Stinking (发臭的)
Buses{{/B}} Stinking buses jam(挤满) the crowded street. Drivers {{U}} (51) {{/U}} at one another and honk(鸣喇叭)their horns. Smog(烟雾)hurts the eyes and chokes(窒息) the senses. The {{U}} (52) {{/U}} is Athens at rush hour. The city is in a sorry state of affairs, built {{U}} (53) {{/U}} a plan, lacking even adequate sewerage facilities (排水设施),its 135 square miles packed with 3.7 million people. So great has been the population flow toward the city that neighboring villages stand {{U}} (54) {{/U}} or nearly so. About 120,000 people from distant provinces move to Athens every year. The migrants come for the few available {{U}} (55) {{/U}}. Because of migration, Athens by the year 2000 will have a population of 6 A. reached B. concluded C. received D. conducted [单选题]我行公务卡异地本行ATM预借现金手续费为( )
A.免手续费 B.2元/笔 C.交易金额的1%+2元/笔,最低3元/笔 D.交易金额的5‰+2元/笔,最低3元/笔 [单选题]女性,46 岁。近 1 年来月经周期不规则,经量增多及经期延长, 现阴道流血 12 天, 量多, 妇科检查子宫稍大、稍软。应首先采取的止血措施是
A.诊刮术 B.大剂量雌激素 C.大剂量孕激素 D.大剂量雄激素 E.静脉应用注射用血凝酶 [简答题]轮椅使用安全风险点和风险环节(5.0)
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]关于家庭社会工作的含义,以下说法正确的是()。
A. 家庭社会工作是运用社会工作的专业理论和方法而开展的专业服务活动。 B. 家庭社会工作的目的是帮助有需要的家庭更好地发挥家庭的社会功能。 C. 家庭社会工作关注整个家庭成员的需要。 D. 家庭社会工作就是对家庭成员的心理问题进行治疗。 E. 家庭社会工作只是为有困难的家庭提供服务。 [单选题]1115、中国第一枚通用CPU的名字叫()。
A.A、龙芯 B.B、方舟 C.C、长城 D.D、联想 [简答题]电极电流不断上涨的原因是什么?
[填空题]在道岔转辙部分改道时,应将曲股基本轨弯折尺寸和 整修好。
A. 数据与程序独立存放 B. 不同的数据被存放在不同的文件中 C. 不同的数据只能被对应的应用程序所使用 D. 以上三种说法都不对 [单选题]包裹从( )日起满90天仍无人领取,承运人应在车站进行通告。
A.运到 B.发出通知 C.收到 D.保管期满次 [单项选择]How Sled Dogs Work
They’re physical wonders-able to endure extreme conditions for extensive periods of time while running fast and pulling more than their own weight. Sled (雪橇) dogs have been around for generations, and today they remain a large part of a dog driver’s life. In Arctic (北极的) regions, some 35 000 years ago, Eskimos’ dogs bred with wolves and other dogs. Their offspring were well-adapted to the cold and snow. There’s no saying exactly when someone thought to have dogs pull sleds, but it was well before 1000 B. C. that dog sleds provided a means of transportation and a way to haul goods. In recent years, people looking for unique outings have gone on recreational trips with sled dogs. A number of companies market tourist treks via dog sled for adventure travelers. Dogsled racing in Alaska formally began in 1908, when sled dog owners in Nome, Alaska, held the first All-Alaska Sweepstakes, a 408-mile race from Nome to Candle and back. And in 1973, A. there are severe weather conditions B. flying machines are full with passengers C. snow machines use up power in the Arctic region D. people need partners during the travel [填空题]《空调列车服务质量规范》中通过线路时走天桥、人行地道,走平交道时做到___。
以下哪项属实,最能减弱上述论证 A. 甲省的人口是乙省人口的5倍。 B. 甲省的面积是乙省面积的10倍。 C. 甲省的省报在全国发行。 D. 甲省的省报主要在乙省销售。 E. 乙省的报纸在全国发行。 [填空题]接受业主递交的物品时,前台人员必须起身()接过。
[单选题]单位定期存款,以( )为结息日.
A.到期日 B.取款日 C.每月21日 D.每季21日 [判断题]客户侧营销现场作业是指在客户产权配电室、变电站等场所、设备范围内进行的营销现场作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]现场触电抢救,对采用( )等药物应持慎重态度。
A.维生素 B.肾上腺素 C.胰岛素 D.脑活素 [判断题]磁力线上某点的切线方向就是该点磁场的方向。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]按规定完成车辆驾驶学习训练任务的驾驶员请领《车辆驾驶证》时,凭_________,由所在单位填写《车辆驾驶证申请表》,提出申请,经医院体检合格后,逐级上报车辆驾驶证核发机关审核,按规定考核合格后,核发《车辆驾驶证》。( )
A.新训成绩单 B.《车辆驾驶待理证》 C.《车辆学习实习驾驶证》 [名词解释]裘皮qiú pí
[简答题]How to Retire Earlier
It’s every working staff’s dream: saying goodbye to the daily grind while you still have your own teeth. In our early retirement fantasies, we’re traveling the world, healthy and in the prime of our lives, visiting those hard-to-pronounce countries we’ve always talked about and sampling the finest local fare. Retirement-related Problems Surveys show that more than half of workers between the ages of 30 and 50 plan to retire before they’re 60. But there’s only one problem with this wishful thinking: Retiring early is easy, but making your money last is hard. One problem with saving up for early retirement is that we tend not to think beyond those first few glorious years of good health and full checking accounts-we don’t do the long-term math. If the average male life expectancy is 75.2 and we retire at 55, then our savings, and stock market investments need to last for 20 years. And what if we live even longer than average [填空题]骨干教师的专业发展阶段经历准备期、适应期、发展期和________。
[判断题]配筋砌块芯柱在楼盖处应贯通,并不得削弱芯柱截面尺寸。( )
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