Every ten years there is a national
census to count the number of people. The Census Office asks every household to
answer questions on a census form. The census counts people by the kind of
housing they live in, the country in which they were born, and the kind of job
they do and how they travel to work. Census results are used by a great many
people and are available to everyone in many ways. For example, in order to work
out present and future needs we must know how people are housed now, and the
sizes and ages of their families. For hospitals, schools and other local
services, the size of annual grants made by the Government to these services
depends largely on the numbers and needs of people in the area. Many of the figures come from the census. In order to work out future spending for pensions, we need to know peopl A. is stored in the computer for 100 years B. is not usually accurate C. will not be seen by anyone outside D. can be made public 100 years later [单项选择]
The measure of man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out. [单选题]叉车的轴距超小其纵向稳定性( )。
A.越好 B.越差 C.不受影响 [单选题]患者,男性,52岁,农民。因“鼻咽低分化鳞癌伴颈部淋巴结转移2月余”入院。调强放疗,每周照射5次,每次2Gy,总剂量70Gy/35次/7周,同步TP(紫杉醇、顺铂)方案化疗,每周行尼妥珠单抗(泰欣生)治疗,已放疗23次。颈部照射野皮肤轻度色素沉着、瘙痒,局部干性脱皮;口腔片状黏膜炎,咽部充血,张口困难,疼痛评分6分。患者痛苦面容,不愿说话。复查血常规,白细胞1.58×109/L,鼻咽部分泌物较多,行鼻咽冲洗时有滴状出血。鼻咽癌放疗最常见的不良反应是:()
A.张口困难 B.转颈困难 C.口干 D.耳聋 [单项选择]扩展莫尼绦虫()
A. 经口感染 B. 经皮肤感染 C. 经蜘蛛昆虫传播 D. 接触感染 E. 自身感染下列寄生虫的感染途径是> [单选题]火灾的发展过程分为初起,发展和猛烈,下降和熄灭五个阶段,其中 在哪一阶段灭火效果最好,损失最少
A.初起阶段 B.发展阶段 C.熄灭阶段 D.下降阶段 [单选题]女,57岁,长年咳嗽咳痰,咳重喘轻。查体:胸廓呈桶状,胸廓扩张度减弱,语音共振减弱,双肺叩诊过清音,肺下界下移且移动度变小,双肺可闻及湿啰音及哮鸣音。诊断首先考虑为
A.支气管哮喘 B.慢性支气管炎并阻塞性肺气肿 C.肺不张 D.支气管扩张 E.支气管肺炎 [单选题](2019年)根据《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》,工程变更引起施工方案改变并使措施项目发生变 化时,承包人提出调整措施项目费的,首先应采取的做法是( )。
A.提出措施项目变化后增加费用的估算 B.在该措施项目施工结束后提交增加费用的证据 C.加快施工尽快完成措施项目 D.将拟实施的方案提交发包人确认并说明变化情况 [多选题]下列影响电力系统电压稳定的因素有(____)。
A.发电机 B.无功补偿设备的出力 C.线路的充电功率 D.负荷的变化 [判断题]各单位应定期组织火灾应急处置实战演练,消防重点单位和旅客列车每年不少于1次。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]消防水带是用来输送灭火药剂的供水管路。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001—2015)第7.1.1条规定:变电站10kV母线电压互感器需进行周期性校验时,现场开始工作之前应有( )等安全措施。
A.停电 B.验电 C.接地 D.悬挂标示牌和装设遮栏(围栏) [不定项选择题]Offering expert advice
B. Conducting research
C. Managing property
D. Building private homes
Questions80-84 refer to the following advertisement.
We all know that lack of sleep affects our memory, along with other cognitive abilities. Sittingin the office, sleep deprived, it’s difficult to remember your own name, let along theever-lengthening to-do list.
But now new research shows that not getting enough sleep increases the chances your mind will actually create false memories. The study, published in Psychological Science, allowed one group of participants to get a full night’s sleep, while another had to stay up all night. In the morning they were given a series of photos that were supposed to show a crime being committed. Next, both groups were given some eyewitness statements about the crime. Like many witness statements in real-life crimes, the details were different to those shown in the photographs. For example, in
one instance the photo showed a thief putting a wallet in his jacket, but in the witness statement it said he put it in his pants (that’s ‘trousers’ for British people, not his underwear!). Afterwards, they were asked what they had seen in the original photographs. The results showed that those who’d missed out on their sleep were the most likely to regurgitate the false eyewitness statements they’d just read, rather than remembering the ‘true’ crime-scene photos they’d been
shown moments beforehand.
The lack of sleep had messed with their heads to the extent that all the evidence — right and wrong — had got mixed up.
One of the study’s authors, Kimberly Fenn, said:” People who repeatedly get low amounts of sleep every night could be more prone in the long run to develop these forms of memory distortion. It’s not just a full night of sleep deprivation that puts them at risk.” Indeed, a preliminary study they carried out found that getting just five hours sleep was enough to cause people to start manufacturing false memories.
Which does the underlined word “regurgitate” (paragraph 3) mean?
A.Repeat B.Feed C.Pour back D.Remix [判断题]一张工作票中,工作票签发人、工作许可人和工作负责人三者不得为同一人。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]俗话说:“日有所思,夜有所梦。”有人在梦中发表演讲,计算数学问题,甚至解决了科学难题。对此正确的认识是()
A. 梦既是一种意识活动,也是一种物质活动 B. 在现实世界之外还存在着一个独立的精神世界 C. 梦也是客观事物在人脑中的反映 D. 意识有时可以脱离物质而单独存在 [填空题]腕臂按其制造材料可分为钢管腕臂和()腕臂。
[单选题]被调查人既涉嫌严重职务违法或者职务犯罪,又涉嫌其他违法犯罪的,一般应当由( )为主调查,其他机关予以协助。( )
A.人民法院 B.人民检察院 C.监察机关 D.公安机关 [多选题]帮锚杆主要有三种:()
A.竹木锚杆 B.金属锚杆 C.水泥锚杆 D.化学锚杆 [简答题]特种劳动防护用品指_________。
[多选题]黄泥岩顶板岩层的的特点是( )。
A.松软破碎 B.遇水泥化 C.锚杆(索)可锚性差 D.顶板控制困难 [单选题]1251. 依据《燃气工程项目规范》GB55009规定,输配管道及附属设施的保护范围应根据输配系统的压力分级和周边环境条件确定。高压及高压以上输配管道及附属设施的最小保护范围,应为外缘周边( )范围内的区域。
A. 0.5m B. 1.5m C. 2.5m D. 5m [单选题] 衔接是指胎头(0分)
A.双顶径进入骨盆入口平面 B.顶骨已出骨盆出口平面 C.双顶径达中骨盆平面 D.顶骨进入骨盆入口平面 E.进入中骨盆 [判断题]茶艺人员对所销售的商品,需掌握其要领:要做到会使用、会调试、会组装等。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交