Whenever two or more unusual traits or
situations are found in the same place, it is tempting to look for more than a
coincidental relationship between them. The high Himalayas and the Tibetan
plateau certainly have extraordinary physical characteristics and the cultures
that are found there are also unusual, though not unique. However there is no
intention of adopting Montesquieu’s view of climate and soil as cultural
determents. The ecology of a region merely poses some of the problems faced by
the inhabitants of the region, and while the problems facing a culture are
important to its development, they do not determine it. The appearance of the Himalayas during the late Tertiary Period and the accompanying further raising of the previously established rages had a marked effect on the climate of the region. Primarily, of cou A. are the only life forms in Tibet, a large piece of land B. are originally found in continental climates C. are found in land mass that used to be a separate continent D. have been found in other parts of the Asian continent [单选题]英雄:豪杰
A.奶茶:牛奶 B.小灵通:座机 C.碧螺春:春茶 D.移动电话;手机 [多选题]组织指挥程序包括进行( )。
A. 迅速调集作战力量 B. 启动指挥决策系统 C. 侦察掌握现场情况 D. 制定作战方案 E. 部署作战任务 F. 指挥战斗行动 G. 落实战勤保障 [判断题]《客运系统防止触碰红线具体措施》中规定:作业机具,加强站台现场安全卡控。人力车辆在站台上移动时,一辆手推车至少有两人操作,禁止1人同时操作2辆及以上人力车辆。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]CPC卡在ETC/MTC混合入口车道发放,ETC/MTC混合出口车道回收,发放时严格遵循( )原则及收费业务要求。
A.一车一卡 B.一车多卡 C.多车一卡 [单项选择]犬食管切开术的第一层缝合可用()。
A. 结节缝合 B. 内翻缝合 C. 连续全层缝合 D. 压挤缝合 E. 十字缝合 [多选题]( )中共十八大报告中指出新形势下党面临的“四大考验”是执政考验、()考验、市场经济考验、()考验;“四大危险”是()危险、能力不足危险、()危险、消极腐败危险。
A.改革开放 B.外部环境 C.精神懈怠 D.脱离群众 [多项选择]数据通信网络主要有( )。
A. 局域网 B. 互联网 C. 因特网 D. 城域网 E. 广域网 [判断题]旋转电机发生火灾时,禁止使用干粉灭火器和干沙灭火。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]对于断路器,需考虑系统短路电流产生的( )效应。
A. 动稳定 B. 热稳定 C. 电磁感应 我来回答: 提交