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发布时间:2023-10-02 21:58:16

[多选题]which statements concerning the personality of international organizations in international law are correct?
A. The United Nations do have international personality and such personality was indispensable to achieve its purpose and principles
B. states have the power to bring into being an entity possessing objective international personality, and not merely personality recognized by them alone.
C. Processing international personality means that the international organizations do constitute a subject of international law.
D. Their international personality determines the capacity of the organization to act directly and independently on the international stage.

更多"[多选题]which statements concerning th"的相关试题:

[单选题] Which of the following statements concerning cargo is correct?
A. Cargoes are any type of goods transported by any type of ships.
B. Cargoes are goods transported in bulk.
C. Cargoes usually include goods transported in bulk and in containers.
D. Cargoes are usually packaged in containers.
[多选题]which statements about the personality of individuals on the international planes are correct?
A. Action of certain individuals had been considered vitally important to the peace and security of the international community as a whole.
B. obligations have been placed on individuals concerning such serious criminal activities as war crimes, crimes against humanity and piracy.
C. The debate over the status of individuals in international law is accompanied with the rise of the international protection of human rights.
D. 1nternational law will definitely be more attentive to the interests and welfare of mankind itself.
[单选题] Which statement concerning the application of dry chemical powder is FALSE ________.
A.At temperatures of less than 32℉,the extinguisher must be recharged more often
B.When possible,the fire should be attacked from windward
C.The stream should be directed at the base of the fire
D.Directing the stream into burning flammable liquid may cause splashing
[多选题]which statements about the principal organs of the UN are correct?
A. The General Assembly is the parliamentary body.
B. The sC is an executive organ.
C. The ECosoC is an executive organ.
D. The 1CJ is the principal judicial organ.
[多选题]which statements about the interim measures of protection granted by the 1CJ are correct?
A. 1nterim measures are granted to preserve the respective rights of the parties, which are the subject of dispute in judicial proceedings.
B. 1nterim measures must be such that once the disputes over those rights have been resolved by judgment on the merits, they would not no longer be required.
C. 1nterim measures are commonly advisory and are not to be regarded as judgments of on the merits of the case.
D. The right to enjoy interim measures is not to cause irreparable damage to rights which are the subject of disputes in judicial procedures.
[多选题]which statements about territorial sovereignty as following are correct?
A. Territorial sovereignty has a positive and negative aspect.
B. The positive aspect of territorial sovereignty relates to the exclusivity of the competence of the state regarding its own territory.
C. The negative aspect of territorial sovereignty refers to the obligation to protect the rights of other states.
D. sovereignty in relation to a portion of the surface of the globe is the legal condition necessary for the inclusion of such portion in the territory of any particular
Which statements about territorial integrity are correct?
A. The territorial integrity of states may be one of the most fundamental notions in international protection of sovereign rights of states.
B. The principle of territorial integrity has been laid down in a series of international conventions.
C. The territorial integrity of a sovereign state is to be respected by any other states.
D. 1nternational servitude violates the principle of territorial integrity.
[多选题]which statements about diplomatic protection are correct?
A. A state is not to pursue claims beyond the limit of protection for its own nationals and such diplomatic protection must not be exercised as intervention in the internal affairs of other states.
B. 1t)s the link of nationality between the state and the individuals which alone confers upon the state the right of diplomatic protection.
C. A state is not to provide diplomatic protection for the individual with dual nationality.
D. where there existed a genuine link between the claimant state and its national could the right of diplomatic protection arises.
[多选题]which statements about territorial jurisdiction as following are correct?
A. state officials cannot carry out their functions unless such action on foreign territory is consented by the host state.
B. The municipal courts of a state are capable of trying cases in which foreign factors are involved.
C. on certain occasions states may exercise jurisdiction outside their territory.
D. Certain persons, property and situations are immune from the territorial jurisdiction.
Which statements about regional organizations are correct?
A. They are established by geographically and ideologically related states.
B. They are established by the General Assembly or the security Council.
C. They differ from universal organization in terms of scale, power and capacity.
D. They differ from universal organization in terms of function and legal personality.
[多选题]which statements about internationally wrongful act of a state are correct?
A. Every internationally wrongful act of a state entails the international responsibility of that state.
B. A wrongful act is a conduct consisting of an action or omission which is attributable to the state under international law.
C. A wrongful act is a conduct consisting of a breach of international law obligation of the state.
D. only the wrongful acts of an international person against another are under the supervision and within the jurisdiction of international law.
[单选题] Which general statement concerning radar is FALSE ________.
A.Raising the antenna height increases the radar range
B.The ability of radar to detect objects is unaffected by weather conditions
C.Radar bearings are less accurate than radar ranges
D.Radar should be checked regularly during clear weather to ensure that it is operating properly
[单选题] Which statement concerning current is TRUE ________.
A.Current can be determined by measuring the direction and distance between simultaneous EP and DR positions
B.The drift of the current should be averaged out on a one hour basis
C.After the current is determined,it should not be used for further plotting because it is an unknown variable
D.The distance between a simultaneous DR position and fix is equal to the drift of the current
[多选题]which statements about the protective principle of criminal jurisdiction are correct?
A. A state can exercise jurisdiction over offenses committed by non.national outside its territory, which are considered injurious to its security and national interests.
B. The protective principle can easily be abused since states are able to use it as an effective tool to subvert the governments of other states.
C. Nowadays, the protective principle is often applied in cases regarding currency, immigration and economic offenses.
D. A state may claim jurisdiction over an offense that is committed abroad and have affected or will affect its nationals.
[多选题]which statements about the Liability Convention are correct?
A. The Convention provides for the peaceful exploration and use of the moon and other celestial bodies.
B. The Convention sets out the legal framework for the provision of emergency assistance to astronauts.
C. The Convention deals with the responsibility for the damage caused by space objects of a contracting state to the treaty to other parties.
D. The Convention provides that the payment of compensation for the damage is required in accordance with international law.
[多选题]which statements are correct according to the Chicago Convention on 1nternational Civil Aviation?
A. The Convention does not apply to state aircraft.
B. Those aircraft which operate on schedule international air services are to be distinguished from other civilian aircraft.
C. 1nternational air service may not be operated over or into the territory of a state without the state)s special authorization.
D. Aircraft not engaged in scheduled international air services have the right to make flights into or in transit non.stop across the contracting state)s territory without prior permission.
[多选题]which statements about nationality are correct?
A. ouestions of nationality are within the jurisdiction of the state.
B. 1t is for each state to determine under its own law who are its nationals.
C. The grant of nationality is based upon the link between the person and the state granting nationality.
D. state shall grant nationality under international law.
[多选题]which statements about the international seabed are correct?
A. The international seabed refers to the area of the seabed beyond the continental shelf.
B. The international shipper and its resources are the common heritage of mankind.
C. The international seabed and its resources are not subject to appropriation of any single state.
D. There is an international regime governing the exploration and exploitation in the international seabed.
[多选题]which statements about recognition of government as following are correct?
A. The recognition of governments will arise when the government in a state changes unconditionally or by violent means.
B. The recognition of government is different from the recognition of a new state.
C. Recognition of governments will occur as an acceptance of realities of the transfer of power and the effective control over the country.
D. Recognition of government will lead to creation of a new personality in international law.


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