.无功补偿控制 D.谐波消除 [判断题]横向扫地杆应固定在纵向扫地杆上方。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Demand for Houses Still Running Ahead of Supply
A House prices have risen again this month as demand continues to outstrip supply, according to the latest research from the property website Rightmove. co. u. k. National average asking prices asking prices rose by 2.3 per cent in September, pushing the average house price through £150,000 and setting the annual rate at 22.2 per cent. B "The shortage of properties coming on to the market in many areas means that it is still a seller’s market, particularly in the lower and middle price brackets. This shortage and continuing demand are resulting in renewed increases in asking prices overall," Rightmove’s Miles Shipside said. The findings support the latest survey from the nationwide Building Society, which showed prices rising at their highest rate since 1999, but contradict the latest Halifax survey which reported a slight slowdown in annual inflation from 20.8 to 18.8 per cent. C "It’s an int [多选题]根据《专利法》的规定,不授予专利权的有( )。
A.通过智力活动创造出的关于新产品的技术方案 B.疾病的诊断和治疗方法 C.动物和植物品种 D.对产品的形状所作出的富有美感并适用于工业应用的新设计 [单项选择]有一块边长24厘米的正方形纸片,如果在它的四个角各剪去一个小正方形,就可以做成一个无盖的纸盒。现在要使做成的纸盒容积最大,剪去的小正方形的边长应为几厘米
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [单选题]《辽宁省农村信用社个人征信业务管理办法(修订)》的通知(辽农信联[2017]381号)中,有____种情况可以向个人信用数据库查询当事人个人信用报告。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [单项选择]与y=sinx,x∈[-π,π],吻合最好的直线是:()。
A. y=x+1 B. y=2x C. y=x D. y=πx [单项选择]胚胎期开始发育及钙化的恒牙是
A. 下中切牙 B. 上中切牙 C. 第一恒磨牙 D.下侧切牙 D. 下中切牙及侧切牙 [判断题]当平面四杆机构中的运动副都是转动副时,称为铰链四杆机构。( )
A. 胃 B. 小肠 C. 胰 D. 胆囊 E. 肝 [单项选择]板料冲裁,冲裁件变形后期形成的特征区是()。
A. 圆角带 B. 光亮带 C. 毛刺区 D. 断裂带 [判断题]《修规》第3.9.11条,各种螺栓、连杆、顶铁和间隔铁损坏、变形或作用不良,顶铁和轨腰离缝大于2mm,应有计划地进行修理或更换。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]盖托说“12年在学校的课桌椅上,将会把旺盛的内在精神生活变成空空荡荡的写字板”,这反映了以下哪种教育现象?()
A. 学生难以自立 B. 学习负担过重 C. 学制超长 D. 教学质量低下 [单项选择] ·Look at the guidelines below about staff appraisal. ·Choose the best word from the opposite page to fill each gap. ·For each question 19-33 mark one letter A, B, C or D on your Answer Sheet.