A.苯醌、萘醌 | B.苯醌、萘醌中醌环上有未被取代的结构 |
C.蒽醌 | D.有α-羟基蒽醌或邻羟基蒽醌 |
E.醌类化合物 |
It is one of the world’s most
recognized phrased, one you might even hear in places where little English is
spoken: "The name’s Bond, James Bond". I’ve heard it from a taxi driver in Ghana
and a street sweeper in Paris, and I remember the thrill of hearing Sean Connery
say it in the first Bond film I saw, Gold Finger. I was a Chicago
schoolgirl when it was released in 1904. The image of a candy-coloured London
filled with witty people stately old buildings and a gorgeous, ice-cool hero
instilled in me a deep-rooted belief that Britain was OK. When Fan Fleming created the man with the license to kill, based on his own experiences while working for the British secret service in World War II, he couldn’t have imagined that his fictional Englishman would not only shake, but stir the entire world. Even world-weary actors are thrilled A. When Fan Fleming created James Bond, he believed that his fictional Englishman would shake the entire world. B. In the Bond films, England is always portrayed as stylish, elegant and classy. C. Fan Fleming began to write his spy stories before World War II. D. James Bond seldom epitomized Britshness. [单选题]下列说法错误的是 ( )。
A. 维护国家主权和领土完整,是国家的核心利益。 B. 在反对分裂、维护国家统一这个重大原则问题上,中国人民从未有丝毫犹豫和退让。 C. 无论是团结统一还是分裂,中国都很强盛 D. 骨肉分离和纷争,是让亲者痛、仇者快的事情 [单项选择]内感性不适是感觉障碍的一种。它是指躯体内部产生的各种不适感和难以忍受的异样感觉,如牵拉、挤压、游走、蚁爬感等。与内脏性幻觉不同,患者不能明确指出具体不适的部位,多见于精神症、精神分裂症、抑郁状态和脑外伤后精神障碍。
A. 一位刚做完手术还未从麻醉中彻底苏醒的患者,把塑料管看成了一条蛇,于是拼命躲避,并试图拔掉 B. 某精神分裂症患者感觉到自己的胃先是被大火灼伤,又被很多针穿了孔 C. 某抑郁症患者感觉眼花,声音变得十分低而且遥远,周围环境的颜色变得模糊不清 D. 某精神症患者感觉到身体内部仿佛有气在四处游窜,但却不能指出具体是哪里感觉不舒服 [单项选择]下列哪项不是酸枣仁对心血管系统和血液系统的作用
A. 抗心律失常 B. 抗心肌缺血 C. 降血压 D. 降血脂 E. 促进凝血 [判断题]†年7月底已将国家税务总局和财政部之间信息传输优化提速至“T+1”。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]5C装置<--NRC-->小时不间断监测通过该位置的受电弓滑板状态,对异常状态实时报警。
[单选题]以下哪项检查为发现心肌缺血、诊断心绞痛最常用简便的方法( )
A. 心电图 B. 心尖搏动图 C. 心脏B超 D. 冠状动脉造影 E. 201Ti心肌显像 [单选题]以下属于心理方法的是( )。
A.公务谈判 B.暗示 C.信任 D.关怀 [多选题]根据开发的过程,旅游景区规划可分为( )。
A.总体规划 B.开发规划 C.整合规划 D.控制性详细规划 E.专项规划 [单选题]以下作业中必须办理作业许可票证的是( )。
A.临时用电 B.日常检维修 C.设备保养 [多选题]“三超”是指( )( )( )
A.超能力# B.超强度# C.超定员# D.超定额 [单项选择]Before high school teacher Kimberly Rugh got down to business at the start of a recent school week, she joked with her students about how she’d had to clean cake out of the corners of her house after her 2-year-old son’s birthday party. This friendly combination of chitchat took place not in front of a blackboard but in an E-mail message that Rugh sent to the 145 students she’s teaching at the Florida Virtual School, one of the nation’s leading online high schools. The school’s motto is "any time, any place, any path, any pace".
Florida’s E-school attracts many students who need flexible scheduling, from young tennis stars and young musicians to brothers Tobias and Tyler Heeb, who take turns working on the computer while helping out with their family’s clam-farming business on Pine Island, off Florida’s southwest coast. Home-schoolers also are well represented. Most students live in Florida, but 55 hail from West Virginia, where a severe teacher shortage makes it hard for many stu A. with her friends B. with her colleagues C. in the classroom D. in an E-mail message sent to her students [多选题]下列属于班组安全活动的内容是( ).
A.对外来施工人员进行安全教育 B.学习安全文件、安全通报 C.安全讲座、分析典型事故吸取事故教训 D.开展安全技术座谈、消防、气防实地救护训练 [判断题]党的下级组织执行上级组织的决定可以根据实际情况选择执行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高速公路经营管理单位负责在高速公路收费站入口附近建设或租赁符合要求的卸载场地,并建设或改造增设()。
A.劝返车道 B.拒超车道 C.拒入车道 D.卸载车道 [单选题]非标铁路箱由( )公布运输条件后,方可上路运输。
A.总公司运输局 B.铁路局 C.站段 D.办理站 [单选题]Ⅰ型消防安全吊带由腰部织带、腿带、腰带带扣、织带拉环等零部件构成,为( )。
A.胸式安全吊带 B.坐式安全吊带 C.全身式安全吊带 D.半身式安全吊带 [单项选择]以下哪项不是内部融资的资金来源( )。
A. 净资本 B. 留存收益 C. 增发股票 D. 增发债券 [单选题]甲市某贸易公司想在当地体育馆办一场外贸展销会,其向甲市公安局提出了安全许可
申请。根据相关法律规定,下列说法正确的是: A. 甲市公安局发现申请材料存在错误的应当告知该贸易公司当场更正 B. 甲市公安局发现申请材料不齐全,应当当场或者在五日内告知该贸易公司需要补正的全 部内容 C.甲公安局需要对展销会现场安全条件进行查验,应当指派一名民警进行核查 D.经现场查验后发现现场条件不能保障参会人员安全,甲市公安局决定不予安全许可申请 的,可以口头告知其理由 [单项选择]过西梁女国,在一座山上,悟空打死了两个强盗,唐僧要埋土,是谁挖的坑?()
A. 悟空用毫毛变的小猴挖的 B. 八戒用嘴拱的 C. 沙僧用禅杖挖的 [单项选择]从压缩机中排出口排出的汽体首先进入()。
A. 蒸发器 B. 节流阀 C. 冷室 D. 冷凝器 [判断题]银行对二年未发生收付活动且未欠开户银行债务的单位银行结算账户,应通知单位自发出通知之日起30日内办理销户手续,逾期视同自愿销户,未划转款项列入久悬未取专户管理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]大促销海报张贴的位置不包括( )
A.店外玻璃门 B.泵岛 C.前庭 D.加油机上方 [判断题]直销是指基金管理公司将基金直接销售给公众,而不经过银行等中介机构进行的销售。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题][单选题]TDCS、CTC系统应实时显示:轨道电路占用与空闲、区间占用与空闲、信号开放与关闭、道岔位置的状态,系统信息变化的响应时间不应大于()s。
A. 4 B. 3 C. 6 D. 5 我来回答: 提交