Americans don’t like to lose wars. Of
course, a lot depends on how you define just what a war is. There are shooting
wars—the kind that test patriotism and courage—and those are the kind at which
the U.S. excels. But other struggles test those qualities too. What else was the
Great Depression or the space race or the construction of the railroads If
Americans indulge in a bit of flag-waving when the job is done, they earned
it. Now there is a similar challenge: global warming. The steady deterioration (恶化) of the very climate of this very planet is becoming a war of the first order, and by any measure, the U.S. is losing. Indeed, if America is fighting at all, it’s fighting on the wrong side. The U.S. produces nearly a quarter of the world’s greenhouse gases each year and has stubbornly made it clear that it doesn’t intend to do a whole lot about it. Alt A. friction B. contradiction C. conflict D. problem [单选题]()是刀与制品处于垂直状态,在向下压的同时前后推拉,反复数次后切断的切法。
A.直刀切 B.垂刀切 C.推拉切 D.斜刀切 [单项选择]评定餐包的表皮性质是()
A. 薄而软 B. 厚而硬 C. 有斑纹 D. 可吃就吃 [单项选择]在用保险丝给零部件或者紧固件保险时,最后结束时要求如何处理()
A. 留一个尾巴 B. 编的花应该比较密 C. 留一个适当的尾巴并向内/下弯曲 [判断题]根据《国家电网有限公司电力建设安全工作规程第2部分:线路》(国家电网企管〔2020〕796号),组装断面宽大的塔片,在竖立的构件未连接牢固前应采取临时固定措施。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 凡距坠落高度基准面( )及其以上,有可能坠落的高处进行的作业,称为高处作业。( )
A.1m B.1.5m C.3m D.4m [单项选择]根据《城市规划法》的规定,( )是城乡规划主管部门依法核发的有关以划拨方式提供国有土地使用权的建设项目选址和布局的法律凭证。
A. 建设用地规划许可证 B. 选址意见书 C. 建设工程规划许可证 D. 城市规划资质证书 [填空题]表皮中有防御保护作用的结构是()、()和()。
A.计入营业外收入 B.冲减相关费用支出 C.计入其他收益 D.计入其他业务收入 [单选题][T]A-B-A-001 5 2 4
在昼间遇降雾、暴风雨雪及其他情况,致使停车信号显示距离不足( ),应使用夜间信号。 A.200m B.400m C.800m D.1000m [判断题]内部资金转移定价中的存款准备金调整项适用于需要上缴存款准备金的存款业务。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]消费者具有以下( )权利。
A.人身、财产安全不受损害的权利 B.自主选择商品或服务的权利 C.公平交易的权利 D.接受监督的权利 E.人格尊严得到尊重 [判断题]两台及两台以上起重机同吊一件物体时, 应由专人统一指挥,指挥人应站在两台起重机的驾驶人员均能看清的地方。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]丸剂分()四种类型。
[多选题]单位大额存单的转让起始日不能是( )、转让时效日不能是( )。 厦国银发〔2021〕165号:关于颁发《厦门国际银行境内机构大额存单管理办法补充规定》的通知
A.大额存单起息日 B.大额存单到期日 C.大额存单转让日 [多项选择]某房地产公司修建了一栋写字楼,希望通过出租或出售的经营方式来获得利益,除了部分房间用于出租外,其余的在某日售给了甲、丙三个单位,售价分别为1600万元、300万元和600万元,其中,甲单位在当月支付第一笔购楼款800万元,乙单位在当月全部付清购楼款,丙单位仅签订购房合同而未付款项。
我国房地产经营的方式主要有( )。 A. 出售 B. 出租 C. 信托代管 D. 服务咨询 [判断题]【技能鉴定2019 初级工】4.在杆塔高空作业时,应使用有后备绳的双保险安全带,安全带和保险绳应挂在杆塔不同部位的牢固构件上,并不得低挂高用( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]输血前准备工作,下列哪项是错误的()
A. 检查库血质量,血浆呈红色,不能使用 B. 血液从血库取出后,在温室内放置 15分钟后再使用 C. 先给病人静脉滴注 0.9%氯化钠溶液 D. 两人核对供、受血者姓名、血型和交叉配血试验结果 E. 血液取出后立即给病人输入 [多项选择]导游人员在导游活动中有下列情形之一的,扣除2分( )。
A. 私自带人随团游览的 B. 擅自中止导游活动的 C. 未携带正规接待计划 D. 无故不随团活动的 E. 仪表、着装不整洁的 [单项选择]An important factor of leadership is attraction. This does not mean attractiveness if the ordinary sense, for that is a born quality (67) our control. The leader has, nevertheless, to be a magnet; a central figure towards whom people are (68) . Magnetism in that sense depends, first of all, (69) being seen. There is a type of authority which can be (70) from behind dosed doors, but that is not leadership. (71) there is movement and action, the true leader is in the forefront and may seem, indeed, to be everywhere at once. He has to become a legend; the (72) for anecdotes (轶事), whether true or (73) ; a character. One of the simplest devices is to be absent (74) the occasion when the leader might be (75) to be there, enough in itself to start a rumor about the vital business (76) has detained (留住) him. To (77) up for this, he can appear when least expected, giving rise
A. possessing B. urging C. decreasing D. inspiring [单项选择]中国报道史上对通讯文体的发展作出过开拓性贡献的著名记者是( )
A. 王韬 B. 邵飘萍 C. 梁启超 D. 黄远生 我来回答: 提交