A great many creatures have what are called warning colours, that is to say, the colouration warns every creature that the animal in question is dangerous. The skunk(臭鼬) is one of the best (1) of this, with his brilliant black and white fur. He walks (2) even in broad daylight and shows no (3) when he sees you. He heavily (4) his feet and puts his (5) up in the air, daring you not to come (6) closer. And if you don’t take (7) of the warning he will spray you with his evil-smelling (8) , and noanimal that has been (9) by a skunk will let it happen (10) In the Reptile House at a zoo you will probably find a case (11) of small tree frogs. Now, a great (12) of creatures like to eat frogs, and so some frogs as a (13) can ooze out a substance on their skin (14) makes them taste horrible. These frogs are generally banded (15) bright warning colours, like orange, red, yellow and bright green. This, of course, makes them (16) like brightly-coloured sweets, and rather good to (17) bu
A. ahead
B. about
C. alone
D. aside
Sometimes, kids have extra challenges
making friends, even if you’re doing everything fight as a parent. All children are capable of having friends, although high self-esteem really helps them succeed, says Kathy Noll. Noll is the author of Taking the Buggy bi/the Horn. s, which offers help to both bullies and their victims. How can you tell whether your child may be having trouble making friends Noll lists several warning signs to watch for: depression, reluctance to go to school, difficulty concentrating, poor grades, doesn’t bring other kids home to play, seems to get along better with adults, ① To help your child make friends, you need to show that you care and can be trusted. Focus on the positive, Noll says. Instead of pointing out what is causing your child’s failure, talk about what he can do A. analyzing the psychology of children having difficulties to make friends B. explaining why some children can’t make friends successfully C. introducing how to instruct children to make friends D. illustrating the role of parents to help children make friends [单项选择]暖平流是:()
A. 从冷区流向暖区 B. 从暖区流向冷区 C. 从高压流向低压 D. 从低压流向高压 [简答题]简述图书馆古籍整理工作的意义。
[单选题]根据事故情景,对事故现场进行观察、分析或测定,确定事故严重程度、影响范围和变化趋势等。这在应急演练中属于( )。
A.观测 B.事故监测 C.测试 [单项选择]公司重点工程主要针对列入当年年度投资计划的()输变电工程和重要的电源工程。
A. 110kV及以上 B. 220kV及以上 C. 500kV及以上 D. 重要的 [判断题]( )54、公安机关在工作中形成的属于归档范围的全部档案,任何部门和个人不得据为己有或者拒绝归档。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]中央八项规定包括( )。
A.改进调查研究 B.精简会议活动 C.精简文件简报 D. 改进新闻报道 [单项选择]根据消费税的现行规定,下列车辆属于应税小汽车征税范围的是( )。
A. 电动汽车 B. 用厢式货车改装的商务车 C. 用中轻型商务车底盘改装的中轻型商务车 D. 车身12米并且有25座的大客车 [多项选择]社会评价指标体系中,一级指标包括()。
A. 对社会的影响 B. 对项目的互适性 C. 对收入分配的影响 D. 当地的技术支持条件 E. 项目的社会风险 [单选题]正步行进中,着作训服时,手腕下沿摆到高于外腰带扣中央约()厘米处。
A.15 B.30 C.45 D.60 [单项选择]男,42岁,患糖尿病10余年,尿蛋白阴性,近1个月感下腹部胀,排尿不畅伴尿失禁。B超声显示:膀胱扩大,尿潴留。其原因应考虑()
A. 糖尿病自主(植物)神经病变 B. 糖尿病合并泌尿系感染 C. 糖尿病合并慢性前列腺炎 D. 糖尿病肾病 E. 糖尿病合并泌尿系结石 [单选题]橡胶油封式轴箱检修时,橡胶油封分解后应( )。
A.检测 B.试验 C.报废 D.加修 [单项选择]氨基糖苷类抗生素消除的主要途径是()
A. 以原型经肾小球滤过排出 B. 以原型经肾小管分泌排出 C. 经肝药酶氧化 D. 与葡萄糖醛酸结合后排出 E. 被单胺氧化酶代谢 [单选题]由于没有造成伤亡事故,所以可以认为没有违规。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 口头挂失包括以下三种情况()。1分
A.通过电话、电报、信函形式向网点办理的挂失 B.储户在网点由于当时不能提供本人身份证明原件办理的挂失 C.通过电子渠道(包括网上银行、自助终端、电话银行等)形式向银行自助申请的挂失。 D.对密码进行的挂失 [判断题] 由相互作用物体间的相对位置决定的能叫位能。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]为什么报纸广告在我国报纸出现一千多年才出现?
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