Three friends decided to sail around
the world in a small yacht(游艇). They loaded it with food and water and set off.
They traveled to many beautiful places, and were having a wonderful
time. Until one day, when they had been at sea for about a month, a fierce storm blew up. Great waves crashed(坠毁)down on their little yacht. The mast(船桅) broke and the yacht was soon thrown against some rocks near a deserted island. The three men were able to struggle to the island, taking with them as much food as they could carry. Not a tree, not a bush, not a flower grew on the island. There was not an animal of any kind, not even a bird or an insect. For a few weeks the three men were able to live on the food they had saved, but at last it was gone--except for one piece of bread. They decided that whoever had the best dream the next night could h A. being alone B. being hungry C. a wonderful meal D. a nice talk [单选题]无缝道岔设( )位移观测桩。
A.1对 B.2对 C.3对 D.4对 E.略 [判断题]危险货物《代理人资格确认件》由铁路局核发。
[多选题]36. 以下描述中, 经中国农业银行同意可以采取借款人自主支付方式的包括( )。
A.借款人无法事先确定具体交易对象且金额不超过 30 万元人民币的 B.借款人无法事先确定具体交易对象且金额不超过 50 万元人民币的 C.借款人交易对象不具备条件有效使用非现金结算方式的 D.贷款资金用于生产经营且金额不超过 50 万元人民币的 [多项选择]国际仪表和控制系统明显趋势是向()方向发展。
A. 数字化 B. 智能化 C. 小型化 D. 网络化 [单选题]清香高长,汤色清澈,滋味鲜浓.醇厚.甘甜,叶底嫩黄肥壮成朵是 ( )的品质特点。
A.六安瓜片 B.君山银针 C.黄山毛峰 D.滇红工夫红茶 [单项选择]有顶板的预制安装水池,浇筑板缝混凝土,应在当日()进行。
A. 平均气温下 B. 最低气温时 C. 气温最高时 D. 任何时候 [多选题] 康复治疗有以下哪些方面( )
A.物理治疗; B.作业治疗; C.言语治疗; D.心理辅导及治疗; E.康复护理; [单选题]在国外贷款项目的审批中,省级发展改革部门将备选项目规划通知项目单位和省级财政部门,列入备选项目规划的项目自规划下达之日起有效期为( )年。
A.0.5 B.1 C.2 D.5 [单项选择]医院拍X线片示:左腓骨下端骨折,手术内固定,术后制动,且患者贫血严重,为防止肌肉萎缩,可行()
A. 磁热振疗法 B. NMES C. 冰敷 D. FES E. 蜡疗 [单项选择]阴虚津亏者,忌用()
A. 开窍药 B. 苦寒药 C. 熄风药 D. 涩肠药 E. 淡渗利湿药 [单选题]绝缘手套法带电更换拉线,施工人员配合人员站在( )上,试用紧线器收紧拉线,并进行新拉线UT型线夹的制作。
A.防潮垫 B.塑料垫 C.地面 D.绝缘垫 [单选题]( )首次提出“科学质量管理”
A.泰勒 B.休哈特 C.朱兰 D.费根鲍姆 [单项选择]
肾小管不同节段重吸收Na+的最大部位是() A. 近端小管 B. 髓袢升支细段 C. 髓袢升支粗段 D. 远端小管 E. 髓袢降支细段 我来回答: 提交